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Eine Momentaufnahme - Der Rest ist nur Einsamkeit (demo) (2008)
Eine Momentaufnahme - Der Rest ist nur Einsamkeit (demo) 1. Der Liebesbrief 0:30
2. Im schwarzen Kämmerlein 7:41
3. Eine Momentaufnahme 7:50
4. Ein Hauch von Zweisamkeit 3:39
5. Die Euphorie des Augenblicks 10:04
total time29:44

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Wiedersehen - unsere Hoffnung (2010)
Wiedersehen - unsere Hoffnung 1. Niemehr (Intro) 2:38Thränenkind
2. Posthuma 6:21Thränenkind
3. Wiedersehen...unsere Hoffnung 6:57Heretoir
4. Graue Bauten 6:19Heretoir
5. Nihil 3:24Heretoir
6. Abschied (Outro) 1:32Thränenkind
total time27:11

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The Elk (2013)
The Elk 1. Monument 3:42
2. Just Another Way of Expressing Defeat 7:28
3. The King Is Dead 3:12
4. My Transparent Heart 6:39
5. Today, The Sea (Anja's Song) 3:48
6. Deleting Those Three Words 5:45
7. Eternal Youth 3:52
8. Seven Dead Horses 5:27
9. Silence Is Everything 3:09
10. Forest Pt I (The Veil) 2:14
11. Forest Pt II (The Grove) 2:49
12. This Story of Permanence 4:15
13. The Elk 5:34
total time57:54

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Hope(less) (ep) (2014)
Hope(less) (ep) 1. An Hour And Ten Minutes (Failure) 5:56
2. April 4:25
total time10:21

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#3 in the EP top 10 from 2014!

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#3 in the EP top 10 from 2014!

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King Apathy (2016)
King Apathy 1. Desperation 3:46
2. King Apathy 4:32
3. Ghosts 5:44
4. Urban Giants 5:16
5. The Blood On Our Hands 5:04
6. Drifter 3:49
7. What We Believe In 3:35
8. Smokestacks And Concrete Walls 4:27
9. Vanishing Youth 5:15
10. Homeruiner 4:04
total time45:32

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Split with Ancst (as King Apathy) (2017)
Split with Ancst (as King Apathy) 1. Gehenna of Fire 7:17Ancst
2. King Apathy (Thränenkind cover) 3:00
3. Disguise 3:34King Apathy
4. Entropie (Ancst cover) 7:11
total time21:02

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Wounds (as King Apathy) (2019)
Wounds (as King Apathy) 1. Civilization Kills 2:40
2. The Scars of the Land 5:45
3. Cleansing 5:53
4. Great Depression 4:14
5. Revelation Time 6:18
6. He Missed the Stars 3:40
7. Reverence 6:03
8. Wounds 3:56
9. Earthmother Rising 7:05
total time45:34

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> From Germany
> Members are:
Nathanael - bass, guitars, vocals (since 2007) - now in Bonjour Tristesse and Heretoir, was in Agrypnie
Max F. - guitars (since 2011) - now in Heretoir
Nils Groth - vocals (since 2012) - now in Heretoir, was in Fäulnis, Ophis, Nibdem, Sakramortem, Aschefall, and The Cold
Flo - guitars (since 2013)
Hannes - drums (since 2016) - was in Downfall of Gaia
> Previous members:
Emanuel - drums (2016)
Pesten - drums (2007)
Martin Kesa - guitars (2011-2013) - was in Nocte Obducta
> Session musicians:
Dave - guitars (2012-2013) - plays in Heretoir, was in Agrypnie, Wintersturm, and Fetus Christ
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Last update: 09/05/23