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Split-Demo 2005 (2005)
Split-Demo 2005 1. Crepusculum 1:07Agrypnie
2. Veritas Mutabilis 6:09
3. Pavor Nocturnus 6:45
4. Agrypnie 7:39
5. Diliculum 3:06
6. A Descent into the Maelstrom 1:11Fated
7. Golem 4:40
8. Delusive Silence 4:58
9. The Spirit Crafter 4:34
10. Autumn Mood 3:01
11. Isengard (Morgana Lefay cover) 5:14
total time48:24

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F51.4 (2006)
F51.4 1. Intro 3:28
2. Und führet mich nicht in Versuchung 6:04
3. Auf den nackten Korridoren 5:37
4. Cogito Ergo Sum 9:58
5. Kerkerseelenwanderung 7:10
6. Spiegel? 4:40
7. Masken 5:40
8. Glas 4:35
9. Outro 4:35
total time51:47

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Exit (2008)
Exit 1. Mauern 4:35
2. Die Last der Erinnerung 5:49
3. Zivilisation 5:57
4. 0545 4:34
5. Fenster zum Hof 11:40
6. Wohin 6:43
7. Während du schläfst 4:36
8. Schwarz 5:20
9. R40.2 4:58
10. In den Weiten 4:54
11. Exit 3:33
total time62:39

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16(485) (2010)
16(485) 1. Figur 109-3 2:10
2. Der tote Trakt 6:54
3. Kadavergehorsam 9:22
4. Verfall 7:45
5. Schlaf 8:27
6. Zorn 6:19
7. F15.2 9:50
8. Morgen 8:34
9. 16[485] / Brücke aus Glas 11:49
10. Figur 109-1 2:23
total time73:33

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Asche EP (2011)
Asche EP 1. Gnosis 9:02
2. Erwachen 9:25
3. 1.10#06+0.35 6:00
4. Augenblick 7:27
5. Kosmos [Omega] 7:08
6. Augenblick (demo) 8:29
total time47:31

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Aetas Cineris (2013)
Aetas Cineris 1. Trümmer / Aetas Cineris 8:34
2. Dezember 10:52
3. Zurück 8:20
4. Kosmos [Alpha] 8:10
5. Gnosis 9:04
6. Erwachen 9:28
7. Sinnflut 11:25
8. Asche 11:32
total time77:25

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Grenzgænger (2018)
Grenzgænger 1. Auferstehung 11:58
2. In die Tiefe 7:58
3. Aus Zeit erhebt sich Ewigkeit 7:02
4. Nychthemeron 13:04
5. Grenzgænger 7:33
6. Die Waisen des Daidalos 8:16
7. Die längste Nacht 6:49
8. Zu Grabe 7:38
total time70:18

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Pavor Nocturnus (2018)
Pavor Nocturnus 1. Veritas Mutabilis 6:21from Split-Demo 2005
2. Pavor Nocturnus 7:09
3. Agrypnie 8:10
4. Neon 7:05new track
5. Sinnflut 9:04Orchestral versions
6. Augenblick 7:13
7. 16[485] - Brücke aus Glas 8:57
8. Fenster zum Hof 11:04
9. Cogito Ergo Sum 7:41
total time72:44

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Grenzgænger / Pavor Nocturnus (2018)
Grenzgænger / Pavor Nocturnus 1. Grenzgænger cd 70:18
2. Pavor Nocturnus cd 72:44
total time2:23:02

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Metamorphosis (2021)
Metamorphosis 1. Wir Ertrunkenen - Prolog 2:47
2. Wir Ertrunkenen 6:33
3. Verwüstung 5:15
4. Am Ende der Welt - Teil 1 9:38
5. Skulptur aus Eis 11:08
6. Metamorphosis 5:19
7. 3327 3:33
8. Melatonin 6:36
9. Untergang 5:55
10. Am Ende der Welt - Teil 2 7:54
11. Wir Ertrunkenen - Epilog 3:24
total time68:02

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Erg (2024)
Erg 1. Aus rauchlosem Feuer
2. Meer ohne Wasser
3. Sturm
4. Blut
5. Entität
6. Stunde des Wolfes
7. Geister
8. Unter Sand

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Legacy #55
Legacy #55
Legacy #64
Legacy #64
Maximum Metal Vol. 131
Maximum Metal Vol. 131
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> From Germany
> Members are:
Torsten, der Unhold - bass, vocals, guitars, keyboards (since 2004) - also in Nocte Obducta, Theotoxin, and The Wreckage of Erebus, was in Area 51
Flo Musil - drums (since 2019) - also in The Negative Bias, Demersus ad Nihilum, In Slumber, Molokh, and Theotoxin, was in Seeds of Sorrow, Zombie Inc., Schirenc plays Pungent Stench, Distaste, and Raising the Veil
Chris - guitars (since 2019) - also in Asphagor, Azum, and Gore Gons Hola
Lykanthrop - guitars (since 2021) - also in Lykanthrop, was in Bethlehem, Mallevs Maleficarvm, Mor Dagor, and Gargantum
> Previous members:
Marc Zobel - guitars (2018-2021) - now in Agathodaimon and The Cold Room, was in Emorion, Jovian Spin, Un Tipo de Langostino, and Mörker
Moe - drums (2014-2019) - now in Graveworm, Mammon, Ambassador, and G.O.D, was in Scavenger of Souls
Eklatanz - guitars (2011-2018) - now in Heretoir, was in Wintersturm, Catalyst, and Fetus Christ
Martin - guitars (2009-2017) - now in High Rise Fall
Flange - keyboards (2012-2015) - was in Nocte Obducta, Sweet Infernal Noise, and New Extreme Obsession
Andreas Ballnus - guitars, bass (2007-2014) - now in Perzonal War and Philosophobia, was in Architects of Chaoz
René Schott - drums (2007-2014) - now in Ewiges Fristen, was in The Crap, Angelus Mortis, and Rising Hate
Nathanael - bass (2010-2014) - now in Bonjour Tristesse, Heretoir, was in Thränenkind
Patrick Baumann - bass, guitars (2008-2011) - now in Melkor, was in Nocte Obducta and-Kheled-zâram
Carsten Pinkle - bass (2007-2010) - was in Mysticism, Shivertrip, Affliction, Autumnblaze, Cheeno, and Indigo Black
Domenic Papaemmanouil - guitars (2007-2009) - now in Philosophobia and Wastefall, was in Deadman's Tale, Dark Vision, and God.Fear.None
Nikolaj Rüster - guitars (2007) - now in Cryptic Wintermoon, Schattenvald, Guard of Amendor, and Rites of Selaiah, was in Homicidal Violence, Lord Astaroth, Angelus Mortis, and Khraah
Benedikt Kuhn - guitars (2007) - was in Opalessence, Selaiah, Absolutist, Balduin, Benedict Coon, Persephone, Bloodflowerz, Jade Green, and Nosgoth
> Session musicians:
Phil Hertrich - drums (2011) - plays in Pesterous Mind and Senicide, was in Hellscape, They Peed on My Rug, Violation, Rising Hate, Path of Destiny, Urschrei, and Sawed Off and Loaded
Marrok - guitars, bass (2016-2019) - plays in Anomalie, was in Selbstentleibung, Tulsadoom, and Panzerhass
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Last update: 07/01/24