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Demo 92 (demo) (1992)
Demo 92 (demo) 1. Intro
2. Stormlord
3. You Don't Want It But You Can't
4. Outro

2.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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2.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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Black Knight (demo) (1993)
Black Knight (demo) 1. Intro 2:22
2. Black Knight 3:19
3. The Battle 2:59
4. Unfaded Rage 2:55
5. Restless Shadow 2:47
6. Outro 1:02
7. Countess Bathory 3:36Venom cover
8. Cataclysm 4:31bonus
total time19:00

3.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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3.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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Cataclysm (demo) (1995)
Cataclysm (demo) 1. Cataclysm 4:31

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Under the Sign of the Sword (1997)
Under the Sign of the Sword 1. Under The Sign Of The Sword 5:32
2. Riding The Sunset 5:07
3. The Scarlet Kingdom 3:09
total time13:48

HD cover
2 Versions
8.1 / 10 (10 votes)

2 reviews

8.1 / 10 (10 votes)

2 reviews

Where my Spirit Forever Shall Be (1998)
Where my Spirit Forever Shall Be 1. Where My Spirit Forever Shall Be 6:11
2. Sir Lorial (Demo Version) 2:06
3. War (The Supreme Art) 5:31
total time13:48

HD cover
8.5 / 10 (11 votes)

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8.5 / 10 (11 votes)

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Supreme Art of War (1999)
Supreme Art of War 1. Where My Spirit Forever Shall Be 6:10
2. A Descend into the Kingdom of the Shades 5:46
3. Sir Lorial 2:08
4. Age of the Dragon 6:50
5. War (The Supreme Art) 5:23
6. Immortal Heroes 7:49
7. Of Steel and Ancient Might 9:32
8. Outro 0:50
total time44:28

Lyrics **********
8.6 / 10 (48 votes)

1 review

8.6 / 10 (48 votes)

1 review

The Curse of Medusa (2001)
The Curse of Medusa 1. The Curse Of Medusa 6:17
2. Under The Samnite's Spears 6:50
3. Dawn Of Winter Solstice 3:07
4. Baphomet 5:23Death SS cover
5. A Descent Into The Kingdom Of The Shades (live) 5:57
6. Creeping Death (live) 6:22Metallica cover
7. The Death Of Medusa 2:52
total time36:48

HD cover
7.0 / 10 (15 votes)

1 review

7.0 / 10 (15 votes)

1 review

At the Gates of Utopia (2001)
At the Gates of Utopia 1. Under The Samnites' Spears 6:51
2. I Am Legend 5:08
3. Xanadu 4:22
4. ...And Winter Was 4:17
5. At The Gates Of Utopia 2:26
6. The Curse Of Medusa 6:34
7. The Burning Hope 6:21
8. A Sight Inwards 4:40
9. The Secrets Of The Earth 6:18
10. Baphomet (Death SS cover) 5:22Mexican bonus
11. Creeping Death (live Metallica cover) 6:21Mexican bonus
12. Under The Samnite's Spear (EP Version) 6:49Reissue bonus
13. The Curse Of Medusa (EP Version) 6:17Reissue bonus
total time46:57

HD cover
8.4 / 10 (34 votes)

1 review

8.4 / 10 (34 votes)

1 review

The Gorgon Cult (2004)
The Gorgon Cult 1. The Torchbearer 0:59
2. Dance Of Hecate 5:06
3. Wurdulak 4:10
4. Under The Boards (195, M.A.) 5:41
5. The Oath Of The Legion 4:53
6. The Gorgon Cult 4:49
7. Memories Of Lemuria 3:31
8. Medusa's Coil 5:16
9. Moonchild 4:59Iron Maiden cover
10. Nightbreed 5:53
11. I Am Legend Russian video bonus
12. A Descent into the Kingdom of the Shades (live) 5:57Taiwanese bonus
13. Creeping Death (live Metallica cover) 6:22Taiwanese bonus
14. A Sleeping River 1:59Reissue bonus
15. Dance Of Hecate (Live In Canada 2006) 5:29Reissue bonus
total time45:18

HD cover
7.4 / 10 (25 votes)

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7.4 / 10 (25 votes)

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The Legacy of Medusa (2005)
The Legacy of Medusa 1. Where My Spirit Forever Shall Be (first version - 1998) 6:11Compilation tracks
2. I Am Legend 5:08
3. Under The Boards (192, M.A.) 5:41
4. Dance Of Hecate 5:06
5. The Curse Of Medusa (first version – 2000) 6:17
6. Wurdulak 4:09
7. The Oath Of The Legion 4:53
8. Xanadu (A Vision In A Dream) 4:22
9. The Gorgon Cult 4:49
10. Under The Samnites' Spears 6:51
11. Under The Sign Of The Sword 5:32Under the Sign of the Sword ep
12. Riding The Sunset 5:07
13. The Scarlet Kingdom 3:09
--- Disk Two ---
1. The Torchbearer 0:35Live in Quebec city 14 June 2006
2. Dance Of Hecate 5:33
3. Wurdulak 5:39
4. I Am Legend 6:22
5. The Oath Of The Legion 7:05
6. Under The Boards (195, M.A.) 6:41
7. The Gorgon Cult 7:01
8. Xanadu (A Vision In A Dream) 5:04
9. Where My Spirit Forever Shall Be 7:19
10. The Curse Of Medusa 6:09
11. Raining Blood (Slayer cover) 3:29
12. A Descent Into The Kingdom Of The Shades 5:57Live in Rome 2000
total time2:14:09

HD cover
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#3 in the Compilation top 10 from 2005!

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#3 in the Compilation top 10 from 2005!

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The Battle of Quebec City: Live in Canada (video) (2007)
The Battle of Quebec City: Live in Canada (video) 1. The Torchbearer Live in Canada 2006
2. Dance Of Hecate
3. Wurdulak
4. I Am Legend
5. The Oath Of The Legion
6. Under The Boards (195, M.A.)
7. The Gorgon Cult
8. Dimension: Hate
9. Xanadu (A Vision In A Dream)
10. Where My Spirit Forever Shall Be
11. The Curse Of Medusa
12. Raining Blood (Slayer cover)
13. Dance Of Hecate Live at Montreal, Foufounes Electriques, 16 June 2006
14. Wurdulak
15. Wurdulak Live at Toronto, Reilly's, 17 June 2006
16. I Am Legend
17. I Am Legend Video Clips
18. Under The Boards

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Mare Nostrum (2008)
Mare Nostrum 1. Mare Nostrum 6:47
2. Neon Karma 3:56
3. Legacy of the Snake 5:14
4. Emet 5:26
5. The Castaway 5:04
6. Scorn 4:19
7. And the Wind Shall Scream My Name 4:43
8. Dimension Hate 4:49
9. Stormlord 6:32
10. Neon Karma (demo) 3:56bonus
11. Mare Nostrum (demo) 6:49bonus
12. Legacy Of The Snake (demo) 5:20bonus
13. Dimension: Hate (demo) 4:50bonus
14. Mare Nostrum (live) 6:33bonus
total time46:50

HD cover
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Live In Rome (video) (2009)
Live In Rome (video) 1. Where My Spirit Forever Shall Be
2. Neon Karma
3. Legacy Of The Snake
4. And The Wind Shall Scream My Name
5. Under The Boards
6. The Castaway
7. I Am Legend
8. Mare Nostrum
9. Wurdulak
10. Dance Of Hecate
11. The Curse Of Medusa
12. Strormlord

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Hesperia (2013)
Hesperia 1. Aeneas 6:06
2. Motherland 4:37
3. Bearer of Fate 6:44
4. Hesperìa 4:18
5. Onward to Roma 6:37
6. Sic Volvere Parcas 1:05
7. My Lost Empire 5:27
8. Those Upon the Pyre 9:38
total time44:32

HD cover
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Leviathan (digital) (2019)
Leviathan (digital) 1. Leviathan 5:06

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Far (2019)
Far 1. Leviathan 5:07
2. Mediterranea 4:11
3. Far 4:55
4. Sherden 5:40
5. Crimson 4:10
6. Cimmeria 5:00
7. Invictus 4:48
8. Romulus 4:48
9. Vacuna 5:16
10. Levante 5:36
total time49:31

HD cover
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The EPic of War (2023)
The EPic of War 1. Under The Sign Of The Sword 5:32Under the Sign of the Sword ep 1997
2. Riding The Sunset 5:07
3. The Scarlet Kingdom 5:07
4. Cataclysm 4:27Cataclysm demo 1995
5. Where My Spirit Forever Shall Be 6:10Where my Spirit Forever Shall Be ep 1998
6. Sir Lorial 2:05
7. War (The Supreme Art) 5:31
total time33:59

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> Formed in September 1991 in Rome, Italy
> Members are:
Cristiano Borchi - vocals, bass (1991-1996)
Pierangelo Giglioni - guitars
David Folchitto - drums - also in Outbreak, Kaledon and Concept
Francesco Bucci - bass
Simone Scazzocchio - keyboards
Giampaolo Caprino - guitars (since 2002)
> Previous members:
Claudio di Carlo - guitar (1991-1994)
Riccardo Montanari - drums (1991-1994)
Andrea Cacciotti - guitar (1993-1995)
Dario Maurizi - guitar (1995)
Gabriele Valerio - drums (1995)
Fabrizio Cariani - keyboards (1996-1999)
Marcelo Baragona - drums (1996-1998)
Dux Tenebrarum - guitar (1997)
Raffaella Grifoni - female vocals (1997)
> Session musicians:
Malfeitor Fabban - bass (1997) - now in Aborym, was in Void Of Silence
Volgar - backing vocals on "At The Gates Of Utopia" - plays in Deviate Damaen
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Last update: 08/07/24