Twilightfall (demo) (1994) |
1. The Unnothingles From Beyond (Siseneg) | 2:32 |
2. Autumn Opposition | 9:55 |
3. The Crying Of Ukraine | 7:12 |
4. Where Rivers Flow Into The Seas | 3:10 |
5. Glass Coffin | 7:06 |
6. On The Wings Of Scarlet Sunset | 8:15 |
7. Oriana (Waterfall Of Twilight) | 1:07 |
8. Dark Flower Of Temptation | 8:11 |
9. Tnematset Wen: Nocturnal Mortal | 3:18 |
total time | 50:47 |
9.4 / 10 (14 votes)
#7 in the Demo top 10 from 1994!
#6 in User vote top 10 from Ukraine!
1 review
9.4 / 10 (14 votes)
#7 in the Demo top 10 from 1994!
#6 in User vote top 10 from Ukraine!
1 review
Black Clouds over Slavonic Lands (demo) (1995) |
1. Celestial Silver | 6:21 |
2. Carpathia | 3:39 |
3. My Nation | 3:55 |
4. And Winter Becomes | 2:55 |
total time | 16:50 |
10.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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10.0 / 10 (1 vote)
No reviews yet...
Lunar Poetry (demo) (1995) |
1. Tears Of Paganism | 1:08 |
2. Lunar Poetry | 4:52 |
3. Perun's Celestial Silver | 7:09 |
4. Carpathian Mysteries | 5:13 |
5. ...And Winter Becomes | 4:54 |
6. Ancient Nation | 5:12 |
7. The Grief Of Oriana | 5:34 |
8. Sorrows Of The Moon (Celtic Frost cover) | 3:47 |
9. Autodafe / Barbarians Dreams | 7:52 |
total time | 44:58 |
9.1 / 10 (66 votes)
#10 in the Demo top 10 from 1995!
#7 in User vote top 10 from Ukraine!
6 reviews
9.1 / 10 (66 votes)
#10 in the Demo top 10 from 1995!
#7 in User vote top 10 from Ukraine!
6 reviews
Return Of The Vampire Lord (demo) (1996) |
1. Return Of The Vampire Lord | 11:31 |
2. Mi Agama Khaz Mifisto | 5:12 |
3. Crystaline Darkness | 4:30 |
total time | 21:13 |

8.9 / 10 (14 votes)
1 review
8.9 / 10 (14 votes)
1 review
Split with Lucifugum (demo) (1997) |
1. On Search of My Soul | 3:55 | | Lucifugum - Path of the Wolf demo |
2. Bringing by Rain | 4:38 |
3. The Mysterious Garden (Hymn to the Black Art) | 5:28 |
4. The Sabbath | 3:48 |
5. Wolves... | 4:26 |
6. Return of the Vampire Lord | 11:31 | | Nokturnal Mortum - Return of the Vampire Lord EP |
7. Mi Agama Khaz Mifisto | 5:12 |
8. Crystaline Darkness | 4:30 |
total time | 43:32 |
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Marble Moon (demo) (1997) |
1. Hymn Of Ukraine | 2:34 |
2. On The Moonlight Path | 5:36 |
3. Swallow - Instrumental | 1:13 |
4. Family Vault | 4:40 |
5. Cheremosh | 6:28 |
6. Swallow (outro) | 2:37 |
total time | 23:08 |
9.3 / 10 (14 votes)
#8 in User vote top 10 from Ukraine!
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9.3 / 10 (14 votes)
#8 in User vote top 10 from Ukraine!
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Goat Horns (1997) |
1. Black moon overture | 4:47 |
2. Kuyabiya | 7:02 |
3. Goat horns | 9:05 |
4. Unholy orathania | 8:06 |
5. Veles' scrolls | 11:47 |
6. Kolyada | 7:08 |
7. Eternal circle | 3:50 |
total time | 51:45 |

9.2 / 10 (115 votes)
#5 in User vote top 10 from Ukraine!
#2 in Zenial's top 10 from Ukraine!
7 reviews
9.2 / 10 (115 votes)
#5 in User vote top 10 from Ukraine!
#2 in Zenial's top 10 from Ukraine!
7 reviews
To the Gates of Blasphemous Fire (1997) |
1. Bestial summoning | 5:58 |
2. To The Gates Of Blasphemous Fire | 5:28 |
3. On The Moonlight Path | 5:24 |
4. The hands of chaos | 5:09 |
5. Under The Banners Of The Horned Knjaz | 5:57 |
6. The 13th Asbath Celebration | 8:30 |
7. Cheremosh | 6:07 |
8. The Forgotten Ages Of Victories | 6:52 |
total time | 49:25 |

8.8 / 10 (68 votes)
5 reviews
8.8 / 10 (68 votes)
5 reviews
Nechrist (1999) |
1. The Funeral Winds Born In Oriana | 6:36 |
2. Night Before The Fight | 6:35 |
3. Black Raven | 8:10 |
4. The Call Of Aryan Spirit | 5:56 |
5. The Child Of Swamps And Full Moon | 5:38 |
6. Death Damnation | 5:35 |
7. In The Fire Of The Wooden churches | 7:11 |
8. Jesus' blood | 6:11 |
9. Nechrist: The Dance Of Swords | 6:11 |
10. Nature Sounds I | 0:04 |
11. Nature Sounds II | 0:04 |
12. Nature Sounds III | 0:04 |
13. Nature Sounds IV | 0:04 |
14. Nature Sounds V | 0:04 |
15. Nature Sounds VI | 0:04 |
16. Nature Sounds VII | 0:04 |
17. Nature Sounds VIII | 0:04 |
18. Nature Sounds IX | 0:04 |
19. Nature Sounds X | 0:04 |
20. Nature Sounds XI | 0:04 |
21. Nature Sounds XII | 0:04 |
22. Nature Sounds XIII | 0:04 |
23. Nature Sounds XIV | 0:04 |
24. Nature Sounds XV | 0:04 |
25. Nature Sounds XVI | 0:04 |
26. Nature Sounds XVII | 0:04 |
27. Nature Sounds XVIII | 0:04 |
28. Nature Sounds XIX | 0:04 |
29. Nature Sounds XX | 0:04 |
30. Nature Sounds XXI | 0:04 |
31. Nature Sounds XXII | 0:04 |
32. Nature Sounds XXIII | 0:04 |
33. Nature Sounds XXIV | 0:04 |
34. Nature Sounds XXV | 0:04 |
35. Nature Sounds XXVI | 0:04 |
36. Nature Sounds XXVII | 0:04 |
37. Nature Sounds XXVIII | 0:04 |
38. Nature Sounds XXIX | 0:04 |
39. Nature Sounds XXX | 0:04 |
40. Nature Sounds XXXI | 0:04 |
41. Nature Sounds XXXII | 0:04 |
42. Nature Sounds XXXIII | 0:04 |
43. Nature Sounds XXXIV | 0:04 |
44. Nature Sounds XXXV | 0:04 |
45. Nature Sounds XXXVI | 0:04 |
46. Nature Sounds XXXVII | 0:04 |
47. Nature Sounds XXXVIII | 0:04 |
48. Nature Sounds XXXIX | 0:04 |
49. Nature Sounds XL | 0:04 |
50. Nature Sounds XLI | 0:04 |
51. Nature Sounds XLII | 0:04 |
52. Nature Sounds XLIII | 0:04 |
53. Nature Sounds XLIV | 0:04 |
54. Nature Sounds XLV | 0:04 |
55. Nature Sounds XLVI | 0:04 |
56. Nature Sounds XLVII | 0:04 |
57. Nature Sounds XLVIII | 0:04 |
58. Nature Sounds XLIX | 0:04 |
59. Nature Sounds L | 0:04 |
60. Nature Sounds LI | 0:04 |
61. Nature Sounds LII | 0:04 |
62. Nature Sounds LIII | 0:04 |
63. Nature Sounds LIV | 0:04 |
64. Nature Sounds LV | 0:04 |
65. Nature Sounds LVI | 0:04 |
66. Nature Sounds LVII | 0:04 |
67. Nature Sounds LVIII | 0:04 |
68. Nature Sounds LIX | 0:04 |
69. Nature Sounds LX | 0:04 |
70. Nature Sounds LXI | 0:04 |
71. Nature Sounds LXII | 0:04 |
72. Nature Sounds LXIII | 0:04 |
73. Nature Sounds LXIV | 0:04 |
74. Nature Sounds LXV | 0:04 |
75. Nature Sounds LXVI | 0:04 |
76. Nature Sounds LXVII | 0:04 |
77. Nature Sounds LXVIII | 0:04 |
78. Nature Sounds LXIX | 0:04 |
79. Nature Sounds LXX | 0:04 |
80. Nature Sounds LXXI | 0:04 |
81. Nature Sounds LXXII | 0:04 |
82. Nature Sounds LXXIII | 0:04 |
83. Nature Sounds LXXIV | 0:04 |
84. Nature Sounds LXXV | 0:04 |
85. Nature Sounds LXXVI | 0:04 |
86. Nature Sounds LXXVII | 0:04 |
87. Perun's Celestial Silver | 8:19 |
88. Deaf Forever (Motorhead Cover) | 3:54 | | bonus |
total time | 71:56 | | (rerelease 75:44) |
8.4 / 10 (88 votes)
15 reviews
8.4 / 10 (88 votes)
15 reviews
The Taste Of Victory (2003) |
1. Weltanschauung | 8:36 |
2. The New Era of Swords | 7:38 |
3. The Taste of Victory | 11:41 |
4. As the Steel Eagle into Golden Svarga | 14:51 |
total time | 42:46 |

9.0 / 10 (39 votes)
#9 in User vote top 10 from Ukraine!
6 reviews
9.0 / 10 (39 votes)
#9 in User vote top 10 from Ukraine!
6 reviews
Return of the Vampire Lord / Marble Moon (2003) |
1. Return of the Vampire Lord | 11:33 | | Return of the Vampire Lord |
2. Mi Agama Khaz Mifisto | 5:14 |
3. Crystaline Darkness | 4:30 |
4. Intro / Hymn of Ukraine | 2:33 | | Marble Moon |
5. On the Moonlight Path (demo version) | 5:33 |
6. Swallow (instrumental version) | 1:12 |
7. Family Vault (Death SS cover) | 4:38 |
8. Cheremosh (demo version) | 6:27 |
9. Cherez Richku, Cherez Gaj (Lastivka) | 2:40 |
10. My Journey to the Stars (Burzum cover) | 7:42 | | bonus |
11. Thurisaz (Graveland cover) | 8:27 |
total time | 60:29 |

8.3 / 10 (17 votes)
#7 in the Compilation top 10 from Ukraine!
1 review
8.3 / 10 (17 votes)
#7 in the Compilation top 10 from Ukraine!
1 review
Eleven Years Among The Sheep (2004) |
1. Prolog: Doors Into Childhood | 1:31 |
2. Into Subconscious World (deathbalad) | 2:28 |
3. Misty Past | 4:21 |
4. Illusions' Kingdom | 3:24 |
5. Where Rivers Flow into the Seas | 3:07 |
6. Cry Of Ukraina | 7:13 |
7. Celestial Silver | 6:21 |
8. Carpathia | 3:40 |
9. My Nation | 3:56 |
10. And Winter Becomes | 2:55 |
11. Tears Of Paganism | 1:08 |
12. Lunar Poetry | 4:51 |
13. Carpathian Mysteries | 5:06 |
14. Kolyada | 7:07 |
15. Unholy Orathania | 8:04 |
16. On The Moonlight Path | 5:32 |
17. Lastivka | 2:37 |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. To The Gates Of Blasphemous Fire | 5:26 |
2. The Forgotten Ages Of Victories | 6:54 |
3. Into The Flames Of Wooden Churches | 7:08 |
4. Black Raven | 8:07 |
5. Jesus' Blood | 6:10 |
6. The Call Of Aryan Spirit | 5:54 |
7. Weltanschauung (live) | 8:16 |
8. Black Raven (live) | 7:09 |
9. Into The Flames Of Wooden Churches (live) | 6:00 |
10. Perun's Celestial Silver (live) | 7:18 |
11. Weltanschauung | 8:36 |
total time | 2:30:19 |

10.0 / 10 (8 votes)
#9 in User vote top 10 from 2004!
#5 in the Compilation top 10 from 2004!
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10.0 / 10 (8 votes)
#9 in User vote top 10 from 2004!
#5 in the Compilation top 10 from 2004!
No reviews yet...
Weltanschauung (2005) |
1. The path of immortals | 2:27 |
2. I feel the breath of ragnarok | 8:01 |
3. Stardust | 3:04 |
4. Weltanschauung | 8:29 |
5. Sorrow of native lands | 1:36 |
6. Hailed be the heroes | 8:15 |
7. The dance of fire and steel | 1:42 |
8. The new era of swords | 7:46 |
9. Endless vast swamps | 1:30 |
10. The knots upon the thread of fate | 10:36 |
11. Harvesting the seeds of death | 2:31 |
12. The taste of victory | 12:06 |
13. The way of glory | 2:51 |
14. Untitled | 3:03 |
total time | 73:57 |

8.8 / 10 (27 votes)
2 reviews
8.8 / 10 (27 votes)
2 reviews
Live in Katowice (2009) |
1. Black raven | 6:17 | | Live on 2 May 2005 during "Mistyczna Noc" Festival in Mega Club in Katowice, Poland |
2. Weltanschauung | 7:41 |
3. Kolyada | 5:51 |
4. Valkyria | 10:35 |
5. Perun's Celestial Silver | 6:08 |
6. Hailed Be the Heroes | 7:51 |
7. Into the Flames of Wooden Churches | 2:04 |
total time | 46:27 |

No votes yet...
#4 in the Live top 10 from 2009!
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#4 in the Live top 10 from 2009!
No reviews yet...
The Voice of Steel (2009) |
1. Intro | 3:05 |
2. Voice of Steel | 9:54 |
3. Valkyrie | 10:47 |
4. Ukraine | 8:24 |
5. My Dream Islands | 11:47 |
6. By Path of the Sun | 9:06 |
7. Sky of Saddened Nights | 4:50 |
8. White Tower | 11:48 |
total time | 69:41 |

9.5 / 10 (6 votes)
#2 in User vote top 10 from 2009!
#9 in Zenial's top 10 from 2009!
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9.5 / 10 (6 votes)
#2 in User vote top 10 from 2009!
#9 in Zenial's top 10 from 2009!
No reviews yet...
Kolovorot (2011) |
1. Intro | 3:17 | | Live at Kolovorot Festival 2010, Kharkiv, Ukraine |
2. The Voice Of Steel | 9:58 |
3. Valkyria | 10:27 |
4. Ukraine | 8:05 |
5. White Tower | 12:09 |
6. Into The Flames Of Wooden Churches | 6:45 |
7. Perun's Celestial Silver | 7:46 |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. Black Moon Overture | 4:51 |
2. Weltanschauung | 8:35 |
3. New Era Of Swords | 7:55 |
4. Hailed Be The Heroes | 8:38 |
5. Black Raven | 7:45 |
6. My Dream Islands | 13:42 |
7. Kolyada | 5:59 |
8. Sky Of Saddened Nights / Outro | 5:09 |
total time | 2:01:01 |

10.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#9 in the Live top 10 from the twentytens!
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10.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#9 in the Live top 10 from the twentytens!
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The Spirit Never Dies (2016) |
1. Neskorenim | 3:32 | | Nokturnal Mortum |
2. Shidnij zlam | 7:09 |
3. V kajdanah chasu | 9:49 |
4. Intro | 2:11 | | Graveland |
5. Lodowy labirynt | 7:24 |
6. Ostatni swit | 7:14 |
total time | 37:19 |

9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Lira (digital) (2016) |
1. Lira | 5:08 | | Komu Vniz cover |

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Istina (2017) |
1. Zustrinu Tebe V imli Starij | 2:39 | | (I’ll Meet You in Ancient Darkness) |
2. Mol'fa | 8:33 |
3. Z Chortom Za Pazuhoju | 6:04 | | (With Chort in My Bosom) |
4. Smerekovij Did | 4:49 | | (Spruce Elder) |
5. Pisnja Hugi | 8:23 | | (Song of the Snowstorm) |
6. Vovchi Jagodi | 9:02 | | (Wolfish Berries) |
7. U Chovni Z Durnjami | 6:26 | | (In the Boat with Fools) |
8. Dika Vira | 6:43 | | (Wild Weregild) |
9. Lira | 5:08 |
10. Chornij Med | 3:42 | | (Black Honey) |
11. Nich Bogiv | 9:14 | | (Night of the Gods) |
12. Kudi Plivut' Vinki Rikoju? | 3:43 | | (Where Do the Wreaths Float Down the River?) |
total time | 74:26 |

8.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#6 in Zenial's top 10 from 2017!
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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#6 in Zenial's top 10 from 2017!
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Orathania / Kolyada (ep) (2017) |
1. Orathania | 7:00 |
2. Kolyada | 5:44 |
total time | 12:44 |
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Saturnalik Deliverance (2020) |
1. Twilightfall tape | 50:47 |
2. Lunar Poetry tape | 44:58 |
3. Goat Horns tape | 51:45 |
4. To The Gates Of Blasphemous Fire tape | 49:25 |
5. Return Of The Vampire Lord / Marble Moon tape | 60:29 |
6. Nekhrist tape | 71:56 |
7. Mirovozzreniye tape | 73:57 |
8. The Voice Of Steel tape | 69:41 |
9. Verity tape | 74:26 |
total time | 9:07:24 |
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No votes yet...
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Do Lunarnoyi Poeziyi (2022) |
1. Zymni sny | 2:33 | | (Freezing Dreams) |
2. Lunarna poeziya | 4:40 | | (Lunar Poetry) |
3. Perunove sriblo nebes | 7:21 | | (Perun’s Celestial Silver) |
4. Karpat·s'ki tayemnytsi | 4:39 | | (Carpathian Mysteries) |
5. ...i zyma postaye | 4:49 | | (...and Winter Becomes) |
6. Vampiriv knyaz' pryyshov | 10:44 | | (Return Of The Vampire Lord) |
7. Pradavniy rid | 5:11 | | (Ancient Nation) |
8. Akt viry (Oda inakomyslennyu) | 4:28 | | (Autodafe (Ode To Nonconformity)) |
9. Prashchuriv sny | 3:52 | | (Barbarian Dreams) |
total time | 48:17 |
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Oberih - Live At Ragnard Reborn Fest (2024) |
1. Chakluvannya I | 2:25 | | Live at Ragnard Reborn Fest, June 23, 2018, Kharkiv, Ukraine |
2. Vovchi yahody | 8:54 |
3. Z chortom za pazukhoyu | 6:10 |
4. Dyka vyra | 6:52 |
5. Pisnya khuhy | 8:08 |
6. Chakluvannya II | 3:21 |
7. Bila vezha | 10:58 |
8. Slava heroyam! | 5:57 |
9. Smerekovyy did | 5:10 |
10. Ukrayina | 7:33 |
11. Chornyy med | 3:24 |
12. Nich bohiv | 9:23 |
13. Kudy plyvut' vinky rikoyu? | 1:23 |
total time | 79:38 |
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#3 in the Live top 10 from 2024!
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#3 in the Live top 10 from 2024!
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