A Future Not So Far (demo) (1994) |
1. A Future Not So Far |
2. Concentration Camp (Yourself) |
3. Image Of Torture |
4. Rotten Food |
5. Chermical War |
6. Skin |
7. Hemorrhage To The War |
8. Its Explanation Is Your God |
9. Name To The Kings |
10. Lastimation |
total time | 30 min |
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Scientia Ab Mortuus (demo) (1996) |
1. Incidental Intro (acts I / II) | 2:30 |
2. Portal To The Knowledge / Buried Alive Existence | 7:10 |
3. Incidental Intro (acts III / IV) | 0:56 |
4. Nihilism (Prophect Conjecture) | 7:19 |
5. Outro | 2:46 |
6. The Forest N'Gay (live Rotting Christ cover) | 4:46 |
total time | 25:27 |
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Live '97 (video) (1997) |
1. Errante (Intro) |
2. Portal To the Knowledge / Buried Alive Existence |
3. The Last Shadows Of Lost Dark Paradise |
4. From Origin To Dued Cold |
5. The Judgement Of Demigod (pts. I, II, III, IV) |
6. The Last Shadows Of Lost Dark Paradise |
7. Call From the Grave |
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Peragere Humum Et Semem Terrai Abditae (demo) (1999) |
1. Intro - Inustus |
2. Errante |
3. The Judgment Of Demigod (pt.I) |
4. From Origin To Dued Cold |
5. Empírico |
6. The Judgment Of Demigod (pt.III) |
7. The Semen Of Dead God |
total time | 27 min |
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Abditae Semem Live (video) (2000) |
1. Intro - Inustus |
2. Errante |
3. The Judgment Of Demigod (pt.I) |
4. From Origin To Dued Cold |
5. Empírico |
6. The Judgment Of Demigod (pt.III) |
7. The Semen Of Dead God |
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Alesh (demo) (2001) |
1. The Judgement of Demigod Pt II | 6:19 | | Demo tracks |
2. The Last Shadows Of Lost Darkness Paradise | 9:18 |
3. The Judgement of Demogod Pt IV | 7:08 |
4. Descent Of A Prophetic Vision (Varathron cover) | 3:16 | | Rehearsal tracks (2000) |
5. Overture | 2:01 |
6. The Judgement of Demigod Pt III | 1:21 |
7. The Eternal Agony From Vacccum Spirit | 6:22 |
8. The Last Shadows of Lost Darkness Paradise | 9:20 |
9. From Origin To Dued Cold | 8:36 |
10. The Judgement of Demigod Pt II | 5:12 |
11. Crionics (Slayer cover) | 3:29 |
total time | 62:22 |
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#3 in the Demo top 10 from 2001!
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#3 in the Demo top 10 from 2001!
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Alesh Cerimonials (video) (2002) |
1. The Semen of the Dead God |
2. The Last Shadows Of Lost Dark Paradise |
3. The Judgement Of Demigod (pts. III) |
4. Descent of a Profetic Vision |
5. Buried Alive Existence |
6. Nihilism (Profetic Conjecture) |
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Arqués (demo) (2002) |
1. Eternal Agony From Vacuum Spirits | 5:52 |
2. Ad Infinitum (Awakening Etheric Archetype Of Being) | 8:52 |
3. Proliferum Equilibrium Of Fohat | 5:48 |
4. Contract And Dilation Of Cosmic Splenium | 6:28 |
5. Pain And Sacrifice Of Nativity By Pleasure | 3:33 |
6. Nahahs And The Black Sun At South | 6:40 |
7. Condemned To Grave Of Begin Era | 7:30 |
total time | 44:43 |
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#6 in the Demo top 10 from 2002!
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#6 in the Demo top 10 from 2002!
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Apeiron (Trinitas Primitiae Opus) (2002) |
1. The Judgement of Demigod (pt.II) | 6:21 | | Alesh demo tracks |
2. The Last Shadows of Lost Darkest Paradise | 9:20 |
3. The Judgement of Demigod (pt.IV) | 7:09 |
4. Inustus (Intro) | 1:17 | | Peragere Humum Et Semem Terrai Abditae demo |
5. Errante | 1:45 |
6. The Judgement of Demigod (pt.I) | 1:42 |
7. From Origin to Dued Cold | 8:53 |
8. Empírico | 3:13 |
9. The Judgement of Demigod (pt.III) | 1:39 |
10. The Semen of the Dead God | 8:30 |
11. Portal to the Knowledge - Buried Alive Existence | 7:52 | | Scientia Ab Mortuus demo |
12. Nihilism (Prophetic Conjecture) | 7:59 |
13. Outro - ...Everything will be Over End... (Choir) | 0:57 |
total time | 66:37 |

9.0 / 10 (2 votes)
#8 in the Compilation top 10 from 2002!
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#8 in the Compilation top 10 from 2002!
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Equilibrium of Fohat (demo) (2003) |
1. Proliferum Equilibrium Of Fohat - Machshevet Habriá (Myths and Conjectures Of Creation) | 5:47 |
2. The 4th Knight Of Revelation (Part I,II) (Rotting Christ cover) | 6:57 |
3. Buried Alive Existence - Live in Bal Rock Bar - São Paulo | 6:30 |
4. Nihilism - Live in Bal Rock Bar - São Paulo | 8:47 |
total time | 28:01 |
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Machshevet Habriá (Myths And Conjectures Of Creation) (2005) |
1. Claviculae Angelicae Enochianis / Preludium: Invocatio Sub Rosa Mystica | 1:37 |
2. Eternal Agony From Vacuum Spirits | 5:58 |
3. Ad Infinitum (Awakening Etheric Archetype Of Being) | 9:59 |
4. Proliferous Equilibrium Of Fohat | 6:37 |
5. Contraction And Dilation Of The Cosmic Splenium | 6:27 |
6. Pain And Sacrifice Of Rativity By Pleasure | 4:11 |
7. Rahahs And The Black Sun At South | 7:56 |
8. Condemend To Grave Of Beginning Era | 9:54 |
9. Claviculae Angelicae Enochianis / Epiloguium: Dedicato Sub Rosa Rigra | 1:06 |
total time | 53:45 |
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In Tenebris Vitam Traho (2010) |
1. Eternal Agony From Vacuum Spirits | 4:47 | | Live at Unholy Night Fest I, São Paulo, Brazil 20.05.2006 |
2. Ad Infinitum (Awakening Etheric Archetype Of Being) | 8:53 |
3. Proliferous Equilibrium Of Fohat | 5:54 |
4. The Judgement Of Demigod II & III | 7:26 |
5. Pain And Sacrifice Of Nativity By Pleasure | 3:44 |
6. Contraction And Dilation Of The Cosmic Splenium | 6:16 |
7. Nahahs And The Black Sun At South | 6:47 |
8. Pro Suspicio Imperator Ex Ambitus Existencia Elementum | 9:52 | | Rehearsal '08 |
9. Ad Infinitum (Awakening Etheric Archetype Of Being) | 8:53 | | Live Video |
total time | 62:32 |

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Codex Gnosis Apokryphv: Porta Ex Solis Svrsvm Aqvilonem (2015) |
1. Prealvdivm: Aperite Portae | 2:11 |
2. Portae Ex Solis Svrsvm Aqvilonem | 8:03 |
total time | 10:14 |
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Animo Signus Aeterno (video) (2015) |
1. Eternal Agony From Vacuum Spirit | | | Concert 1 |
2. Ad Infinitum (Awakening Etheric Archetype Of Being) |
3. Proliferous Equilibrium Of Fohat |
4. Contraction And Dilation Of The Cosmic Splenium |
5. Nahahs And The Black Sun At South |
6. Eternal Agony From Vacuum Spirit | | | Concert 2 |
7. Ad Infinitum (Awakening Etheric Archetype Of Being) |
8. Proliferous Equilibrium Of Fohat |
9. The Judgement Of Demigod (pt.2) |
10. The Judgement Of Demigod (pt.3) |
11. The Forest Of N´Gai (Rotting Christ cover) |
12. Nahahs And The Black Sun At South |
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Live At The Brazilian Swamp (2017) |
1. In monolitus ex auorum spiritus mundus | 9:35 |
2. Ad infinitum (awakening the archetype of being) | 9:02 |
3. Portae ex solis sursum aquilonem | 8:22 |
4. Proliferous equilibrium of fohat | 8:49 |
total time | 35:48 |
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.:. Codex · Gnosis · Apokryphv .:. Arcano · Verba · Revelatio (2019) |
1. .:. invocatio · spiritus · antiquis .:. | 4:00 |
2. .:. in · monolitus · ex · avorum · spiritus · mundus .:. | 9:41 |
3. .:. preconceptual · genesis · circularis · elementarum · existentiam .:. | 9:37 |
4. .:. præludium ·:· aperite · portæ .:. | 2:22 |
5. .:. portæ · ex · solis · sursum · aquilonem .:. | 8:03 |
6. .:. existentia · imperfectum · est .:. | 7:21 |
7. .:. ad · infernum · exilio · meam .:. | 7:59 |
8. .:. gratiam · æon · sapientia · mundi .:. | 3:37 |
total time | 52:40 |
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Qvod Dea Et Qvod Eqves Avratvs (2020) |
1. Intra Dominivm | 0:55 |
2. Dea Separatio | 6:20 |
3. Primvm Eqves Avratvs | 7:10 |
4. The Judgement of Demigod I | 3:19 | | bonus |
5. The Judgement of Demigod III | 2:29 | | bonus |
6. In Monolitus Ex Avorum Spiritus Mundus | 10:30 | | bonus |
7. Preconceptual Genesis Circularis Elementarum Existentiam | 9:05 | | bonus |
total time | 14:25 | | CD 39:48 |

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Priorem (anno MMII-MMIII) (2021) |
1. Arqués + Equilibrium of Fohat demo cd | 73:35 |
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Open the Road Fest V (2021) |
1. The Judgement of Demigod I | 3:19 | | Live at at Clash Club in São Paulo town / SP - Brazil in May.21, 2016 |
2. The Judgement of Demigod III | 2:29 |
3. In Monolitus Ex Avorum Spiritus Mundus | 10:30 |
4. Preconceptual Genesis Circularis Elementarum Existentiam | 9:05 |
total time | 25:23 |
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#10 in the Live top 10 from 2021!
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#10 in the Live top 10 from 2021!
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Dark Live Sessions (2021) |
1. In Monolitus Ex Avorum Spiritus Mundus | 9:24 |
2. Preconceptual Genesis Circularis Elementarum Existentiam | 9:11 |
3. Portæ Ex Solis Sursum Aquilonem | 7:44 |
total time | 26:19 |
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Ex hvmanvm insvfficientia (2022) |
1. Ex hvmanvm insvfficientia | 6:56 |
2. Vita ad mortem portendit | 1:14 |
total time | 8:10 |
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De Pessimism Philosophiam Et Dogma Nihilistic (2022) |
1. de pessimism philosophiam et dogma nihilistic | 1:18 |
2. ex hvmanvm insvfficientia | 6:57 |
3. rescindi neqveat amaritvdinem | 5:35 |
4. vita ad mortem portendit | 1:14 |
5. virvm trans silvam | 7:13 |
6. absvrdvm est perpetvvm nimiam | 4:00 |
7. frigvs tenebris | 1:02 |
8. scio deceptionem est devm | 3:55 |
9. babalon celebrate ad svb monti | 2:42 |
10. mysteria malak al-mawt | 6:20 |
11. omnia qvi natvs est in sol imperii dolor et tristitia svnt | 3:25 |
total time | 43:41 |

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Compendium 1994-2022 (2022) |
1. A Future Not So Far [demo reh 1994] cd | 41:00 |
2. Scientia Ab Mortvvs [demo tape 1996] cd | 25:32 |
3. Peragere Hvmvm Et Semem Terrai Abditae [demo tape 1999] cd | 27:00 |
4. Alesh [demo tape 2001] cd | 65:37 |
5. Arqués [demo reh 2002] cd | 45:34 |
6. Equilibrium Of Fohat [advanced promo track 2003] cd | 27:59 |
7. In Tenebris Vitam Traho [live album 2010] cd | 62:32 |
8. Porta Ex Solis Svrsvm Aqvilonem [single 2015] cd | 10:25 |
9. Live At The Brazilian Swamp [live EP 2017] cd | 35:48 |
10. Open The Road Fest V [live EP 2021] cd | 25:23 |
11. Dark Live Sessions [live session EP 2021] cd | 26:19 |
12. Ex Hvmanvm Insvfficientia [single 2022] cd | 8:10 |
total time | 6:41:17 |
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Ori Gene Sis (a past so far) (2024) |
1. A Future Not So Far | 7:00 | | Re-recorded demo tracks |
2. Concentration Camp (Yourself) | 2:28 |
3. Its Explanation Is Your God | 2:45 |
total time | 12:13 |
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