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Inexploratus Saltus (demo) (1997)
Inexploratus Saltus (demo) 1. Oda do Zamierzchlych Czasów 2:21
2. Era Mroku 4:08
3. Dech Ciemnych Borów 5:29
4. Podróz Ku Kresom 4:38
5. Pochwala Smierci 3:33
6. Ostatnie Przebudzenie 2:57
total time23:06

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Słowiańska Duma (demo) (1999)
Słowiańska Duma (demo) 1. Krew i Honor 2:59Blood and Honour
2. W Krainie Cienia 5:41In the Land of Shadow
3. ...ku Chwale Nocy 1:58...for Glory of the Night
4. Wielki Las 5:30The Mighty Forest
5. Otuleni przez Zimowe Wichry 4:22Wraped by Winter's Gales
6. Wrota Nocy 5:42Gates of Night
7. Kiedy Krzyze Plomien Pochlonie 2:06When the Flame All Crosses Will Devour
8. Słowiańska Duma 5:05Slavonic Pride
9. Posród Starych Borów 2:12Among the Ancient Forests
total time35:35

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#6 in the Demo top 10 from 1999!

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#6 in the Demo top 10 from 1999!

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Symbole Przodków (demo) (2001)
Symbole Przodków (demo) 1. Intro 2:03
2. Symbole przodków 4:54
3. Gniew czterech twarzy 7:24
4. Seasons in the Abyss 6:14Slayer cover
total time20:35

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Promo (2002)
1. Znaki Zwyciestwa 4:12
2. Imperium Slonca 5:19
3. Blask Chwaly Orlej 3:55
4. Wielki Las 5:39
total time19:05

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Split with Legacy of Blood (2002)
Split with Legacy of Blood 1. Introduction 2:03Saltus - Symbols of Forefathers
2. Symbols of Forefathers 4:54
3. Anger of Fourfaces 7:23
4. Season in the Abyss (Slayer cover) 6:14
5. I Am the Evil One 5:04Legacy of Blood - In Blacksmith of Hate
6. Flame of Aryan Hate 4:54
7. In Blacksmith of Hate 6:52
total time37:24

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Imperium Słoñca (2005)
Imperium Słoñca 1. Znaki Zwyciestwa 4:12
2. Imperium Slonca 5:19
3. Bogów Moc Swieta 4:05
4. Symbole Przodków 4:12
5. Perunie Prowadz 4:13
6. Imperium Slonca 5:24
7. Sladami Bohaterów 4:43
total time32:08

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Symbols of Forefathers / Inexploratus Saltus (2006)
Symbols of Forefathers / Inexploratus Saltus 1. Symbole Przodków + Inexploratus Saltus demo cd 43:19

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Triumf (2009)
Triumf 1. Na Drodze Ku Wojnie 3:41On the Road to War
2. Stary Porzadek 5:12Old Order
3. Slowianska Vendetta 3:40Slavic Revenge
4. Synowie Ziemi 4:31Sons of the Earth
5. Piesn Wojny 2:21War Song
6. Triumf 3:56Triumph
7. Oblicze Wiary 4:02Face of Faith
8. Moja Ofiara 4:42My Victim
9. Piesn Slowian 3:45Song of the Slavs
10. Hymn Slonca 3:44Anthem of the Sun
total time39:34

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Nowa Era (2010)
Nowa Era 1. Wola mocy 3:56Abusiveness
2. Alraune 5:10
3. ...dla wolnych duchów... 3:15
4. Under the Guillotine (Kreator cover) 4:14
5. W imie bogów 3:56Saltus
6. Na smierc ku przeznaczeniu zycia 3:58
7. Gdy bogowie swiatem rzadzili 3:54
8. Chylac czolo ku przeszlosci 3:47
9. Twoja krew 4:41
total time36:51

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Jedność (2015)
Jedność 1. Ojcowizna 3:54
2. Slowianska Jednosc 4:46
3. Damned in Black 7:19Immortal cover
4. Curse You All Men! 4:38Emperor cover
5. Przed Bitwa 1:35
total time22:12

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W Imię Bogów (2015)
W Imię Bogów 1. W imie bogów 3:56Nowa Era 2010
2. Na smierc ku przeznaczeniu zycia 3:58
3. Gdy bogowie swiatem rzadzili 3:54
4. Chylac czolo ku przeszlosci 3:47
5. Twoja krew 4:41
6. Perunie prowadz 4:10Promo 2002
7. Imperium slonca 5:17
8. Blask chwaly orlej 3:52
9. Wielki las 5:39
total time39:14

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#8 in the Compilation top 10 from 2015!

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#8 in the Compilation top 10 from 2015!

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Slavic Battle Swords - Live in Wroclaw (2016)
Slavic Battle Swords - Live in Wroclaw 1. Przed bitwa... 1:24Live in Wroclaw, Poland, 20.11.2015
2. W imie bogów 3:58
3. Triumf 4:07
4. Slowianska jednosc 4:51
5. Slowianska duma 5:06
6. Oblicze wiary 4:19
7. Na smierc ku przeznaczeniu zycia 4:00
8. Symbole przodków 4:27
9. Na drodze ku wojnie 4:33
10. Wielki las 6:42
11. Chylac czolo ku przeszlosci 4:01
total time47:28

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#3 in the Live top 10 from 2016!

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#3 in the Live top 10 from 2016!

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Opowieści z Przeszłości (2017)
Opowieści z Przeszłości 1. Czyn i Wola 3:08
2. Czas Zemsty 5:04
3. Duch Ciemnych Borów 5:16
4. Wierni Starej Tradycji 3:57
5. U Mojej Matecki 4:27
total time21:52

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Jam Jest Samon! (2017)
Jam Jest Samon! 1. Przez Morze Krwi... 5:28
2. W Naszych Sercach Drzemie Gniew! 6:59
3. Wznies Swój Miecz 3:31
4. Poslancom Precz! 4:22
5. Patrzac smierci W Twarz 4:27
6. Czlowiek Znikad 4:57
7. Slowianska Jednosc 4:47
8. Piastun 3:50
total time38:21

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Dziady w Kozim Grodzie
Dziady w Kozim Grodzie
Grave Of Fire, Seal Of Stars (digital)
Grave Of Fire, Seal Of Stars (digital)
Hail Pagan Europe Vol. 1
Hail Pagan Europe Vol. 1
In Honour of Icon E - A Tribute to Emperor
In Honour of Icon E - A Tribute to Emperor
Metal Heads' Mission (video)
Metal Heads' Mission (video)

Ablaze Feb-Mar 2002 (nr 39)
Ablaze Feb-Mar 2002 (nr 39)
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> From Poland
> Members are:
Bitorn - bass - was in Sorrow Filled
Imp - drums - also in Conquest Icon and Necroist, was in The Unborn, Empheris, Purifier, and Devilyn
Scream - vocals, guitars - also in Ancient Art, was in The Unborn
> Previous members:
Aldaron - bass
Hellrizer - drums - now in Deaf's Point and Discordian, was in Christ Agony, Carnal, Gortal, Hate, Hellectricity, and Goetia
Mortifer - guitars - was in Hate and Naumachia
Sokaris - guitars - now in God Said No, was in Murgost
Wojnar - guitars, keyboards - now in Wojnar, was in Sorrow Filled, Swastyka, and Piorun
Grzesiek - vocals - was in The Unborn
Faun - vocals
> Mortifer died in 2013
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Last update: 05/07/24