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Tat Tvam Asi (Universal Omniscience) (2007)
Tat Tvam Asi (Universal Omniscience) 1. Alfa: Genesis 3:10
2. Tat Tvam Asi 6:55
3. Soma "Elixir of the Ancient Ones" 6:48
4. Kali-Yuga 9:44
5. Sophia 3:16
6. The Final Harvest 6:01
7. The Dreamer 8:16
8. Omega: The Seal of the Dragon 3:26
total time47:36

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5 Versions

9.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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9.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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...For the Temple of the Serpent Skull... (2008)
...For the Temple of the Serpent Skull... 1. Magnum arcanum 12:35Necromantia
2. People Of The Sea 5:33
3. Order Of The Silver Serpent 17:57Acherontas
total time36:05

7.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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7.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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Sic Luceat Lux (2009)
Sic Luceat Lux 1. Crusted, Blackened 7:00Leviathan
2. To A Grotesque Of Swollen Flesh 7:28
3. Tentacle Over Tentacle 7:41
4. Secret Skulls 2:31
5. Tymvos 2:23Acherontas
6. Velvet Aurora 5:44
7. Kornugia 10:01
8. Silentio Est Aurum 2:49
total time45:37

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6.5 / 10 (2 votes)

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6.5 / 10 (2 votes)

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Split with Drowning The Light (2010)
Split with Drowning The Light 1. Without Regret... 5:26Drowning The Light
2. Conjuration of the Five Negatives 5:33Acherontas
total time10:59

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Theosis (2010)
Theosis 1. bnH cEb kH can A 2:02
2. Pestilence of Mortality 5:01
3. The Winged Skull Rising 8:47
4. Oath of Fealty 5:59
5. Legacy of Tiamat 8:15
6. Dreams of Adam Kadmon 4:05
7. Theosis 7:32
8. Apethantos 5:01
9. Finis Coronat 5:04
10. Conjuration of the Five Negatives 5:42
11. The Order of the Silver Serpent (I. Invocation / II. Sacrifice / III. Rising) 17:57bonus
total time57:28

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9.5 / 10 (2 votes)

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15 Years Anniversary of Left Hand Path Esoterica (2011)
15 Years Anniversary of Left Hand Path Esoterica 1. Tat Tvam Asi (Universal Omniscience) + bonus cd 68:43
2. Theosis + bonus cd 75:35
total time2:24:05

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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Hermeticism (2011)
Hermeticism 1. Meum Momen Deus 4:46
2. Hermeticism 5:34
3. Conjuration of the Five Negatives 5:42bonus
total time10:20

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7.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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7.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Vamachara (2011)
Vamachara 1. Opening the Eye of the Storm 2:48
2. Blood Current Illumination 7:55
3. Abraxas 6:01
4. Vamachara 6:32
5. Ohm Krim Kali 6:27
6. Beyond the Mazeways to Ophidian Gnosis 5:42
7. Drakonian Womb 11:18
total time46:41

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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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The Ruins of Edom (2012)
The Ruins of Edom 1. Ingress (The Gates Of Edom) 2:15Nightbringer
2. Mare 4:43
3. The Grave-Earth's Son 5:05
4. Egress (Rebirth From The Ruins) 4:16
5. Layil 8:49Acherontas
6. Reverence For The Scarlet Goddess 5:32
total time30:40

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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Amen Ti - Catacomb Chants & Oneiric Visions (2013)
Amen Ti - Catacomb Chants & Oneiric Visions 1. Voluntas Supra Materiam “Vocatio Prima” 2:15
2. Amenti - The Lamp Ov The Desert 8:13
3. The Stele Ov The Last Conjuration - Ieros Yamos 7:55
4. Nebt-Het - Divulgence Of Her Sacral Temples 7:42
5. Set Triumphant - Nubti 8:54
6. Dissolution (in The Sands Ov Time) - Nekropolis 8:19
7. Wines of Blood & Pestilence 7:09
8. Erset La Tari The Red Temple 8:55
9. Panselenos “Vocatio Ultima” 2:58
total time62:20

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5.5 / 10 (2 votes)

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5.5 / 10 (2 votes)

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Black Blood Ceremony (2014)
Black Blood Ceremony 1. Voluntas Supra Materiam "Vocatio Prima" 2:11Live in Arnhem, The Netherlands, 2014
2. Amenti - The Lamp Ov The Desert 8:20
3. Set Triumphant - Nubti 5:20
4. Kerasphóros Selene 3:36
5. Blood Current Illumination 4:24
6. Legacy Of Tiamat 8:11
7. Wampyric Metamorphosis 8:19
total time40:21

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Ma-IoN - Formulæs of Reptilian Unification (2015)
Ma-IoN - Formulæs of Reptilian Unification 1. Fires of Prometheus 3:08
2. Nereid Tide of Neptune's Rudra 5:03
3. Convolut-ion, Manifestat-ion, Secret-ion, Karma-lravatl the Thunders Emerged 1:36
4. Ma-Ion (Formulas of Reptilian Unification) 9:34
5. Permutation in the Aetheric Void (Ma-Ion Sacred Seal) 3:34
6. Shaman and the Waning Moon 7:47
7. Lunar Transcendence & the Secret Kiss of Nut 10:58
8. The Awakening of Astral Orphic Mysteries - Behind the Eyes of Irida 10:57
9. Copper Arcana 5:19
10. Therionic Transformation 8:18
11. Orgiastic Feast of Flesh, Beheld Thine Vicissitude 4:03
total time70:22

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Atavistic Resurgence (2015)
Atavistic Resurgence 1. Seven Tongues of the Serpent 3:01Acherontas
2. Gospel of Saturn 7:19
3. Sphere of the Sicle 2:54
4. Ikuiseen mustaan uneen 6:42Horna
5. Incipit 5:18
total time25:14

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Chthonic Libations (with Nåstrond) (2016)
Chthonic Libations (with Nåstrond) 1. Beneath the Infernal Seats (Hymn to the Titans) 6:53
2. Secret Gates of Earth Unlocking (Hymn to Pluto) 9:27
3. Human Life to Age Abundant Spare (Hymn to Thanatos) 5:59
4. Mysteries of the Best Chthonic (Hymn to Perspehone) 10:40
5. The Oracle who Admonished the Unworthy (Hymn to Oneiroi) 11:28
total time44:27

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#1 in the Non-Metal top 10 from Greece!

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#1 in the Non-Metal top 10 from Greece!

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Split with Slidhr (2016)
Split with Slidhr 1. Wasteland Revived 4:02Acherontas - Death Of The Ego
2. Death of the Ego 8:09
3. Dispossession 5:36
4. Chains of the Fallen 7:58Slidhr - Chains Of The Fallen
5. Sentient Flames Consume 7:16
total time33:01

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Amarta (Formulas of Reptilian Unification Part II) (2017)
Amarta (Formulas of Reptilian Unification Part II) 1. Tablets of Mercury 2:50
2. Schism of Worlds 6:05
3. I-AM Ness - The Tradition of EYE 4:20
4. Sopdet Denudata 5:57
5. Yesod Inversum 5:41
6. Rosa Andromeda 4:46
7. Savikalpa Samadhi 8:52
8. Amarta 7:43
total time46:14

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Sorcery and the Apeiron (digital) (2018)
Sorcery and the Apeiron (digital) 1. Sorcery and the Apeiron 6:39

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The Old Tree and the Wise Man (digital) (2018)
The Old Tree and the Wise Man (digital) 1. The Old Tree and the Wise Man 5:09

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The Alchemists of the Radiant Sepulchre (Act II) (digital) (2018)
The Alchemists of the Radiant Sepulchre (Act II) (digital) 1. The Alchemists of the Radiant Sepulchre (Act II) 5:46

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Faustian Ethos (2018)
Faustian Ethos 1. The Fall of the First Pillar 5:47
2. Sorcery and the Apeiron 6:40
3. Aeonic Alchemy (Act I) 5:12
4. Faustian Ethos 6:51
5. The Old Tree and the Wise Man 5:09
6. The Alchemists of the Radiant Sepulchre (Act II) 5:46
7. Decline of the West (O Iereas kai o Tafos) 6:02
8. Vita Nuova 7:08
total time48:35

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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#7 in User vote top 10 from 2018!

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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#7 in User vote top 10 from 2018!

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Formulas Of Reptilian Unification - The Trilogy (2019)
Formulas Of Reptilian Unification - The Trilogy 1. Ma-Ion tape 70:22
2. Amarta tape 46:14
3. Faustian Ethos tape 48:35
total time2:45:11

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Deutschland Ritual (2019)
Deutschland Ritual 1. Interlude - Horned Moon 0:51Live in Erfurt, Germany, 29 March 2019
2. Sorcery & the Apeiron 6:48
3. Conjuration of the Five Negatives 5:41
4. Blood Current Illumination 7:50
5. Legacy of Tiamat 7:47
6. Vita Nuova 7:09
7. Kerasfora Selini 4:22
8. Wampyric Metamorphosis 6:47
9. Seal of the Dragon / Layi 8:08
total time55:23

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Faustian Rites Over Brazil (2019)
Faustian Rites Over Brazil 1. Voluntas Supra Materiam "Vocatio Prima" 2:02
2. Amenti - The Lamp ov the Desert 7:16
3. Sorcery and the Apeiron 6:55
4. Conjuration of the Five Negatives 5:45
5. Legacy of Tiamat 7:50
6. Blood Current Illumination 7:56
7. Wampyric Metamorphosis 6:48
8. Horned Moon 4:20
9. Seal of the Dragon 3:33
total time52:25

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The Offering of Hemlock (digital) (2020)
The Offering of Hemlock (digital) 1. The Offering of Hemlock 4:57

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Psychic Death (digital) (2020)
Psychic Death (digital) 1. Psychic Death 7:04

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Psychic Death - The Shattering of Perceptions (2020)
Psychic Death - The Shattering of Perceptions 1. Paradigms of Nyx 6:10
2. Kiss the Blood 7:43
3. The Brazen Experimentalist 6:02
4. Psychic Death "The Shattering of Perceptions" 7:04
5. Coiled Splendor 8:48
6. The Offering of Hemlock 4:57
7. Sermons of the Psyche 5:41
8. Mageia ton kathrefton (Magick of Mirrors) 7:18
total time53:43

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Malocchio - The Seven Tongues of Daimon (2022)
Malocchio - The Seven Tongues of Daimon 1. Lucifer - Breath Of Fire 7:18
2. Leviathan - The Fervent Scales In Reverence 6:14
3. Belial - The Enn Of Beliya’al 5:58
4. Satan - Exaltation Of Unbeing 4:38
5. Choronzon - Webs of Alienation 5:36
6. Hecate - Queen Of The Crossroads 7:00
7. Drakon - Apotheosis 5:37
total time42:21

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Ana Harrani Sa Alaktasa La Tarat
Ana Harrani Sa Alaktasa La Tarat
Anthems Of Primitive Evil - volume II
Anthems Of Primitive Evil - volume II
Drakonian Elitism
Drakonian Elitism
Hellenic Black Metal Inferno Vol. III
Hellenic Black Metal Inferno Vol. III
...Of Devil's Art & Magick...
...Of Devil's Art & Magick...

Pylons Of The Adversary
Pylons Of The Adversary
Voices of the Underground V
Voices of the Underground V
Zero Tolerance Audio 53
Zero Tolerance Audio 53
Zero Tolerance Audio 64
Zero Tolerance Audio 64
Zero Tolerance Audio 79
Zero Tolerance Audio 79
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> From Greece
> Members are:
Acherontas V.Priest / V.P. Adept - vocals, guitars, bass (since 2007) - also in Nihasa, was in Acrimonious, Nocternity, Seventh Xul, Stutthof, Worship, Shibalba, and Virus of Koch
Saevus H. - guitars (since 2012) - also in Devathorn and Warbled Arma, was in Dodsferd and Nargothrond
Hierophant - bass (since 2013) - also in Cosmic Ekpyrosis and Devathorn
Marcello S. - drums (since 2022) - also in Beuthen, Haxandraok, and Wolfpath, was in Inferno, Besatt, Killjoy, Panegyrist, Spirits Way, Landscape of Souls, and Thanathron
> Previous members:
Indra - guitars (2017-2022) - also in Crucifiction, Naer Mataron, and Wampyrinacht, was in Goathrone, Tatir, Goatvomit, Vorphalack, and Final Chaos
Dothur - drums (2016-2021) - also in Macabre Omen, Lychgate, Omega Centauri, and Sanctus Nex, was in Orpheus
Scorpios Androctonus - keyboards, bass (2012-2017) - now in Melechesh, Crimson Moon, Dethroned, Possession Ritual, Sabnack, and Akrabu, was in Demoncy, E. V. P., Infested, and Nibiru
Gionata Potenti - drums (2012-2016) - now in Blut Aus Nord, Manetheren, Frostmoon Eclipse, Chaos Invocation, 11 as in Adversaries, Deathrow, Fuck Off and Die!, Kult, Nocratai, Sulfur, and Tumulus Anmatus, was in Macabre Omen, Glorior Belli, In Extremo Spiritu, Entropic Degrade Behind Phylogeny, Aptorian Demon, Benighted in Sodom, Esoterica, Handful of Hate, Imposer, Krieg, Melencolia Estatica, Obscure Devotion, Silva Nigra, Ad Hominem, and Antares Predator
Serpenth - drums (2016)
Akhkhar - bass (2008-2012) - now in Acrimonious, was in Cross Denied
Parfaxitas 450 - guitars (2009-2012) - now in Acrimonious and Serpent Noir
C. Docre - drums (2009-2012) - now in Acrimonious
Kwazar - drums (2009-2011) - now in Dizziness, Memorain, Mortuus Sum, Vomit Church, and W.E.B., was in Deviser, Eternity, Christfuck, Keyser Soze, Kill Mr. Ian, The 4 Sandmen, Mors in Tabula, Nadiwrath, Nethescerial, Obduktion, Virus of Koch, Odin's Court, C.L.G., Illusions of Dignity, Mamma Kin, Ostracized, Rectum 4, and Speedrush
Enkwld - guitars (2009-2011) - now in Cthonic Aura, Devotion Omega, and Virus of Koch, was in Carrion, Shibalba, and Nihasa
Porphyrion - vocals (2008) - now in Nergal, was in Kawir, Lykaionas, and Nihasa
Demogorgon - bass, keyboards (2007) - now in Legion of Doom, was in Demogorgon, Stutthof, Shadows of Majesty, and Wintergods
Krieg - drums (2007)
> Session musicians:
Typhonios - bass (since 2012)
F. V. - drums (since 2012)
Wolftran - keyboards, Piano (2007)
Weibes Blut - vocals (2007) - was in Equimanthorn
Skandaz - bass (2013) - plays in Nawaharjan
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Last update: 05/07/24