August 2002 (demo) (2002) |
1. Triumphant March | 2:27 |
2. Elitism | 3:34 |
3. Naive Creed | 3:07 |
4. The Cleansing | 2:49 |
5. Termination | 2:30 |
total time | 14:27 |
7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Thesyre (2003) |
1. Propagandart | 2:06 |
2. Virus | 2:31 |
3. Triumphant March | 2:56 |
4. Ashes | 3:04 |
5. The Arsonist | 1:46 |
6. The Cleansing | 2:29 |
7. Elitism | 3:15 |
8. Creed | 3:04 |
9. La Grande Finale | 2:28 |
10. Termination | 2:22 |
total time | 26:01 |

9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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F.O.A.D. (2004) |
1. War in Thy Name | 3:10 | | Corpus Christii |
2. Termination (Thesyre cover) | 2:26 |
3. Night Club | 4:46 |
4. Deathcrush (Mayhem cover) | 4:09 |
5. Cloack of Death | 3:09 |
6. Deathcrush (Mayhem cover) | 2:12 | | Thesyre |
7. Worldwide Massgrave | 3:38 |
8. Penetrator (Corpus Christii cover) | 3:40 |
9. Campaign of Fear | 2:58 |
10. Sang Nordique (Akitsa cover) | 2:37 |
11. Independent | 8:41 |
total time | 41:26 |
8.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Duality (2005) |
1. Pyromania | 3:08 |
2. Terror | 1:54 |
3. Hypocritely Correct | 2:32 |
4. F.O.A.D. | 2:20 |
5. Stand | 3:04 |
6. The Eagle In The Wheel | 3:47 |
7. Discount Planet Earth | 2:30 |
8. The Cult Of Victory | 2:53 |
9. Witch-Hunt | 2:57 |
10. Quatre Lys Noirs | 1:44 |
11. Outbreak Of Evil (Sodom cover) | 2:27 | | bonus |
total time | 29:16 |

9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Contre-Courant (with Akitsa) (2005) |
1. À Contre-Courant | 3:28 | | (Against the Current) |
2. Nous, Nous Sommes... | 3:27 | | (We, We are...) |
3. Révolution | 4:26 |
4. Régression | 2:11 |
total time | 13:32 |

8.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Exist! (2006) |
1. Exist! | 32:46 |
2. Exist! Excerpt | 2:43 | | promo bonus |
3. Exist! | 32:44 | | promo bonus |
total time | 68:13 |

9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#10 in User vote top 10 from Canada!
#5 in Zenial's top 10 from Canada!
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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#10 in User vote top 10 from Canada!
#5 in Zenial's top 10 from Canada!
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Split with Audiopain (ep) (2007) |
1. Horns Forward | 4:45 | | Audiopain |
2. The Enemy Abroad | 5:40 | | Thesyre |
total time | 10:25 |
9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#6 in the EP top 10 from 2007!
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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#6 in the EP top 10 from 2007!
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Three Years Standing Proud In Valhalla (ep) (2008) |
1. To Enter Your Mountain (Bathory cover) | 7:14 | | Macabre Omen |
2. Home Of Once Brave (Bathory cover) | 6:43 | | Thesyre |
total time | 13:57 |
8.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#7 in the EP top 10 from the nihils!
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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#7 in the EP top 10 from the nihils!
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Résistance (2009) |
1. Au Présent | 1:50 |
2. Hymne Au Mérite | 4:36 |
3. Par Une Froide Nuit D'octobre | 1:05 |
4. Laique Et Souverain | 4:19 |
5. De Réalisme Et De Nihilisme Actif | 4:49 |
6. L'égalitarisme Freine L'excellence | 4:14 |
7. Matérialisme Consumériste Infectieux | 3:54 |
8. La Grande Noirceur | 1:08 |
9. Afin D'en Finir Avec Le Jugement Des Dieux | 3:34 |
10. Résistance | 4:57 |
total time | 34:26 |
9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#9 in User vote top 10 from Canada!
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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#9 in User vote top 10 from Canada!
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Shift (2020) |
1. Sapient Artificial Super Intelligence | 4:47 |
2. In Hoc Signo Vinces | 4:14 |
3. Désublimation Répressive | 4:14 |
4. Le Front Réaliste | 4:33 |
5. Rational Enemy | 4:32 |
6. New Futurists | 4:16 |
total time | 26:36 |

9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#7 in User vote top 10 from 2020!
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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#7 in User vote top 10 from 2020!
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Echo Chamber (digital) (2020) |
1. Nothing Resonates in Your Echo Chamber Anymore | 2:05 |
2. The Grand Masters of Behaviorism (Celebrate Your Demons) | 1:07 |
total time | 3:12 |

6.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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6.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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