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Mysterious Realms (demo) (1995)
Mysterious Realms (demo) 1. Challerian's Fall 5:07
2. Samhain 4:44
3. For the Death of the Sun 8:51
4. The Dark Is on the Rise 6:16
5. Beloved Bleak Winter Nights 4:28
total time29:26

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Through the Ages We Preserve... (demo) (1995)
Through the Ages We Preserve... (demo) 1. Stormlord 6:42
2. Another World 4:19
3. Through the Ages We Preserve 5:10
4. The Gates To a Red Moon 4:18
5. Dark Medieval Dream of War 2:28
6. Challerian's fall bonus
7. Samhain bonus
8. Mysterious Realms bonus
9. Stormlord bonus
total time22:57

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Split with Angizia (1996)
Split with Angizia 1. Challerian's fall 5:07Amestigon - Mysterious Realms
2. Samhain 5:41
3. Mysterious Realms 7:59
4. Stormlord 5:41
5. Die Blumen eines Baches 11:17Angizia - Heidebilder
6. Herbstlegende 7:16
7. Der Stechlin 8:55
total time51:43

Lyrics **********
10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Höllentanz (1998)
Höllentanz 1. Höllentanz 5:32
2. Rattenfänger 9:56
3. The gates to a red moon 3:47
4. Atmosfear 2:16
total time21:31

10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Remembering Ancient Origins (2000)
Remembering Ancient Origins 1. Intro 0:50
2. Monument of Might 6:02
3. Verzweiflung 6:02
4. Winternacht 5:23
5. Wolf in Your Heart 5:51
total time24:08

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Austrian Black Metal (2002)
Austrian Black Metal 1. The voice of the north wind 5:26Hellbound - Fatal Illumination
2. The legacy 6:30
3. Cruel memory 6:28
4. Path to sorrow 7:02
5. Escort to the grave 8:13Amestigon - Nebelung
6. A long paths end 9:02
7. Unleashed 6:17
total time48:58

10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Sun Of All Suns (2010)
Sun Of All Suns 1. Autophobia 3:05
2. Sun of All Suns 6:38
3. Daymares, Ketamine & Misanthropy 7:29
4. Satanic Flesh 7:46
5. That Which Is Falling... 8:45
6. Mary Go Round 9:42
total time43:25

HD cover
7.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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7.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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And the Dark were Unleashed (digital) (2013)
And the Dark were Unleashed (digital) 1. Moon Turning Red 4:39The First Battle Cry demo
2. Stormlord 6:48Through the Ages We Preserve demo
3. Another World 4:22
4. Through the Ages We Preserve 5:10
5. Gates to a Red Moon 4:23
6. Medieval Dream of War 2:29
7. Challerian's Fall 5:01Mysterious Realms demo
8. Samhain 4:43
9. For the Death of the Sun 8:58
10. The Dark Is on the Rise 6:19
11. Beloved Bleak Winter Nights 4:28
total time57:20

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Thier (2015)
Thier 1. Demiurg 12:40
2. 358 10:36
3. Thier 19:27
4. Hochpolung 13:53
total time56:36

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Split with Heretic Cult Redeemer (2019)
Split with Heretic Cult Redeemer 1. Qvri Okbish 718 13:10Amestigon
2. In the Depths of the Nine Chambers of Fire 12:14Heretic Cult Redeemer
total time25:24

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SamaeLilith: A Conjunction Of The Fireborn (digital)
SamaeLilith: A Conjunction Of The Fireborn (digital)
Zero Tolerance Audio 66
Zero Tolerance Audio 66
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> From Austria
> Members are:
Tharen - drums, vocals, keyboards (since 1995) - was in Dargaard, Abigor, Heidenreich, Dominion III, and Graumahd
Herr Wolf - guitars (since 1998)
Jörg Lanz - guitars, bass (since 1998) - was in Fall Time., Allerseelen, Der Blutharsch, Dominion III, and Graumahd
Silenius - vocals (since 1998) - also in Summoning and Kreuzweg Ost, was in Abigor, Cromm, Mirkwood, Shadow Vale, Die Verbannten Kinder Evas, and Pazuzu
> Previous members:
Thurisaz - guitars, bass (1995-1998) - was in Heidenreich, Abigor, and Lost Victim
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Last update: 07/06/22