In the Twilight Grey

1. Grace of the Past

Don't look back
Break the spell
Can you hear the songs sung from the deep?

Long lost
But never gone
Do you have the faith for the final leap?

Pursue the light
With death in hand
Don't let its cold embrace fool the blind

The gate is closed
For those who see
And the reaper awaits eagerly

One by one
Thrown on the pyre
Bleed for the gods
As I return in pure hellfire

I shall return
Under Saturn by the open sea
When frost welcomes fire
I shall return, you'll see

The past must burn
When the winter starts to bleed
And when I return
You all will burn with me

The grace of the past
Will it soothe a dying soul?
Tomorrow's horizon's vast
But not for the unborn and the fool

Can't you see?
The past is not for you and me
Can't you see?
We're the devil's children and we must be free

Don't look back
Break the spell
Can you hear the songs sung from the deep?

Long lost
But never gone
Do you have the faith for the final leap?

Pursue the light
With death in hand
Don't let its cold embrace fool the blind
The gate is closed
For those who see
And the reaper awaits eagerly

One by one
Thrown on the pyre
Bleed for the gods
As I return in pure hellfire

I shall return
Under Saturn by the open sea
When frost welcomes fire
I shall return, you'll see

The past must burn
When the winter starts to bleed
And when I return
You all will burn with me

2. Clavis Inferni

Uricus – Crimson king
See the winged serpent roam the eastern wind
Paymon – Horned cat
Let the feline demon walk the west in black
Maymon – Dark bird
Rule the southern territories crowned as the third
Egyn – Northern eye
Caller of the dead from the depths in the north

Rule the land
Ride the wind and roam the sea
Under sinister command
Raise the dead
Let infernal flames and fury wild
Erupt and mercilessly spread

Clavis inferni
Spirit kings rise
Clavis inferni
From infernal depths - demonic fire
Clavis inferni
Called by the blade to west from east
Clavis inferni
South and north – come forth crowned beasts

Where evil dwells (Daemonium serpentis)
Sky or land
In heaven and hell (Daemonium felis)
Water and sand
The crowned will rule (Daemonium avis)
And the kings will be
Present to the one (Daemonium ursi)
That holds the key

Crimson king – Uricus
Eastern winds for the grand serpent red
Demonic black – Paymon
Long-tailed creature – crowned horned head
Dark wings – Maymon
Southern king under the burning sun
Black Tail – Egyn
Let the evil from the north be inferior to none

Rule the land
Ride the wind and roam the sea
Under sinister command
Raise the dead
Let infernal flames and fury wild
Erupt and mercilessly spread

Clavis inferni
Spirit kings rise
Clavis inferni
From infernal depths - demonic fire
Clavis inferni
Called by the blade to west from east
Clavis inferni
South and north – come forth crowned beasts

Clavis inferni
Clavis inferni
Clavis inferni
Clavis inferni

Hell (Hell)
Hell (Hell)
Hell (Hell)
Hell (Hell)
Hell (Hell)
Hell (Hell)
Hell (Hell)
Hell (Hell)

3. As Stars Collide

In triumph she rises, queen among stars
With arrogance lingers up high
As damnation nears, the glory becomes
A death ship as it sails across the sky

In agony blinded by darkness around
Her last shimmering shine
Fades as she’s robbed of her royal gown
And her beauty is no more divine

The Fallen
The bright
Below the stars collide
There’ll be no more shine
As darkness opens wide
No star upon the sky
The fallen bright disrobed of all light
And bereaved of immortal pride
All gates now locked by chains of the night
And darkness engulfs the bride

The sky above is rended by fear
As death has shadowed all hope
The star once bright
now dark
Caught with a treacherous rope

Abandon earth
Descend into the underworld
Phantoms and flies
For the corpse of a queen
On the other side

From dust, grime and dirt
Let rise again what is bound to be dead
The damned stripped of her pride
Return through the gates now open wide

Abandon earth
Descend into the underworld
Phantoms and flies
For the corpse of a queen
On the other side

From dust, grime and dirt
Let rise again what is bound to be dead
The damned stripped of her pride
Return once again
Burn once again
The gates are open wide

4. Stormcrow

Washed ashore by the tide
A lone wolf bold and wise
Through the haze of the fall
Hunger in his eyes
Wounded beast numb by fear
Let the hatred win
From the skies a promise bleak
Carried by the wind

In the deep, in the dark
Wisdom clear and pure
From the skies, from the fire
The wings he adores
Beast and bird now as one
Omniscient eye above
Strike with wrath, strike with fear
Strike with winged claws

Where did you go?
Swallowed like the one
What did you see?
Brighter than the sun

Through the wind dream of fire
On your wings reaching higher
Let your words fuel the fire
On your wings no one higher

And so they grow, so they rise
The hateful and the wise
Day by day, night by night
With fire in their eyes
And when the beasts’ wounds are healed
And the night is closing in
They set afire tumbleweed to light up what is dim

So, tell me where did you see the light?
Wind or water the storm is never calm
Did you find your peace when the truthful ones arrived
Or do you save it for tomorrow
When your new dawn will rise

5. Shadows of the Brightest Night

Fear not the dark
I do not
But dread the blinding light
Spheres ablaze
Flaming hot
Deceitful burning bright

Speak not of fire
I do not
But hail the howling wind
Let roam the night
Under moonlight pale
The forgotten beast within


Have you closed your eyes
And entered night
To hear the whispering dark
Have you seen the truth
Out of sight
Concealed by the lying spark

Have you trodden the path
Of a lucid dream
On bones above the ground
Where truthful words
Are spoken clear
Without the slightest sound


Let there be none
Endless might
Let it be done
In the shadows of the brightest night
Always shunned
Out of sight
We are one
In the shadows of the brightest night

This world is cold
Did I call your name?
Did I ask for your light?
We are nothing
But a pale spark of vanity in the dark
So dark
Did you really think you were allowed to enter?
Please Leave
Follow these words then forget them

Oh Death

Burnt by the fire
I am not
But embraced by the fallen might
Ancient storms do caress me
Blistering force at night

Cast into oblivion
I am not
Relentless at dawn I thrive
Soon to whisper the cold arise
A faithful darkened hymn


6. Mirrors of a Thousand Lakes

The ruins you stand upon
Used to be my realm
The ashes in the air
Once brethren at helm
The great and the proud
The strong and the loud
Now silenced, dead and still

Desolate plains
Wasteland vast

Now dark
Now cold

The dust you wash away
A castle made to sand
A sanctum now betrayed
As winter is at hand
Although I can't hear your voice
A hymn I can recall
That was sung in another time
Long before the fall

Desolate plains
Wasteland vast

Now dark
Now cold

I can see the devil
I can see the beast
His breath, his wrath and scornful fiery eyes
I can see the devil
I can see the beast
If I look into the mirrors of a thousand lakes
All I will see is that the devil is me

Hate, hate
Feed the burning hatred
Hate, hate
As wildfire I will reign
Burn, burn
As long there is hatred
Burn, burn
Let the fire rain

Of vanity turned to stone
A statue by the shore
But self-hate keeps my heart
Pounding in this war
Anguish eats my soul
As volatile faith has flown
Now wouldn't it be better
To watch the sea as stone

7. Cast in Stone

His eyes
Circling above us
To watch as souls are collected

They gaze
Through the mist of the dawn
And call the fallen brave selected

One eye
And the two with four in the sky
Immortals that witness the war

The flame
And its last flickering light
Battle echoes over the moor

By the sound of the blade
We all die alone
And under the ravens' black wings
Our fates are cast in stone
Our names in stone
Our flesh in fire
Now bow to the throne
In halls up high

The night is still young
And the hunter must search for its prey
'Til the battle is won
And we will be on our way

Like leaves that cover the ground in rust
So red the blood that we spill
The glory of battle sung by the wind
Sound over field and hill

With life as an offering to relentless gods
We break mortality's chains
And the pale comfort of dawn
Greets the dead on these plains

Our names in stone
Our flesh in fire
Now bow to the throne
In halls up high

The night is still young
And the hunter must search for its prey
'Til the battle is won
And we will be on our way

Cast in stone
By the swing of the blade
We march to our glory through war
Forever in battle we slay
To rise the very next dawn

Cast in stone
By the swing of the blade
We march to our glory through war
Forever in battle we slay
To rise the very next dawn
Cast in stone

8. Nordanvind

Draped in howling winds
Endless cold
The silver coven sings
Endless old

Carry my dreams in your storm
But bury beneath my bones
Let the winter's bleak cold shroud
Keep me warm, under speaking stones

And the bells will ring
Let the northern sky sing
For my spirit in the wind

Hear – The endless forests call
Behold – The midnight fire
Speak – A furious thunder roars
Remain – cold, vast, proud

Let me follow the ancients' ride
Father and son side by side
Let the snow fall on these stones
And carry my soul home

Let them see what I cannot see
Tomorrow's eyes under northern lights
As my sight grows dim let me be
By light unbound
Through endless nights

Skies of trembling might
Darkness bright
Pale light restless night
Endless white

9. In the Twilight Grey

I saw my demise
I held the key to Hell in my hand
The dream was real for a short moment in time
The chill of that night never wore off
I almost crossed the gate when I heard the bells chime

Have you been where I am
Where a once vivid world has become silent
Have you answered the call from the other side
So peaceful yet violent
In the twilight grey

I don't grieve
I celebrate
When the days were bright, I was there
I don't grieve
But now it's late past twilight grey and I'm still here

Maybe this is not me
But a shadow of the past
An impostor trying to be
Painfully knowing this won't last

Maybe one cannot return
When the flames have begun to char the bones
Maybe I'm bound to burn
The flames might be gone but I still feel the glow

It's not my time just yet
But I would lie if I'd say I'm not eager
The dreams of death are still here
And my wish to wake is meager

Out-worn heart, in a time out-worn
Come clear of the nets of wrong and right
Laugh heart again in the gray twilight
Sigh, heart, again in the dew of the morn

And God stands winding His lonely horn
And time and the world are ever in flight
And love is less kind than the gray twilight
And hope is less dear than the dew of the morn

The call
From beyond
Is getting stronger
Been waiting far too long

The force
From below
Can't wait no longer
And so, my time is gone

10. Ascension (Episode Four)

Lyrics in plain text format

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