Blaze Of Perdition
The Harrowing of Hearts

1. Suffering Made Bliss

Our hearts are trapped
In a spiral of struggle
Futile battle for another dawn
Dreaming of heavens
Heading south further and further
Craving for peace - devoted to war
In search for purpose
In search for meaning
But ending up with vile frustration
For even the richest content
And the purest of joys
Cannot satisfy our hunger anymore

Hearts like vessels, impossible to fill
Leaking the blood, drop by drop

Promises made by us for ourselves
A spark of hope - shield and weapon alike
To hide behind and to strike with wrath
Yet the target is us and it attracts the blade

Every thought we breed tonight
Every chance we face
Every choice we make
They all lead us back
Every dream we breed tonight
Every chance we take
Every choice we make
They all lead us back
Every scar we get tonight
Every memory
Every star and every day

Day after day alone we paint the scars
Layer upon layer and brush is the knife
Day after day alone we paint the scars
Layer upon layer and canvas is the heart

Every thought we breed tonight
Every chance we face
Every choice we make
They all lead us back
Every dream we breed tonight
Every chance we take
Every choice we make
They all lead us back
Every scar we get tonight
Every memory
And this starlit sky
They all lead us back
Every suffering, every joy
Every night and every day

Day after day alone we paint the scars
Layer upon layer and brush is the knife
Day after day alone we paint the scars
Layer upon layer and canvas is the heart

Suffering made bliss
A promise of peace
In hope of serenity
Suffering made bliss
Prosthetic of peace
To kindle a light
In the darkness of mere being

Thicker and thicker
One more scab we paint
To fill the hole again
Thicker and thicker
One more scab we paint
To feel whole again

And no one knows
When it falls apart

2. With Madman's Faith

Tell us how to climb this fading tree
When its limbs crumble to dust
With every step we take
How to harvest the fruit
A glimpse of damnation in disguise
When the tree is ravaged by disease?

The deeper we go, the less we know
With little to gain or no gain at all
The higher we rise, the harder we fall
With madman’s faith
We embrace the crown

Should we even try to rise above
And reach the top?
Bleak house of God
Safe haven for the souls
What should we expect to see
When our eyes are shut
And our achievements
Are bound to underwhelm?

The deeper we go, the less we know
With little to gain or no gain at all
The higher we rise, the harder we fall
With madman’s faith
We embrace the crown

How to dive in search for treasures
When all the waters are mud?
Should we allow ourselves to submerge
Against the pressure, against the dark
Even if it means to lose it all?
Everything we’ve been working so hard to build
For a moment of supposed triumph
Hollow victory, pride in the fall

Become as Christ
And suffer his madness
For madness is divine
Become as God
And revel in darkness
Of the other side

Thus the redeeming blood flows

As the branches encourage to tighten the noose
So the roots coil around our feet and pull us down
As the Sun taunts us with its blissful warmth
So the Moon sells us the promises of power

The deeper we go, the less we know
With little to gain or no gain at all
The higher we rise, the harder we fall
With madman’s faith
We embrace the crown

3. Transmutation of Sins

I open my chest
To expose my heart
I welcome the thrust
Of the spear of man
Ravens above
And rats below
Little do they know
Of what’s yet to come

O Son of Man
Dissolve within
O Son of God
And scorch my veins
With thy flame
Fill me with love again

My one desire
The fountain of life
My deepest love
Shining every night
Come Headless One
The Father, the Son
We share the blood
Within - without

Take my hand
And cross the gates
Of doubt and faith
Where ecstasy
Becomes one with pain
Come ye fearless ones
The garden of despair awaits

My one desire
The fountain of life
My deepest love
Shining every night
Come Headless One
The Father, the Son
We share the blood
Within - without

For I am the sword
That cuts through the night
For I am the cross
Torment sanctified
For this is my flesh
Fodder for the heart
For this is my blood
Pouring from the sky
My flesh, my blood - as one

My one desire
The fountain of life
My deepest love
Shining every night
Come Headless One
The Father, the Son
We share the blood
Within - without

My sin - carved beneath the skin
Waning without, raging within
Itching and bleeding and giving birth
To the the fire that shall forever burn

4. Królestwo Niebieskie

W ogrodzie rozpaczy, pustym za dnia
Zdrój żywota zaprasza
W objęcia rozkoszy
Oto krew moja - przelana, wyssana
Jak jad z ran - pijcie ze źródła istnienia

Uwiedzeni obłędem
Upojeni szaleństwem
Zrzucamy pas ziemskich cnót
Uwiedzeni obłędem
Upojeni szaleństwem
Niewinność skazujemy na gwałt
Ostatni raz

Zbrukani, złamani
Kończymy ten dzień
W tłumie, choć sami
A z ust naszych śpiew

Idziemy na skraj
Na szafot do gwiazd
W świat imion wyklętych
W potępienie pamięci
Stoimy u bram
Nie złoto, lecz rdza
To nasze królestwo
Królestwo serc pustych
Lecimy do gwiazd
A oczy zwrócone ku nocy
Do gwiazd, na skraj
Chwytamy kometę za włosy
Choć w pustkę - z nadzieją
Dumni, w udręce wkraczamy
W królestwo niebieskie
Skąpani w szkarłacie

Ojcze wszechmogący
Któryś jest w nas
Przyjdź Królestwo Twoje
Już czas, już czas
Ojcze wszechmogący
Poprowadź nas
Przez Królestwo Twoje
Przez rozpacz i gwałt

Za słowami kłamców
W obietnice prawd
Śladami morderców
Za bratem brat
Już czas, już czas
W jednej linii podążamy
Od świętych o krok
Na czele On
Prowadzi na Sąd

Ostatni raz
Rozpalmy ten żar
Ostatni raz
Przyłóżmy do ran

W ciemności istnienia
Choć iskry szukamy
Co życie rozświetli
Przyniesie nadzieję
W duszy czarną noc

By pozwoliła nam
Odbicie znów ujrzeć
W lustrze otchłani
Ze sobą sam na sam

Z uśmiechem na ustach
Choć w potoku łez
Na rękach krew
Za głosem serc
Zmierzamy donikąd

5. What Christ Has Kept Apart

No peace is found
Among the ashes and decay
No use for tears
They only turn them into clay
I am the question
With answer nowhere to be seen
Lost in translation
Hidden deep within

Crucify me now
On a tree of broken faith
Use folded hands to sink the nails
Vilify me now
And adorn my face with shame
For I shall wear it as a crown

Hear not, fear not the words of the wise
For none of them have seen the face of terror
Inhale the fumes from the brimstone lake
For there are fates worse than death eternal

Something starts to shine
Through the darkened sky
All eyes shall behold
The coming of the Son

I bring back a spark of hope again
From the void of dreams unfulfilled
Or at least the supposed one
For none shall be given away
I devour the flesh of the wicked
And drink the blood of the sick
I absorb the power of the feeble
Puissance of the weak

Something starts to shine
Through the darkened sky
All eyes shall behold
The Blaze of Perdition

I hold together
What Christ has kept apart
I raise my arms to heavens
With feet in brimstone mouth
I bring the Moon to daylight
Ignite the Sun at night
I free myself from grace
To fix the broken heart

Crucify. Vilify. Sanctify. Me.
I shall wear it as a crown
I hold together
What Christ has kept apart
I raise my arms to heavens
With feet in brimstone mouth
I bring the Moon to daylight
Ignite the Sun at night
I free myself from grace
To fix the broken heart

Addressed to the world
The question remains
All answers are hollow
Thus I shall communicate mine

All answers are hollow
The question remains
No leaders to follow
No idols to praise

Shining tomorrow
Still burning today
I bring together
Whom Christ
Has kept away

He kept us apart

He kept us away

6. The Great Seducer

I am the Sun and I am the Moon
Constellation of thoughts
Fiery stars in the night
I am...

Reflection in the water surface
Your face in the pool of blood

I carry my Blaze towards Perdition

Overwhelmed by the weight of materia
Crawling like a worm, abused and disgraced
Devoid of dignity, banished from Heavens
I carry my flame towards damnation
It is my cross, my crown of thorns
Through the treadmill of existence
Comes the last spark of hope

Who am I? The Son of God?
Who am I? Friend or foe?
Who am I? Saviour to some
Who am I? Bane to others

Infinity concealed in a crippled flesh
Illusion of grace - wolf in sheep’s clothing
My faces are many and so are the stars
Beside you at your birth I was
Beside you at your death I shall be
I was there in Gethsemane
I was there in the Garden of Eden
Where I offered you life
So you could understand death

Water flows as fire reigns
Night and day, so many my names
I have no beginning, I have no end
The Serpent - the Lamb
The first and the last Man on Earth

Pull off the armor of God
And put on the one of the scales
You belong to your father - the Snake
And lie is his name
But in lie you shall find
The answers you seek
For when the truth is none
Only lie will set you free

Now I am fallen from the sky
Forgotten son
Now I am cut down to the ground
I who freed your minds

For I have said in my heart:
I will ascend into heaven
I will exalt my throne
Above the world of men
I will bury my heart
In the Garden of Eden
Beneath the broken tree
That set you free

The great seducer
The passion ablaze
Prime mover of doubt and faith
Let us pray
The cruel lover
Ecstasy and pain
Give us affection, give us disdain
We pray

7. Moonchild (Fields of the Nephilim cover)


Well it's a righteous dream
But out of mind, yeah
A righteous dream
But out of mind, yeah

Tend the horses
Let 'em crawl
Put 'em in their cages

That's righteous for the soul

Open your eyes
And despite what's deep
Well, that's righteous for the weak

Lower me down, lower me down
Lower me down down down down down down

Well it's a righteous day
But out of mind, yeah
And I give your last rite
Oh, it's a righteous day

Never return, I will wait no more
Take no prisoners in the promised war
You'll die for this
Die for this
Take them

Lower me down, lower me down
Lower me down

Lower me down,
Lower me down down down down down down

Here come the silver pieces
Can't you see
You're losing me

Lower me down, lower me down
Lower me down

Lower me down,
Lower me down down down down down down

Lower me down,
Lower me down down down down down down

Revisit to an empty hall
You can't see I've been burned before
Well they tear you down and they'll bear your shame
Longevity hear my pain

Moonchild (lower me down)

And I'm waiting, and I'm raging,
And I'm waiting, and I'm raging,
And a white moon falls, a black moon calls,
Waiting to defy the One

Moonchild (lower me down)

Longevity, longevity,
I melt down where I burned before
Longevity, longevity,
I melt down where I burned before
And I know where you lay
I melt down where I burned before
And I know where you lay (down, down, down)



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