Christ Agony

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Sacronocturn (demo) (1990)
Sacronocturn (demo) 1. Necrodarc 4:10
2. Nocturnal Symphony 8:39
3. Sacronocturn 6:50
4. Introlast Night 7:21
total time26:50

HD cover
5 Versions
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#3 in the Demo top 10 from 1990!

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#3 in the Demo top 10 from 1990!

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Epitaph of Christ (demo) (1992)
Epitaph of Christ (demo) 1. Unvirtue diabolical 7:48
2. Faithless 6:31
3. Necro'no'manticism 6:19
4. Prophetical ...PIII 6:50
total time27:28

4 Versions
7.8 / 10 (10 votes)

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7.8 / 10 (10 votes)

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Unholyunion (1993)
Unholyunion 1. Inceremonical (Prophetical Part 2) 13:03
2. Darkthurnal (Eternal, Shouts) 15:12
3. Dies Irae 9:55
4. Ritualus Sceptrus (Mystery, Prophetical Part 1) 14:24
total time52:34

HD cover
6 Versions
8.6 / 10 (20 votes)

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8.6 / 10 (20 votes)

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Daemoonseth - Act II (1994)
Daemoonseth - Act II 1. Introit moon 1:23
2. Urtica diaoica cultha 12:46
3. Athyrium typha luciferi 11:08
4. Diaboli necronasti 5:50
5. Sacronocturn 9:25
6. Abasatha pagan (prophetical p. III) 6:20
total time46:52

HD cover
4 Versions
9.0 / 10 (26 votes)

2 reviews

9.0 / 10 (26 votes)

2 reviews

Faithless (1995)
Faithless 1. Sacronocturn + Epitaph of Christ demo tape 55:16

HD cover
3 Versions
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Moonlight - Act III (1996)
Moonlight - Act III 1. Asmoondei 13:26
2. Devilish sad 5:41
3. Paganhorns 6:56
4. Mephistospell 7:32
5. Moonlight 8:53
6. Eternalhate 9:44
total time52:12

HD cover
2 Versions
8.9 / 10 (30 votes)

#3 in Zenial's top 10 from Poland!

2 reviews

8.9 / 10 (30 votes)

#3 in Zenial's top 10 from Poland!

2 reviews

Darkside (1997)
Darkside 1. The Triangle 6:06
2. Heredity 5:15
3. Dark Beauty 2:29
4. Kingdom of Abyss 4:23
5. My Spirit Seal (Dream Version) 3:07
6. Dark Poem 2:22
7. Dark Goddes 4:00
8. Darkside 5:46
9. The Key 3:21
10. My Spirit Seal (Blood Version) 3:16
total time40:05

HD cover
5 Versions
7.5 / 10 (21 votes)

2 reviews

7.5 / 10 (21 votes)

2 reviews

Trilogy (1998)
Trilogy 1. Spell of death 2:49
2. Hellspawn 3:09
3. Eternal desires 5:33
4. Hail darkness! 3:02
5. Dying star 2:16
6. Elysium 4:51
7. Downfall 2:58
8. Unvirtue diabolical 8:04Epitaph of Christ demo
9. Faithless 6:48
10. Necro'no'manticism 6:26
11. Prophetical part III 6:58
total time52:54

HD cover
6.7 / 10 (11 votes)

1 review

6.7 / 10 (11 votes)

1 review

Elysium (1999)
Elysium 1. Sadness of Immortality 4:45
2. Fiery Torches 4:14
3. Demon's Lover 3:01
4. Immortal Dust 3:14
5. Eternal Stars 3:52
6. Elysium 4:37
7. Lords of the Night 3:24
8. Cold Eyes 4:05
9. Bleeding Heart 4:50
10. Unvirginity Sin 3:33
total time39:35

HD cover
2 Versions
8.3 / 10 (18 votes)

2 reviews

8.3 / 10 (18 votes)

2 reviews

Unholyunion / Daemoonseth Act II (2000)
Unholyunion / Daemoonseth Act II 1. Unholyunion cd 52:34
2. Daemoonseth Act II cd 46:52
total time1:39:26

HD cover
8.2 / 10 (6 votes)

1 review

8.2 / 10 (6 votes)

1 review

Moonlight Act III / Darkside (2000)
Moonlight Act III / Darkside 1. Moonlight Act III cd 52:12
2. Darkside cd 53:01
total time1:45:13

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Live - Apocalypse (2002)
Live - Apocalypse 1. Sadness of immortality 8:05Live at Proxima, Warsaw, Poland
2. Devilish sad 4:34
3. Eternal desire 3:39
4. Paganhorns 6:46
5. Fiery torches 4:09
6. Mephistospell 7:27
7. Moonlight 10:32
8. Prophetical part III 6:00
total time51:12

7.0 / 10 (4 votes)

#4 in the Live top 10 from 2002!

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7.0 / 10 (4 votes)

#4 in the Live top 10 from 2002!

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Christ Agony (as Union) (2005)
Christ Agony (as Union) 1. Infernal storm 6:40
2. Eternal hellbound 7:04
3. Evil curse 6:35
4. Hellfire 2:40
5. Purified by hell 6:15
6. Horn of sacrifice 8:02
7. Dark legion 6:11
8. Flames of hate 3:26
9. Eternal Desires live video
10. Sadness Of Immortality live video
total time46:53

Lyrics **********
8.0 / 10 (1 vote)

1 review

8.0 / 10 (1 vote)

1 review

Demonology (2007)
Demonology 1. Demonology 6:41
2. Anthems of havoc 5:07
3. Eternal desires 3:41
4. Demonologia 6:03
5. Enter my demon of sorrow 4:11
total time25:43

Lyrics **********
9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Condemnation (2008)
Condemnation 1. Devil's invocation 6:06
2. Psalm Ov Livia Khao'tsu 4:48
3. Condemnation Part I 4:17
4. Temptation Ov Lost 6:13
5. MarchManifesto 5:30
6. BloodSeedNation 4:30
7. Condemnation Part II 4:15
8. Cult Domination 5:38
9. The LevithaSuite 12:13
10. Purgatory Beast 2:20
total time55:50

2 Versions
8.5 / 10 (2 votes)

#4 in Zenial's top 10 from Poland!

1 review

8.5 / 10 (2 votes)

#4 in Zenial's top 10 from Poland!

1 review

UnholyDaeMoon (2010)
UnholyDaeMoon 1. Unholyunion cd 52:34
2. Daemoonseth - Act II cd 46:52
3. Moonlight - Act III cd 52:12
total time2:31:40

HD cover
5.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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5.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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NocturN (2011)
NocturN 1. Opus Sacrum / Reign Of Chaos 3:01
2. Frozen Path Unholy Fire 5:28
3. The Stigma Of Hell 6:04
4. Silent Gods Of Darkness 5:38
5. Demonicon Illuminati 5:39
6. Black Star Falling 6:46
7. Flames Of Several Suns 7:12
8. Opus Profanum / Fields Of Inferno 5:50
total time45:36

HD cover
2 Versions
9.0 / 10 (2 votes)

1 review

9.0 / 10 (2 votes)

1 review

Black Blood (2015)
Black Blood 1. Black Blood ov Universe 6:55
2. Coronation 5:57
3. Kingdom ov Abyss 6:35
total time19:27

Lyrics **********
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Legacy (2016)
Legacy 1. Conjuration 7:37
2. Sigillum Diaboli 6:49
3. Seal ov the Black Flame 7:26
4. Black Blood ov the Universe 6:52
5. Devil Worship 6:34
6. Coronation 5:57
7. Legacy ov Sin & Blood 9:03
8. Dziedzictwo 4:52bonus
total time50:18

Lyrics **********
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A Sangre Y Fuego #11
A Sangre Y Fuego #11


The Sound Of Uncreation
The Sound Of Uncreation


Attack Of Fire '96
Attack Of Fire '96

Blessed By The Ancient Flame
Blessed By The Ancient Flame


Circle Of The Tyrants
Circle Of The Tyrants

Endless Endearments
Endless Endearments

Metal Explosion volume 5
Metal Explosion volume 5


Thrash'em All 1/98 - Adrenalina Cz.1
Thrash'em All 1/98 - Adrenalina Cz.1

Metal Explosion vol. 8 / 6 Jahre Adipocere
Metal Explosion vol. 8 / 6 Jahre Adipocere


Black Light Compilation IV
Black Light Compilation IV

Magazyn Jazgot Przedstawia Nr 3/1999
Magazyn Jazgot Przedstawia Nr 3/1999

Magazyn Jazgot Nr 4/1999
Magazyn Jazgot Nr 4/1999

Oskorei Magazine Compilation CD #1
Oskorei Magazine Compilation CD #1

Thrash'em All 2/99 - Adrenalina Cz.4
Thrash'em All 2/99 - Adrenalina Cz.4

Thrash'em All 4/99 - Metal Mind Productions Cz.3
Thrash'em All 4/99 - Metal Mind Productions Cz.3

Thrash'em All Festival'99
Thrash'em All Festival'99


Koch Poland News 6/2000
Koch Poland News 6/2000

Morbid Noizz - Wydanie Jubileuszowe 10lat
Morbid Noizz - Wydanie Jubileuszowe 10lat

Society Of Darkness Vol. 1
Society Of Darkness Vol. 1


Castle Party
Castle Party

Koch Poland News 2/2002
Koch Poland News 2/2002

Ultimate Revenge
Ultimate Revenge

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> From Poland
> Members are:
Cezar - guitars, vocals (since 1990) - also in Moon and Gilotyna, was in Whispers and Seth (POL)
> Previous members:
Reyash - bass, vocals (2000-2017) - now in Supreme Lord and Witchmaster, was in Vader and Profanum
Mlody - drums (2012-2017) - now in Amorphous, Dissenter, and F.A.M., was in Bloodlust
Armagog - bass, vocals (2017) - now in A.H.P., Embrional, F.A.M., and Throneum, was in Arkona (POL), Inferno, Call ov Unearthly, Diabolicon, Exhalation, Mystes, Taran, Witchfuck, Enclave, Vociferous, and Suffering
Paul - drums (2011-2012) - now in Antigama, Crionics, Hate, and Soul Snatcher, was in Lost Soul, Thy Disease, Interior, and Rootwater
Hellrizer - drums (2008-2011) - now in Deaf's Point and Discordian, was in Saltus, Carnal, Goetia, Gortal, and Hate
Inferno - drums (2011) - now in Behemoth, Azarath, and Witchmaster, was in Damnation
Icanraz - drums (2007-2010) - now in Devilish Impressions and Pigface Beauty, was in Via Mistica, Abused Majesty, Hermh, Naumachia, and Diseased
Mscislaw - bass (2010) - now in Moon, Abusiveness, Blaze Of Perdition, Bialy Vitez, Blasphemy Rites, Deivos, Dira Mortis, Pripegal, and Ulcer, was in Eclipse and Profundis
Wizun - drums (2010) - now in Moon, Abusiveness, Blaze Of Perdition, Deivos, Dira Mortis, Parricide, and Ulcer, was in Eclipse and Squash Bowels
Blackie - bass, vocals (1997-2000) - now in Kohorta, was in Moon, Frost, Third Degree, Slave, and That's All She Wrote
Thoarinus - drums (1998-2000) - was in Marhoth and Sacrilegium
Vitold - drums (2000) - was in Supreme Lord and Witchmaster
G-Hatt - guitars (2000)
Maciej "Gilan" Liszewski - drums (1995-1998) - was in Dies Irae
Mauser - bass, vocals (1995-1997) - now in UnSun and Dies Irae, was in Vader
Zurek - drums (1990-1995) - was in Ash Devili
Ash - bass, vocals (1990-1995)
> Session musicians:
Zaala - live drums (2002-2011) - plays in Supreme Lord, was in Demogorgon, Kill, Witchmaster, and Monastery
Tomasz Bonarowski - keyboards on "Daemoonseth Act II"
Patrick Bissonette - vocals on "Elysium"
Marek Kwadrans - bodhran on "Elysium"
Bart - drums on "Elysium"
Doc - drums on "Elysium" - plays in Vader
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Christ Agony

Last update: 06/11/24