
[ Zenial's album list ] [ User vote album list ] [ Most user votes ] [ Lowest user votes ] [ Most viewed covers ] [ Most viewed lyrics ] [ Best compilation albums ]
[ Best live albums ] [ Best non-metal albums ] [ Best demos ] [ Best EPs ] [ Zenial's band list ] [ User vote band list ] [ Most viewed band pages ]
Zenial's album list
1)Darkside - Shadowfields (1997)
2)Summoning - Dol Guldur (1996)
3)Visceral Evisceration - Incessant Desire for Palatable Flesh (1994)
4)Summoning - Stronghold (1999)
5)Summoning - With Doom We Come (2018)
6)Summoning - Oath Bound (2006)
7)Summoning - Old Mornings Dawn (2013)
8)Amortis - Summoned by Astral Fires (2000)
9)Summoning - Minas Morgul (1995)
10)Hollenthon - With Vilest of Worms to Dwell (2001)
11)Harakiri For The Sky - III: Trauma (2016)
12)Anomalie - Tranceformation (2021)
13)Harakiri For The Sky - Mære (2021)
14)Darkside - Amber - Skeletal Journeys Through The Void (2007)
15)Darkside - Inferno (2013)
16)Amortis - Memories of an Ancient Time... (demo) (1998)
17)Summoning - Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame (2001)
18)Visceral Evisceration - Savour of the Seething Meat (demo) (1993)
19)Ice Ages - This Killing Emptiness (2000)
20)Estatic Fear - A Sombre Dance (1999)
User vote album list
1)Dornenreich - Her von welken Nächten (2001) 9.38 (75 votes)
2)Summoning - Stronghold (1999) 9.27 (272 votes)
3)Summoning - Oath Bound (2006) 9.27 (60 votes)
4)Summoning - Minas Morgul (1995) 9.25 (183 votes)
5)Dornenreich - Bitter ist's dem Tod zu dienen (1999) 9.20 (37 votes)
6)Ice Ages - This Killing Emptiness (2000) 9.18 (32 votes)
7)Summoning - Dol Guldur (1996) 9.16 (187 votes)
8)Dargaard - Eternity Rites (1998) 9.16 (28 votes)
9)Estatic Fear - A Sombre Dance (1999) 9.15 (44 votes)
10)Summoning - Nightshade Forests (1997) 9.13 (104 votes)
11)Angizia - 39 Jahre Für den Leierkastenmann (2001) 9.13 (24 votes)
12)Estatic Fear - Somnium Obmutum (1996) 9.12 (36 votes)
13)Hollenthon - Domus Mundi (1999) 9.09 (58 votes)
14)Dargaard - In Nomine Aeternitatis (2000) 9.08 (19 votes)
15)Summoning - Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame (2001) 9.06 (176 votes)
16)Abigor - Nachthymnen (From the Twilight Kingdom) (1995) 9.06 (148 votes)
17)Abigor - Verwüstung - Invoke The Dark Age (1994) 9.04 (104 votes)
18)Angizia - Ein Toter fährt gern Ringelspiel (2004) 8.99 (16 votes)
19)Hollenthon - With Vilest of Worms to Dwell (2001) 8.94 (85 votes)
20)Dornenreich - Nicht um zu Sterben (1997) 8.93 (26 votes)
21)Golden Dawn - The Art of Dreaming (1996) 8.93 (12 votes)
22)Amortis - Memories of an Ancient Time... (demo) (1998) 8.92 (4 votes)
23)Visceral Evisceration - Incessant Desire for Palatable Flesh (1994) 8.91 (23 votes)
24)Amortis - Summoned by Astral Fires (2000) 8.91 (11 votes)
25)Angizia - Das Tagebuch der Hanna Anikin (1997) 8.90 (21 votes)
(scores calculated using a true Bayesian estimate)

Most user votes
1)Summoning - Stronghold (1999) 9.3 (272 votes)
2)Summoning - Dol Guldur (1996) 9.2 (187 votes)
3)Summoning - Minas Morgul (1995) 9.3 (183 votes)
4)Summoning - Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame (2001) 9.1 (176 votes)
5)Abigor - Nachthymnen (From the Twilight Kingdom) (1995) 9.1 (148 votes)
6)Summoning - Nightshade Forests (1997) 9.2 (104 votes)
7)Abigor - Verwüstung - Invoke The Dark Age (1994) 9.1 (104 votes)
8)Summoning - Lugburz (1995) 8.6 (102 votes)
9)Hollenthon - With Vilest of Worms to Dwell (2001) 9.0 (85 votes)
10)Dornenreich - Her von welken Nächten (2001) 9.5 (75 votes)

Lowest user votes
1)Belphegor - Bondage Goat Zombie (2008) 6.77 (11 votes)
2)Abigor - Time is the Sulphur in the Veins of the Saint... (2010) 6.92 (4 votes)
3)Belphegor - Walpurgis Rites - Hexenwahn (2009) 6.93 (9 votes)
4)Belphegor - Blood Magick Necromance (2011) 7.41 (4 votes)
5)Belphegor - The Last Supper (1995) 7.49 (34 votes)
6)Abigor - Shockwave 666 (2004) 7.51 (7 votes)
7)Summoning - Upon the Viking Stallion (demo) (1993) 7.63 (20 votes)
8)Raventhrone - Endless Conflict Theorem (2002) 7.77 (19 votes)
9)Darkwell - Metat[r]on (2004) 7.90 (12 votes)
10)Abigor - Satanized (A Journey Through Cosmic Infinity) (2001) 7.90 (54 votes)

Most viewed covers
1)Amestigon / Angizia - Split(1209 views)
2)Golden Dawn / The Negative Bias - Split(1114 views)
3)Amortis - Gift of Tongues(1055 views)
4)Summoning - Minas Morgul(972 views)
5)Darkside - Melancholia of a Dying World(960 views)
6)Summoning - Nightshade Forests(940 views)
7)Summoning - Dol Guldur(935 views)
8)Amortis - Memories of an Ancient Time... (demo)(932 views)
9)Hollenthon - With Vilest of Worms to Dwell(929 views)
10)Summoning / Pazuzu - The Urilia Text (demo)(927 views)

Most viewed lyrics
1)Amestigon / Angizia - Split(807 views)
2)Ice Ages - Nullify(500 views)
3)Harakiri For The Sky - III: Trauma(484 views)
4)Abigor - Opus IV(395 views)
5)Amestigon - Thier(390 views)
6)Abigor - Verwüstung - Invoke The Dark Age(388 views)
7)Anomalie - Visions(385 views)
8)Anomalie - Integra(384 views)
9)Abigor - Orkblut - The Retaliation(382 views)
10)Abigor - Nachthymnen (From the Twilight Kingdom)(375 views)

Best compilation albums
1)Visceral Evisceration - The Lost Tapes (2019)
2)Disastrous Murmur - Skinning Beginning 1989 - 1991
3)Golden Dawn - Early Obscurity... Part 2 (ep) (2017)
4)Golden Dawn - Early Obscurity... Part 1 (ep) (2017)
Best live albums
1)Belphegor - Infernal Live Orgasm (2002)
Best non-metal
1)Ice Ages - This Killing Emptiness (2000)
2)Ice Ages - Coma (2023)
3)Ice Ages - Vibe of Scorn (2021)
4)Dargaard - Rise and Fall (2004)
5)Ice Ages - Nullify (2019)
6)Dargaard - The Dissolution of Eternity (2001)
7)Ice Ages - Buried Silence (2008)
8)Ice Ages - Strike the Ground (1997)
9)Summoning - Lost Tales (2003)
10)Whispers In The Shadow - The Rites Of Passage
Best demos
1)Amortis - Memories of an Ancient Time... (demo) (1998)
2)Visceral Evisceration - Savour of the Seething Meat (demo) (1993)
3)Karner - Knochnkerker (demo) (2018)
4)Apeiron / Golden Dawn - Split (1995)
5)Sunterra - In Diebus Illis (demo) (1999)
6)Amortis - A Kiss from the Dusk (demo) (1997)
7)Darkside - Herbst (demo) (1993)
8)Summoning - Minas Morgul (demo) (1995)
9)Locus Neminis - Endlos (demo)
10)Summoning - Upon the Viking Stallion (demo) (1993)
Best EPs
1)Golden Dawn - Early Obscurity... Part 2 (ep) (2017)
2)Golden Dawn - Early Obscurity... Part 1 (ep) (2017)
Zenial's band list
2)Visceral Evisceration
8)Harakiri For The Sky
10)Estatic Fear
User vote band list
1)Estatic Fear9.18 (80 votes)
2)Dornenreich9.11 (178 votes)
3)Dargaard9.11 (84 votes)
4)Summoning9.08 (1206 votes)
5)Hollenthon9.01 (146 votes)
6)Ice Ages9.01 (45 votes)
7)Angizia9.00 (126 votes)
8)Visceral Evisceration8.80 (25 votes)
9)Golden Dawn8.69 (23 votes)
10)Children of a Lesser God8.69 (10 votes)
Most viewed band pages
1)Abigor(954 views)
2)Amestigon(938 views)
3)Summoning(878 views)
4)Belphegor(810 views)
5)Angizia(741 views)
6)Ice Ages(724 views)
7)Vanitas(621 views)
8)Rivendell(525 views)
9)Anomalie(501 views)
10)Heidenreich(371 views)
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Stats generated at: 07/01/24

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