1) |  | Moonsorrow - Verisäkeet | 9.46 (69 votes) |
2) |  | My Dying Bride - Sinamorata (video) | 9.34 (24 votes) |
3) |  | Morgul - All Dead Here... | 9.27 (24 votes) |
4) |  | Novembers Doom - The Pale Haunt Departure | 9.22 (40 votes) |
5) |  | Taake - ...Doedskvad | 9.20 (72 votes) |
6) |  | The Project Hate MCMXCIX - Armageddon March Eternal - Symphonies of Slit Wrists | 9.12 (11 votes) |
7) |  | Falkenbach - Heralding - The Fireblade | 9.08 (50 votes) |
8) |  | Code - Nouveau Gloaming | 9.06 (24 votes) |
9) |  | Messiah - Powertrash / The Infernal Thrashing | 9.03 (15 votes) |
10) |  | Primordial - The Gathering Wilderness | 9.01 (58 votes) |
11) | Shape Of Despair - Shape of Despair | 9.00 (13 votes) |
12) | Lurker Of Chalice - Lurker of Chalice | 9.00 (10 votes) |
13) | Thy Worshiper - Signum (demo) | 8.99 (7 votes) |
14) | Burzum - Anthology - Lord Of Darkness | 8.99 (7 votes) |
15) | Windir - Sognametal (video) | 8.98 (23 votes) |
16) | The Gathering - A Sound Relief (video) | 8.98 (6 votes) |
17) | Catamenia - Winternight Tragedies | 8.97 (37 votes) |
18) | Pain - Dancing With The Dead | 8.95 (13 votes) |
19) | Lumsk - Troll | 8.95 (13 votes) |
20) | The 3rd And The Mortal - Project Bluebook: Decade of Endeavour | 8.94 (10 votes) |
21) | Dark Tranquillity - Character | 8.93 (71 votes) |
22) | Nocte Obducta - Nektar - Teil 2: Seen, Flüsse, Tagebücher | 8.92 (15 votes) |
23) | Draconian - Arcane Rain Fell | 8.91 (46 votes) |
24) | Swallow The Sun - Ghosts of Loss | 8.87 (30 votes) |
25) | Peccatum - The Moribund People | 8.87 (7 votes) |