Savour of the Seething Meat (demo) (1993) |
1. At the epicurean gynaecologist | 10:17 |
2. Tender flesh... on the bier | 11:26 |
3. Knee deep in blood I wade | 5:24 |
4. Muse perverse | 1:19 |
5. Gangling menstrual blood-broth for supper | 8:40 |
total time | 38 min |

9.0 / 10 (2 votes)
#9 in the Demo top 10 from all time!
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9.0 / 10 (2 votes)
#9 in the Demo top 10 from all time!
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Incessant Desire for Palatable Flesh (1994) |
1. (I am) enamoured of dead bodies | 8:32 |
2. At the epicurean gynaecologist | 10:43 |
3. Muse perverse | 1:26 |
4. Knee deep in blood I wade | 5:24 |
5. Chewing female genital parts | 7:27 |
6. Tender flesh... on the bier | 11:59 |
7. Gangling menstrual blood-broth for supper | 9:09 |
total time | 54:40 |

9.1 / 10 (23 votes)
#7 in Zenial's top 10 from 1994!
2 reviews
9.1 / 10 (23 votes)
#7 in Zenial's top 10 from 1994!
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The Lost Tapes (2019) |
1. At The Epicurean Gynaecologist | 10:30 | | Savour Of The Seething Meat! 1993 Demo |
2. Tender Flesh... On The Bier | 11:44 |
3. Knee Deep In Blood I Wade | 5:16 |
4. Muse Perverse | 1:23 |
5. Gangling Menstrual Blood-Broth For Supper | 8:53 |
6. Impassioned Arousal | 4:48 | | As I Lay Dying 1995 Promotional Tape |
7. Magnificence | 7:12 |
8. Welter In Carnal Lust | 4:23 |
9. Blood-Drenched Bowels In My Bed | 6:48 | | Rehearsal August 1991 |
10. Butchered Magnificence | 6:28 | | Rehearsal Sep-Oct 1994 |
11. Tampon Gourmet | 5:33 | | Rehearsal Early 1995 |
12. Heartbeat | 2:53 |
total time | 75:51 |
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#7 in the Compilation top 10 from 2019!
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#7 in the Compilation top 10 from 2019!
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Rehearsal 08/1991 |
1. Blood drenched bowels in my bed | 6:50 |
Rehearsal 10/1991 |
1. Blood drenched bowels in my bed | 8:57 |
2. Sloaghed alive and mined with a knive | 7:24 |
total time | 16:21 |
Rehearsal 7/8/1992 |
1. Gangling menstrual blood-broth for supper | 7:45 |