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The Defeat of Satan (as Crush Evil) (demo) (1991)
The Defeat of Satan (as Crush Evil) (demo) 1. The Defeat Of Satan 9:02
2. New Life 7:35
3. Jesus Saves 8:25
4. Knus Ondskapen 1:03
total time25:55

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#7 in the Demo top 10 from 1991!

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#7 in the Demo top 10 from 1991!

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Despair (demo) (1993)
Despair (demo) 1. Preludium 0:53
2. Demonic Seduction 5:59
3. Message From Hell 3:38
4. Lost Generation 3:20
5. Human 4:59
6. Jesus, Jesus, Ver Du Hjå Meg 3:14
total time20:20

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8.0 / 10 (3 votes)

1 review

8.0 / 10 (3 votes)

1 review

Martyrium (1994)
Martyrium 1. Spiritual Disease 6:42
2. Materialistic Lie 3:13
3. Depressed 6:43
4. Thoughts 7:09
5. Under The Sun 5:00
6. Inmost Fear 5:38
7. Searching 3:00
8. Martyrium 2:59
9. Mercy Lord 6:40
total time47:04

Lyrics **********
6.2 / 10 (5 votes)

1 review

6.2 / 10 (5 votes)

1 review

The Return Of The Black Death (1998)
The Return Of The Black Death 1. Vinterferden 1:21
2. A Sovereign Fortress 4:54
3. Svartedauens Gjenkomst 4:42
4. Sorg 6:14
5. The Bridge Of Death 5:31
6. Gamlelandt 6:14
7. Kilden-Lik En Endelos Elv 6:23
8. Kongsblod 5:50
9. Battlefield 5:59
10. Ancient Prophecy 8:00
11. Ildnatten 2:05
total time57:13

HD cover
2 Versions
6.9 / 10 (10 votes)

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6.9 / 10 (10 votes)

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The Defeat of Satan (2003)
The Defeat of Satan 1. Despair + The Defeat of Satan cd 48:28

5.2 / 10 (5 votes)

1 review

5.2 / 10 (5 votes)

1 review

Det Tapte Liv (2004)
Det Tapte Liv 1. Rites Of Death 3:45
2. Grief 3:32
3. Last Season 3:45
4. Med Hevede Sverd 4:50
5. Det Tapte Liv 2:46
total time18:38

Lyrics **********
5.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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5.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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The Forsaken (2005)
The Forsaken 1. Rites of death 4:14
2. Old times cruelty 3:56
3. Via dolorosa 5:09
4. Raade 3:28
5. The crown I carry 4:52
6. Betrayed 4:21
7. Vale of tears 5:52
8. The return 4:47
9. As I die 4:51
10. Mitt hjerte 3:18
total time44:48

HD cover
7.8 / 10 (19 votes)

2 reviews

7.8 / 10 (19 votes)

2 reviews

Omen (2012)
Omen 1. Treacherous Domain 5:32
2. Unchained 3:56
3. In Solitude 4:33
4. The Kindling 5:25
5. Remnants 6:00
6. All Towers Must Fall 6:47
7. Torn Apart 4:18
8. Tilflukt 3:42
9. Benighted 4:51
10. Mørkets Grøde 5:59
total time51:03

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Come Armageddon
Come Armageddon
Northern Lights
Northern Lights

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> From Norway
> Members are:
Lars Stokstad - guitars, vocals, keyboards (since 1993)
Erkebisp - guitars (since 1995)
Ronny Hansen - vocals (since 2000) - also in Grave Declaration and Morgenroede, was in Vaakevandring and Sylvan Fortress
Jo Henning Børven - drums (since 2010) - also in Morgenroede, was in Arvinger, Grave Declaration, Vardøger, and Spinning Foundation
Robert Bordevik - guitars, vocals, bass (since 2010) - also in Vardøger, was in Grievance
Erik Normann Aanonsen - bass (since 2011) - also in Haruko, Moddi, and Monograf
> Previous members:
Thor Georg Buer - bass, programming, guitars (2010-2012) - now in Grave Declaration
Sygmoon - keyboards (2000-2007) - was in Vaakevandring and Merylia
Gard - bass (1993-2004)
Armoth - drums (1993-2003) - now in Mourning Leaves
Martyr - vocals (1993-2000)
Ole Børud - guitars (1996-1997) - now in Fleshkiller and Extol, was in Schaliach, Ole Børud, and Børud-Gjengen
Pilgrim - guitars (1993-1995)
Nickolas Main Henriksen - keyboards (2010-2013) - was in Aspera, Illusion, Oceans of Time, and DesDemon
> Session musicians:
Fionnghuala - vocals (2000-2007) - was in Slechtvalk
Trond Bjørnstad - bass (2007) - was in Vaakevandring and Analimal
Gurra - drums (2007) - plays in Crimson Moonlight and Exhale
Jokull - bass, vocals (2002-2005) - plays in Dödsmarsch, Frosthardr, InnerSiege, Dark Valentine, and WarHorse
Tony Kirkemo - drums (2004-2005) - plays in Chrome Division, was in Old Man's Child and Minas Tirith
Savn - drums (2001-2003) - plays in Frosthardr, was in Vaakevandring
Erkebisp - guitars (2004)
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Last update: 04/01/22