Reviews for Amorphis - Far From The Sun:
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I am a little dissapointed by Amorphis, although they still remain one of my favorite bands. I think of my reviews and votes: I gave "Tales..." 10/10, "Elegy" 9/10, "Tuonela" 8/10, "Am Universum" 7/10, and now I am going to give "Far From the Sun" a 5/10. They are getting worse and worse over the time.
"Far From the Sun" is not a bad album, it's a bad Amorphis album. Actually, the first track of this album is one of their best songs after the "Elegy" period, but I found boring all the next songs! I know they will never return to the glory of "Tales...". But I hope they can offer us a 2nd "Elegy". I just hope...

Review by: forestarm

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