Ashen Light

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Pesn Velesa (1999)
Pesn Velesa 1. Vozrozhdenie 1:52
2. Veda roda 5:08
3. Lesnaya tsarevna 4:26
4. Ros 4:51
5. Pesn velesa 3:48
6. Vtoroe rozhdenie 5:50
7. Poslednyaya bitva (ch. 1+2) 5:46
8. Besnovataya 7:32
9. Pepelnyj svet 4:33
10. Vapurgieva noch (live) 6:19bonus
11. Skazanie o chernyh holmah (live) 4:38bonus
12. Pri Lune (live) 3:06bonus
13. Ogon' 3:33bonus
total time43:46(rerelease 61:22)

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9.0 / 10 (25 votes)

#4 in User vote top 10 from Russia!

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9.0 / 10 (25 votes)

#4 in User vote top 10 from Russia!

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Stary Bilini / Slavenskie Vecera (2000)
Stary Bilini / Slavenskie Vecera 1. Nepra rechn 3:37
2. Nidawe ochnmi (pesn pervay) 5:54
3. Rys 5:25
4. Orn Cherirn (pesn vtoray) 7:19
5. Mrlan 6:54
6. Vecher pervni 3:41
7. Vecher vtoroi 4:44
8. Vecher treti 4:58
9. Vecher chetnertni 5:07
10. Vecher pytni (veda roda) 4:06
11. Vecher westoi (prom) 5:26
12. Besnovatay (zpilor) 5:11
total time62:22

8.5 / 10 (6 votes)

#2 in the Non-Metal top 10 from Russia!

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8.5 / 10 (6 votes)

#2 in the Non-Metal top 10 from Russia!

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Pesni Mertvyh & Zov T'my (2002)
Pesni Mertvyh & Zov T'my 1. Otche nash... 4:52
2. Bratstvo smerti 4:46
3. Iskazhenie 3:52
4. Zov t'my 4:43
5. Pesni mertvyh 4:23
6. Zov t'my (live) 4:15
7. The hordes of nebulah (live) 4:11Darkthrone cover
8. Blashyrkh (mighty ravendark) (live) 4:34Immortal cover
total time35:36

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7.4 / 10 (5 votes)

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7.4 / 10 (5 votes)

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V sostradanii k otverzennym Osuzdennym (2003)
V sostradanii k otverzennym Osuzdennym 1. V sostrodanii k otverzenym 5:34(Compassion To The Outcast)
2. Blashyrkh (Mighty Ravendark) 4:32Immortal cover
3. Tanec Smerti 3:48(Death's Dance)
4. The Hordes Of Nebulah 4:03Darkthrone cover
5. Deathcrush 3:17Mayhem cover
6. Transilvanian Hunger 6:38Darkthrone cover
7. Bezmolvie mogil 5:29(The Silence of the Graves)
total time33:21

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8.0 / 10 (5 votes)

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8.0 / 10 (5 votes)

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Prichaschenie Ognem (2005)
Prichaschenie Ognem 1. Prichaschenie ognem 4:30
2. Otrechenie ot mira i hrista 5:32
3. Vstan' na storony t'my 5:49
4. Les koldovstva i nenavisti 3:16
5. Djavolitsa 3:44
6. Armiya Armageddona 6:49
7. Voznesenie rogatogo knyaza na 3:13
total time32:53

Lyrics **********
9.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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9.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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God is Dead: Death is God (2006)
God is Dead: Death is God 1. Intro 1:52
2. Devyat' Gramm 2:03(Nine Grams)
3. Intro 0:57
4. Tvoy Ray I Tvoy Ad 3:25(Your Heaven and Your Hell)
5. V Nityakh Sud'by 3:50(In the Threads of Fate)
6. Intro 0:56
7. Bez Smerti Zhyzn' Poteryala By Smysl (chast 1) 4:34(Without Death, Life Would Have lost its Meaning (Part 1))
8. Bez Smerti Zhyzn' Poteryala By Smysl (chast 2) 3:55(Without Death, Life Would Have lost its Meaning (Part 2))
9. Intro 2:34
10. Vechnost' 2:59(Eternity)
11. Put' K Zvyozdam 3:28(Path to the Stars)
12. Smert-Bog 3:56(Death-God)
13. untitled 3:26
14. untitled 2:12
total time40:07

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Filosofiya Samounichtozheniya (2007)
Filosofiya Samounichtozheniya 1. Chashi Vesov V Postoyannom Dvizhenii 0:54(The Scales In Permanent Motion)
2. Oni Chast' Tebya... 2:58(They Are The Part Of You...)
3. Oni Vypolzali, Ostervenelo Brosayas', Razbivayas' O Zemlyu... 5:27(They Were Crawling Out, Furiously Diving, Crashing To The Ground...)
4. Otkuda-to, Vozmozhno Iz Staryh Vospominaniy... 4:09(From Somewhere, Maybe From The Old Remembrances...)
5. Vpervye Ponyav, Chto Chto-to V Etoy Zhizni Imeet Znachenie... 3:31(Understanding For The First Time That Something In This Life Has A Meaning...)
6. Za Pervimi Notami Znakomoj Melodii... 1:49(By The First Notes Of The Known Melody...)
7. Ja Smotrel, No Nichego Ne Videl... 2:32(I Was Looking, But Not Seeing...)
8. Ty Nichego Ne Ponimaesh... 4:48(You Understand Nothing...)
9. Prorochestvo - Zatmenie Vo T'me... 4:07(Prophecy - Eclipse In The Dark...)
10. Oni Ne Prinadlezhat Nikomu... 4:24(The Belong To None...)
--- Bonus Tracks ---
1. Loading of System 1:57Divizion S-187
2. Revolution of High Technologies 5:29
3. R5L1X 2:38
4. Orgasmashine 4:08
5. Philosophy of Self-Destruction (Ashen Light cover) 4:09
6. The Requiem of Dead Stars: They Already for a Long Time Are Dead, but We See Their Light Is Last That Remains from Them... 5:07
total time58:08
total time34:39

Lyrics **********
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The New Era Of Black Metal: Live in Moscow & Minsk (video) (2008)
The New Era Of Black Metal: Live in Moscow & Minsk (video) 1. Devyat' Gramm 2:06
2. V Nityakh Sud'by 4:09
3. Otche Nash... 4:55
4. Bratstvo Smerti - Tanec Smerti 7:55
5. Prichastie Ognem 3:23
6. Lesnaya Carevna 4:50
7. Veda Roda 5:31
8. Devyat' Gramm 3:10
9. V Nityakh Sud'by 4:04
10. Bratstvo Smerti 3:48
11. Zov T'my 4:30
12. Tanec Smerti 4:00
13. Prichastie Ognem 3:41
14. Lesnaya Carevna 4:47
total time60:49

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Real'naya Zhizn' - Zhizn' Zdes' I (2008)
Real'naya Zhizn' - Zhizn' Zdes' I 1. Bezzhiznennye Slova, Nelepye Razmyshleniya, Smysl Kotorym Vernyot Tol'ko Smert'... 4:54(Lifeless words that's sense can be restored only by death)
2. Zhelaniya I Dazhe Prostye Slova Imeyut Uzhasnuyu Sposobnost' Voploschat'sya V Zhizn'... 4:14(Wishes and words have the awful ability to convert into a fact)
3. Real'naya Zhizn' - Zhizn' Zdes' I Seychas - Zhizn', V Kotoroy Suschestvuesh Posmertno... 5:03(Real life is life here and now)
4. Pokornost', Smirenie I Samounichtozhenie - Absurd, Kak Eto Chudovischno I Kak Porazitel'no... 1:51(Obedience, humility and self-destruction)
5. V Nityakh Sud'by (edit) 3:52(In the Threads of Fate)
6. Scars of the crucifix (Deicide cover) 3:28
7. The dark castle in the deep forest (Satyricon cover) 6:12
8. Devyat' Gramm (live) 2:03(Nine grams)
9. V Nityakh Sud'by (live) 4:11(In the threads of fate)
10. Bratstvo Smerti (live) 3:26(The brotherhood of Death)
11. Prichaschenie Ognem (live) 3:21(Communion by Fire)
12. Tanec Smerti (live) 4:02(Death's Dance)
total time46:47

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Krov' Apokalipsisa (2009)
Krov' Apokalipsisa 1. Krov' Apokalipsisa 2:51(Blood of Apocalypse)
2. Sudnyi Den': Ad Zhdyot Tebya: Ad - Chast' Tebya! 2:04(Judgment Day)
3. Ya Sposoben Poverit', Chto Rassvet Ne Pridyot... 1:35(I can believe that Dawn won't come)
4. Emissar Ada 1:47(Emissary of Hell)
5. Parad Svyatykh Muchenikov 2:21(Parade of Saint Martyrs)
6. Labirinty Samopoznaniya 2:13(Labyrinths of Self-cognition)
7. Mir Umryot I Ukhodya Zaberyot S Soboy Vsyo... 1:55(The World will die and take everything with itself)
8. Smert' Vo Blago! 1:22(Death for Kindness)
9. Padshie Angely 2:29(Fallen Angels)
10. Umeret' - Znachit Zhit' Vechno! 2:01(To Die means to Live Forever!)
11. Prostaya Melodiya Bezumiya 1:30(Simple Melody of Madness)
12. Mir Pustoty 3:20(World of Emptiness)
13. Krov' Apokalipsisa - Uteryannaya Istina (pt.1) 5:16(Lost Truth pt 1)
14. Krov' Apokalipsisa - Uteryannaya Istina (pt.2) 6:15(Lost Truth pt 2)
total time36:59

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Prokljatyj i Neprowennyj (2011)
Prokljatyj i Neprowennyj 1. Zhit' Ili Net... 3:45
2. Luchshe Ad, Chem Fal'shivyj Raj! 3:28
3. Bezmolvie 2:03
4. Cerkov' Mjortvyh Svjatyh 2:29
5. Nesbyvshiesja Mechty - Utrachennye Nadezhdy 3:56
6. Nesbyvshiesja Mechty - Utrachennye Nadezhdy 3:10
7. Prokljatyj! 2:03
8. Otrechenie I 1:22
9. Otrechenie II 3:23
10. Otrechenie III 1:54
11. Otrechenie IV 4:02
12. Otrechenie V 2:27
13. Horosho sidet' i molchat' 3:58
total time38:00

Lyrics **********
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Living in Ashes and Light (2022)
Living in Ashes and Light 1. Krov' Apokalipsisa 2:51Live recording
2. Devjat' gramm 1:57
3. V nitjah sud'by 3:52
4. Otche nash 3:48
5. Bratstvo smerti 3:34
6. Zov t'my 4:33
7. Tanec smerti 3:55
8. V miloserdii otkazano! 3:30
9. Prichashhenie ognjom 3:13
10. Besnovataja 3:56
11. Ros' 3:41
12. Pesn' Velesa 4:06
13. Poslednjaja bitva 3:22
14. Vtoroe rozhdenie 4:53
15. Lesnaja carevna 4:19
16. Veda Roda 5:14
total time60:44

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#6 in the Live top 10 from 2022!

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#6 in the Live top 10 from 2022!

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Live at Polygon (2001)
1. Chas Rasplaty 3:37
2. Veda Roda 4:46
3. Val'purgieva Noch' 6:23
4. Skazanie O Chernyh Kholmah 4:36
5. Lesna Carevna 4:24
6. Pri Lune 2:50
7. Zov T'my 5:53
8. Pesn' Velesa 3:33
total time36:02

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Unholy Cross Volumen XIV
Unholy Cross Volumen XIV
Zor Compilation
Zor Compilation

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> From Russia
> Members are:
Alex - bass, guitars, drums, keyboards (since 1997)
Dmitriy "Belf" Safronov - vocals, bass (since 2006) - also in Stigmatic Chorus, Izmoroz', and Put' Solnca, was in Blackcrowned, Divizion S-187, Esgharioth, Imperial Age, Sinful, Nevid', Revelance, and Teogoniya
Andrew Ischenko - drums (since 2007) - also in Arkona (RUS), Forbidden Shape, Grace Disgraced, Metafora, RD, Salantina, Shattered Destiny, Izmoroz', Magistr, Put' Solnca, Rogatye Trupoedy, and FS PROJEKT, was in Divizion S-187, Dreaming Soul, End Zone, Mortem, Symbol, X-Rated 6ex6ex6ex, Croupier, Heretic Town, Catharsis, Crystal Abyss, Esgharioth, Hatecraft, Kartikeya, Melissa, Scrambled Defuncts, Scream in Darkness, Shadow Host, Stigmatic Chorus, Viper Inc., Kalevala, Oleg Mishin, Ens Cogitans, Hieronymus Bosch, Scartown, Madwar, Nazgul, October Sun, Paul DiAnno, Ivan Ivanov, Konklav, Modem, Novaja Model', PiterPjen, Serebrjanyj Rubl', and Hajndriks
> Previous members:
Smurd - drums & percussion (1997-2000) - was in Atra Mustum
Gmur - guitars (1997-2000) - now in Rogatye Trupoedy, was in Atra Mustum
Niyan - keyboards (1997-2000) - was in Atra Mustum and Chaos Alter
Vsegard - vocals, bass (1997-2000) - now in Atra Mustum, Emerald Night, and Celtic Lilt, was in Chaos Alter
Mary "Priestess" - guitars (1997) - was in Vipera Aspis
Lexx - bass (2002-2005) - now in Morgue's Child
Katerina - keyboards (2002-2005)
Father Sergiy - vocals (2002-2004) - was in Grom and Cavandish
Blazheniy Amariy - drums (2003) - now in Formalin, Ad Astra, Anal Nosorog, Corpsegrinder, Mr. Sphincter, and S.H.I.T., was in Stigmatic Chorus and Revelance
Lord Demogorgon - vocals (2004-2005) - now in Black Shadow and H.E.W.D.A.T.
Valgrim - vocals (2004) - was in Chernobog
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Ashen Light

Last update: 02/06/23