Glorior Belli

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Evil Archaic Order (demo) (2003)
Evil Archaic Order (demo) 1. Evil Archaic Order 5:47
2. Eternal Torments 3:14
3. Black Procession 4:36
total time13:37

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Ô Laudate Dominvs (2005)
Ô Laudate Dominvs 1. Dictum Audiens 2:52
2. Ô Laudate Dominvs 4:40
3. Poisoned Flesh 4:56
4. Celestial Phenomena 4:43
5. In Paradisum... 4:43
6. Eternal Torments 2:41
7. Darkened Shroud 4:21
8. Stigma Diaboli 3:13
total time32:09

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Manifesting the Raging Beast (2007)
Manifesting the Raging Beast 1. From Darkness There Springs Light 5:47
2. Deadly Sparks 4:09
3. Sinister Resonance 5:03
4. Severed From the Self 4:48
5. Manifesting the Raging Beast 3:36
6. Said Lucifer in Twilight 5:58
7. Serpentine Admonition 4:07
8. Altered Verses 6:47
total time40:15

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Meet Us at the Southern Sign (2009)
Meet Us at the Southern Sign 1. Once In A Blood Red Moon 5:21
2. The Forbidden Words 4:03
3. Swamp That Shame 4:30
4. There Is But One Light 5:26
5. My True Essence 2:00
6. In Every Grief-Stricken Blues 4:23
7. Nox Illuminatio Mea 4:41
8. The Blazing Darkness (Of Luciferian Skies) 4:05
9. Fivefold Thought 5:16
10. Fires Of The Sitra Ahra 3:05
11. Meet Us At The Southern Sign 7:40
total time50:30

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8.3 / 10 (4 votes)

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8.3 / 10 (4 votes)

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Rites of Spiritual Death (2011)
Rites of Spiritual Death 1. Fierce Rays of Wrathful Light 13:17Glorior Belli
2. Shrine of the Fallen Sun 13:20Creeping
total time26:37

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The Great Southern Darkness (2011)
The Great Southern Darkness 1. Dark Gnosis 2:28
2. Secret Ride To Rebellion 4:41
3. They Call Me Black Devil 4:20
4. Negative Incarnate 5:03
5. Bring Down the Cosmic Scheme 3:28
6. The Great Southern Darkness 4:13
7. The Foolhardy Venturer 5:12
8. Per Nox Regna 3:28
9. The Science of Shifting 5:05
10. Chaos Manifested 3:48
11. Horns In My Pathway 6:20
total time48:06

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Gators Rumble, Chaos Unfurls (2013)
Gators Rumble, Chaos Unfurls 1. Blackpowder Roars 2:52
2. Wolves At My Door 4:51
3. Ain't No Pit Deep Enough 4:26
4. A Hoax, A Croc! 3:44
5. From One Rebel To Another 3:52
6. I Asked For Wine, He Gave Me Blood 4:19
7. The South Will Always Know My Name 3:22
8. Le Blackout Blues 3:54
9. Backwoods Bayou 2:46
10. Built For Discomfort 3:53
11. Gators Rumble, Chaos Unfurls 5:41
total time43:40

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Sundown (The Flock That Welcomes) (2016)
Sundown (The Flock That Welcomes) 1. Lies-Strangled Skies 5:31
2. World So Spurious 5:52
3. Rebels in Disguise 4:29
4. Thrall of Illusions 8:26
5. Sundown (The Flock That Welcomes) 4:58
6. Satanists Out of Cosmic Jail 4:52
7. Upheaval in Chaos Waters 5:07
8. We Whose Glory Was Despised 6:44
total time45:59

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The Apostates (2018)
The Apostates 1. Sui Generis 5:48
2. Deserters of Eden 4:09
3. The Apostates 6:35
4. Bedlam Bedamned 5:43
5. Hangin’ Crepe 5:10
6. Jerkwater Redemption 4:10
7. Split Tongues Won’t Atone 5:20
8. Runaway Charley 4:37
9. Rebel Reveries 5:51
total time47:23

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Brutal Assault - BA 18 (video)
Brutal Assault - BA 18 (video)
Niklas Kvarforth - Fifteen Years Of Absolute Darkness
Niklas Kvarforth - Fifteen Years Of Absolute Darkness
Rites Of Ascension
Rites Of Ascension
Within The Church Of Thee Overlords II
Within The Church Of Thee Overlords II

Hard Rock Mag 30
Hard Rock Mag 30
Rock Tribune CD Sampler 108
Rock Tribune CD Sampler 108
Fear Candy 98
Fear Candy 98
Zero Tolerance Audio 42
Zero Tolerance Audio 42
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> From France
> Members are:
J. / Billy Bayou - guitars, vocals (since 2002) - also in 11 as in Adversaries and Wolfe, was in Obscurus Advocam, Mogradem, and Carnal Lust
> Previous members:
JHM. - drums (2012-2013) - now in Black Dementia and Horned Almighty, was in Drab and Woebegone Obscured
Q. - guitars (2012-2013) - now in Black Dementia and Woebegone Obscured, was in Horned Almighty
S. - bass (2012-2013)
G. - drums (2010-2012) - now in Manetheren in Blut Aus Nord, Chaos Invocation, Frostmoon Eclipse, Cryptic Wanderings, Darvaza, Deathrow, Enepsigos, Fides Inversa, Kult, Liber Null, Martröð, Moloch, Shadows Ground, and Tumulus Anmatus, was in Acherontas, Macabre Omen, In Extremo Spiritu, Nocratai, Handful of Hate, Satanic Supplicia, Svlfvr, 11 as in Adversaries, and Entropic Degrade Behind Phylogeny
F. - bass (2011-2012) - now in Purge, was in Chaos
Julien Granger - drums (2012) - was in Four Question Marks, Darkness Dynamite, and Today Is The Day
Remy C - guitars (2012) - was in Four Question Marks
H. - guitars (2010-2011) - now in Vorkreist, was in Merrimack and Purge
Alastor - guitars (2007-2010) - now in Temple of Baal
Antares - drums (2002-2009) - now in Blackgod, was in Obscurus Advocam and Temple of Baal
M:A Fog - drums (2006-2008) - now in Opera IX, Black Flame, Dead to This World, Hate Profile, and Janvs, was in Slavia, Daemusinem, Disiplin, Dying Awkward Angel, and Lymph of Wisdoom
Dispater - bass (2005-2007) - now in Osculum Infame, Blackgod, and Heol Telwen, was in Merrimack
Nefastvs - guitar (2004-2006)
> Session musicians:
Guillaume Taliercio - bass (2009-2010) - plays Colossus of Destiny, Cowards, Eibon, and Third Arm
Alexandros - bass (2010-2011) - plays in Macabre Omen, Razor of Occam, Scythian, The One, and Aere Aeternus, was in Lvcifyre
Davide - bass (2011) - plays in Frostmoon Eclipse, Dr. Fuelgood, Fog (ITA), and Nocratai
Björn - guitars (2011) - plays in Horned Almighty, was in Hellsermon, Mareridt, Pogrom, Tronraner, Vrael, Koldborn, and Ad Noctum
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Glorior Belli

Last update: 07/06/22