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Unreleased Demo (1984)
Unreleased Demo 1. The Opening (The Cruzifixion) 3:25
2. The Antichrist 3:00
3. Metal March - instrumental 3:11
4. Total Maniac 2:49
5. Grave Hill 4:44
6. Speed Fight 7:16
7. Satan's Resurrection 3:54
8. Witchcyrcle 5:32
9. Mortal Bells 5:11
10. (Never Provide) The Key of Hell 10:39
11. Ending 1:04
total time50:45

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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Powertrash (demo) (1985)
Powertrash (demo) 1. The doom - intro 3:01
2. Powertrash 1:50
3. Metal march (instrumental) 4:44
4. Space invaders 3:25
5. Future aggressor 1:58
6. Empire of the damned 4:23
7. Satan`s resurrection 3:02
8. Total maniac 4:28
9. Antichrist (Pure Hardcore Speed Track) 4:30
total time31:21

10.0 / 10 (3 votes)

#7 in the Demo top 10 from the eighties!

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10.0 / 10 (3 votes)

#7 in the Demo top 10 from the eighties!

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Live Baar (demo) (1985)
Live Baar (demo) 1. The Doom
2. Powertrash
3. Infernal Forces
4. Metal March
5. Space Invaders
6. Future Agressor
7. Guitar Solo by Broggi
8. Future Agressor
9. Total Maniac
10. Antichrist

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The Infernal Thrashing (demo) (1985)
The Infernal Thrashing (demo) 1. Hymn to abramelin 2:15
2. Messiah 2:38
3. Infernal forces 3:39
4. Thrashing madness 3:00
5. Future agressor / total maniac 10:00Live 85
total time21:32

10.0 / 10 (3 votes)

#5 in the Demo top 10 from the eighties!

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10.0 / 10 (3 votes)

#5 in the Demo top 10 from the eighties!

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Hymn to Abramelin (1986)
Hymn to Abramelin 1. Hymn to abramelin 1:14
2. Messiah (extra version) 2:54
3. Anarchus 4:23
4. Space invaders 3:54
5. Thrashing madness 2:37
6. Future agressor 2:28
7. Empire of the damned 3:08
8. Total maniac 3:59
9. The dentist 8:01
total time32:38

HD cover
5 Versions
8.1 / 10 (19 votes)

#3 in Zenial's top 10 from the eighties!

3 reviews

8.1 / 10 (19 votes)

#3 in Zenial's top 10 from the eighties!

3 reviews

Extreme Cold Weather (1987)
Extreme Cold Weather 1. Extreme cold weather 4:20
2. Enjoy yourself 2:26
3. Johannes paul der letzte (dedicated in hate to pope john paul II) 4:02
4. Mother Theresa (dedicated in love to mother theresa) 1:32
5. Hyper borea 5:42
6. Radezky march: we hate to be in the army now 2:29
7. Nero 5:54
--- Live 1987 ---
1. Hymn to abramelin / messiah (extra version) / space invaders 7:22
2. Thrashing madness 2:16
3. Golden dawn 5:57
4. The last inferno 3:11
5. Resurrection 2:57
6. Olé perversus 3:03
total time79:23

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3 Versions
8.1 / 10 (22 votes)

#9 in Zenial's top 10 from Switzerland!

1 review

8.1 / 10 (22 votes)

#9 in Zenial's top 10 from Switzerland!

1 review

Live in Germany - The Mighty Chaos has Returned (demo) (1990)
Live in Germany - The Mighty Chaos has Returned (demo) 1. Opening from the Children of the Corn to the Crucifixion
2. Space invaders
3. Right for unright
4. Muenchhausen syndrom
5. Thrashing madness 3:12
6. The northern command 2:19
7. Psychomorphia 5:22
8. Enjoy yourself 2:32

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Extreme Cold Weather / Hymn to Abramelin (1990)
Extreme Cold Weather / Hymn to Abramelin 1. Hymn to Abramelin + Extreme Cold Weather cd 57:07

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8.9 / 10 (22 votes)

#8 in User vote top 10 from 1990!

3 reviews

8.9 / 10 (22 votes)

#8 in User vote top 10 from 1990!

3 reviews

Advance Tape (1991)
Advance Tape 1. Choir Of Horrors
2. Akasha Chronicle
3. Weeping Willow
4. Lycantropus Erectus
5. Munchhausen Syndrome
6. Cautio Criminalis
7. Northern Command
8. Weena
9. Birth Of A Second Individual
10. Psychomorphia
11. Right For Unright
12. M.A.N.I.A.C.

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Psychomorphia (1991)
Psychomorphia 1. Birth of a second individual 2:28
2. Psychomorphia 8:05
3. Right for unright 5:45
4. M.A.N.I.A.C. 1:57
total time18:15

HD cover
4 Versions
7.8 / 10 (10 votes)

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7.8 / 10 (10 votes)

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Choir of Horrors (1991)
Choir of Horrors 1. Choir of horrors 4:52
2. Akasha chronicle 3:55
3. Weeping willow 5:20
4. Lycantropus erectus 3:22
5. Münchhausen syndrom 5:07
6. Cautio criminalis 4:27
7. Northern command 4:02
8. Weena 6:47
total time37:52

HD cover
3 Versions
9.3 / 10 (39 votes)

#2 in User vote top 10 from 1991!

5 reviews

9.3 / 10 (39 votes)

#2 in User vote top 10 from 1991!

5 reviews

Rotten Perish (1992)
Rotten Perish 1. Prelude: Act of fate 2:31
2. For those who will fail 4:13
3. Living with a confidence 3:49
4. Raped bodies 4:09
5. Lines of thought of a convicted man 1:33
6. Contrition 4:27
7. Condemned cell 4:25
8. Dreams of eschaton (Manilla Road cover) 4:47
9. Anorexia nervosa 4:32
10. Deformed creatures 3:51
11. Alzheimer's disease 3:51
12. Ascension of a divine ordinance 9:49
total time51:57

HD cover
3 Versions
8.0 / 10 (39 votes)

#7 in Zenial's top 10 from 1992!

2 reviews

8.0 / 10 (39 votes)

#7 in Zenial's top 10 from 1992!

2 reviews

The Ballad of Jesus (1994)
The Ballad of Jesus 1. MetalDance=Mix 4:53
2. Neverland-Mix 4:53
3. Kruzzi-Mix 7:04
4. LP-Version 2:17
total time19:07

HD cover
1.3 / 10 (3 votes)

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1.3 / 10 (3 votes)

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Underground (1994)
Underground 1. Battle in the ancient north 3:37
2. Revelation of fire 3:49
3. Underground 4:29
4. Epitaph 3:39
5. The way of the strong 4:16
6. Living in a lie 4:36
7. Screams of frustration 2:46
8. The ballad of jesus 2:19
9. Dark lust 5:44
10. One thousand pallid deaths 5:04
11. The end 3:15
total time43:34

HD cover
4 Versions
5.1 / 10 (15 votes)

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5.1 / 10 (15 votes)

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20 Years of Infernal Thrashing Madness (video) (2004)
20 Years of Infernal Thrashing Madness (video) 1. Total Maniac 4:50Grabenhalle St. Gallen 1985
2. Hymn to Abramelin / Messiah 4:26Geel 1987
3. Space Invaders 3:10
4. Thrashing Madness 2:07
5. Johannes Paul der Letzte 3:40
6. Anarchus 3:43
7. The Dentist 4:49
8. Ole Perversus 3:00Geneva 1987
9. Nero 6:23
10. Munchausen Syndrom 2:14DDR-aue Freilichtbuhne 1990
11. Akasha Cronicle 3:47Marlboro Rock in 1991
12. Lycantropus Erectus 3:11
13. Cautio Criminals 4:22
14. Psychomorphia 4:48Leipzig Anker 1992
15. Intro / For Those Who Will Fall 4:58Surssee Stadthalle 1992
16. Lines of Thought of Convicted Man 1:47
17. Dreams of Eschaton (Manilla Road cover) 4:46
18. Choir of Horrors 4:40
19. Weeping Willow 4:56
20. Extreme Cold Weather 3:58
21. Alzheimers Disease 3:54
22. Raped Bodies / Condemned Cell 4:34Metal Mania Katowice 1993
23. The Way of the Strong 3:49Knaak Club Berlin 1994
24. Symphony of the Dead (Therion cover) 3:13
25. Hymn to Abramelin 0:55
26. Messiah 2:52
27. Choir of Horrors 4:48Abart Concert 2003
28. Lines of Thought of Convicted Man 3:07
29. Cautio Criminals 4:42
30. Raped Bodies 4:45
31. Munchausen Syndrom 4:58
32. Battle in the Ancient North 4:17
33. Johannes Paul der Letzte 4:38
34. Right for Unright 6:53
35. Lycantropus Erectus 4:25
36. Extreme Cold Weather 5:41
37. Hymn to Abramelin 1:20With Full Force 2003
38. Messiah 2:43
39. Space Invaders 3:27
40. Enjoy Yourself 2:42
41. Choir of Horrors 5:15
42. Ascension of Divine Ordinance 0:50
43. Cautio Criminals 4:28
44. Living with a Confidence 3:54
45. Munchausen Syndrom 5:05
46. Future Aggressor 2:22
47. Condemned Cell 4:15
48. Extreme Cold Weather 4:34
49. Akasha Cronicle 5:01
total time3:12:44

HD cover
10.0 / 10 (4 votes)

#9 in User vote top 10 from Switzerland!

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10.0 / 10 (4 votes)

#9 in User vote top 10 from Switzerland!

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Powertrash / The Infernal Thrashing (2005)
Powertrash / The Infernal Thrashing 1. Powertrash + Infernal Trashing demo cd 52:22

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2 Versions
9.4 / 10 (15 votes)

#9 in User vote top 10 from 2005!

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9.4 / 10 (15 votes)

#9 in User vote top 10 from 2005!

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Reanimation 2003 at Abart (2010)
Reanimation 2003 at Abart 1. Intro: The Crucifiction 3:12Live at the Abart Club in Zürich
2. H.T.A.M. / Messiah 3:34
3. Space Invaders 4:06
4. Enjoy Yourself 2:44
5. Choir Of Horrors 4:21
6. Akasha Chronicle 3:58
7. Lines Of Thought Of A Convicted Man 2:49
8. Cautio Criminalis 5:06
9. Living With A Confidence 4:02
10. Raped Bodies 4:22
--- Disk two ---
1. Münchhausen Syndrom 4:55
2. Battle In The Ancient North 3:36
3. Underground 4:24
4. Future Aggressor 2:20
5. Johannes Paul der Letzte 4:11
6. Total Maniac 4:08
7. Condemned Cell 4:25
8. Birth Of A Second Individual 2:30
9. Right For Unright 5:29
10. Lycantropus Erectus 3:25
11. Extreme Cold Weather 4:49
total time1:22:26

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#1 in the Live top 10 from 2010!

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#1 in the Live top 10 from 2010!

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Extreme Hymns and Ballads of a Rotten Psycho Underground Horror Cult (digital) (2012)
Extreme Hymns and Ballads of a Rotten Psycho Underground Horror Cult (digital) 1. Messiah (Extra Version) 3:10
2. The Dentist 8:01
3. Extreme Cold Weather 4:20
4. Enjoy Yourself 2:26
5. Trashing Madness 2:37
6. Psychomorphia 8:05
7. Choir of Horros 4:52
8. Cautio Criminalis 4:27
9. Indecent Assault of the Tribe 6:07
10. Condemned Cell 4:25
11. Raped Bodies 4:09
12. The Ballad of Jesus (Metaldance Mix) 4:53
13. Undergound 4:29
14. Dark Lust 5:44
15. Line of Thought of a Convinced Man 1:33
16. Total Maniac 3:58
17. Johannes Paul Der Letzte 4:02
18. Birth of a Second Individual 2:44
19. Right for Unright 5:45
total time1:25:47

1.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#2 in the Compilation top 10 from 2012!

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1.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#2 in the Compilation top 10 from 2012!

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Space Invaders (2018)
Space Invaders 1. The Arrival 1:26Recorded live 1985
2. Space Invaders 3:10
3. Satans Resurrection 3:17
4. Newborn 4:20
5. Future Aggressor 2:19
6. Antichrist 2:27
7. Messiah 5:51Recorded live 1987
8. Johannes 0:13
9. Maleus Maleficarum 9:25
10. Jazzi's Terrornoise 1:58
11. The Urologue 11:13
12. Golden Dawn 6:16Bonus tracks
13. The Last Inferno 2:59
14. Nero 6:35
15. Metal March / Total Maniac 5:43
16. Extreme Cold Weather 4:09
total time45:34CD 71:21

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#6 in the Live top 10 from 2018!

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#6 in the Live top 10 from 2018!

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The Choir of Horrors and Rotten Perish Era Live (2018)
The Choir of Horrors and Rotten Perish Era Live 1. Intro: Prelude Act Of Fate 2:32Live in Zug (CH), 15 apr 1993
2. For Those Who Will Fail 4:18
3. Living With A Confidence 4:21
4. Raped Bodies 4:15
5. Psychomorphia 4:47
6. Condemned Cell 4:58
7. Choir Of Horrors 4:38
8. Akasha Chronicle 3:50
9. Weeping Willow 5:21
10. Extreme Cold Weather 4:27
11. Enjoy Yourself 2:43
12. Cautio Criminalis 5:52
13. Hymn To Abramelin 1:11
14. Messiah 2:26
15. Lycantropus Erectus 4:25
16. M.A.N.I.A.C. 3:20
17. Choir Of Horrors 5:03Live in Flums (CH), 3 may 1992
18. Münchhausen Syndrom 4:50
19. Cautio Criminalis 4:49
total time78:06

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#7 in the Live top 10 from the twentytens!

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#7 in the Live top 10 from the twentytens!

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The Mighty Chaos Has Returned (The Roots of Psychomorphia) (2018)
The Mighty Chaos Has Returned (The Roots of Psychomorphia) 1. Psychomorphia 6:35Promo '90 Tape
2. Kentucky Fried Maggots 2:53
3. Right For Unright 5:26
4. Das Muenchhausen-Syndrom 5:05
5. Birth Of A Second Individual 2:32Demo Tape 1990
6. Psychomorphia 8:16
7. Right For Unright 5:42
8. M.A.N.I.A.C. 1:58
total time38:27

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#8 in the Compilation top 10 from 2018!

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#8 in the Compilation top 10 from 2018!

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Messiah (2019)
Messiah 1. Psychomorphia lp 18:15
2. Choir Of Horrors lp 37:52
3. Rotten Perish lp 51:57
total time1:48:04

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Fatal Grotesque Symbols - Darken Universe (2020)
Fatal Grotesque Symbols - Darken Universe 1. Fatal Grotesque Symbols - Darken Universe 6:14
2. Space Invaders 3:39
3. Extreme Cold Weather 4:43
total time14:36

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Fracmont (2020)
Fracmont 1. Sacrosanctus Primitivus 2:15
2. Fracmont 9:39
3. Morte al dente 6:34
4. Urbi et Orbi 4:36
5. Singularity 2:33
6. Children of Faith 6:34
7. Dein Wille geschehe 4:11
8. Miracle Far Beyond Disaster 2:37
9. My Flesh - Your Soul 4:09bonus
10. Throne of Diabolic Heretics 6:15
total time49:23

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Christus Hypercubus (2024)
Christus Hypercubus 1. Sikhote Alin 5:33
2. Christus Hypercubus 4:18
3. Once Upon a Time... Nothing 4:19
4. Speed Sucker Romance 5:36
5. Centipede Bites 4:01
6. Please Do Not Disturb (While I'm Dying) 1:54
7. Soul Observatory 3:13
8. Acid Fish 4:58
9. The Venus Baroness I 6:27
10. The Venus Baroness II 4:28
total time44:47

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Live Sursee (1992)
1. Intro - For Those Who Will Fail Live Sursee 1992
2. Lines Of Thought Of A Convicted Man
3. Dreams Of Eschaton
4. Choir Of Horrors
5. Weeping Willow
6. Extreme Cold Weather
7. Alzheimer Disease
8. Baptized In Blood Live November 1987
9. Enjoy Yourself
10. Fucking X Bucks
11. Hyperborea
12. Messiah
13. Nero
14. Space Invaders
15. The Dentist
16. Johannes Paul


25 Years In The Name Of Metal
25 Years In The Name Of Metal
Buddy Holly Night
Buddy Holly Night
Cheap, Hard & Heavy Vol.19
Cheap, Hard & Heavy Vol.19
Death... Is Just the Beginning
Death... Is Just the Beginning
Extreme Noise
Extreme Noise

A Fist In The Face Of God Presents... Thrashing Rage (digital)
A Fist In The Face Of God Presents... Thrashing Rage (digital)
Power Of Metal - 20 Years In Noise
Power Of Metal - 20 Years In Noise
Pure Noise
Pure Noise
Thrash Metal
Thrash Metal
With Full Force 2003 - Das Jubiläum (video)
With Full Force 2003 - Das Jubiläum (video)

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> Formed in 1984 in Switzerland
> Members are:
Christofer Johnsson - vocals (since 1994) - now in Therion
Brögi / R.B. Broggi - guitars (since 1984) - was in Cruise Missile
Oliver Koll - bass (since 1994)
Steve Karrer - drums (since 1990)
> Previous members:
Patrick Hersche - bass (1990-1994) - was in Succubus and Chapter Seven
Andy Kaina - vocals (1990-1994)
Dani Raess - guitars (1990) - was in Babylon Sad
Pete Schuler - drums (1990) - was in Amon and Gezeiten
Tschösi / R.K. Wilhelm Kühne - vocals, bass (1984-1988)
Jazzi / R.H. Heer - drums (1984-1988)
Dave Philips - bass (1988)
Stony - guitars (1985)
> Session musicians:
VO Pulver - live guitars (1987-1988) - play in Poltergeist
> Band broke up in 1988, got back together in 1990 and broke up again in 1994
> Did two reunion concerts in 2003
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Last update: 08/07/24