Split with Invocation (ep) (1994) |
1. Night of the Infernal Lords | 5:05 | | Medieval Demon - Night of the Infernal Lords |
2. Epilogue: The Opera of the Black Ceremony | 1:23 |
3. Shadow over Innsmouth | 5:46 | | Invocation |
total time | 12:14 |
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Night of... (demo) (1994) |
1. Prologue: Forgotten Damned Souls | 1:20 |
2. Babylon (The Ancient Whore) | 3:42 |
3. Night of the Infernal Lords | 4:50 |
4. Epilogue: The Opera of the Black Ceremony | 0:55 |
total time | 10:47 |
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Promo Tape 95 (demo) (1995) |
1. Under the Twilight... | 1:51 |
2. No Flesh Shall Be Sharped | 4:54 |
3. Spirits of the Dead | 5:19 |
4. Queen of Sorrow | 4:40 |
5. Doom's Day | 3:52 |
total time | 20:36 |
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The Blood Is the Life, the Only Path to... Immortality (demo) (1996) |
1. October Fall | 11:53 |
2. Innocent Blood (As the Knife Touch Your Neck) | 16:05 |
total time | 27:58 |
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Demonolatria (1998) |
1. Under The Twilight | 1:51 |
2. Dark Widow | 4:47 |
3. Fields of Tears | 4:02 |
4. Queen of Sorrow | 4:41 |
5. Spirits of the Dead | 5:22 |
6. Doomsday | 3:56 |
7. Lewdness in the Dark | 2:00 |
8. Demonolatria | 4:33 |
9. Warrior's Anthem | 4:21 |
10. The Rise of the Moon | 4:40 |
11. Beyond the Clouds | 1:35 |
12. No Flesh Shall Be Sharped | 4:57 |
13. Melancholy | 5:55 |
total time | 52:40 |
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Cursed Eyes (demo) (1998) |
1. Cursed Eyes | 11:11 |
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Necrotic Rituals from the Unholy Past (2010) |
1. Innocent Blood (As the Knife Touch Your Neck) | 16:04 | | The Blood Is the Life, the Only Path to... Immortality demo 1996 |
2. October Fall | 11:52 |
3. No Flesh Shall Be Sharped | 4:54 | | from Demonolatria 1998 |
4. Dark Widow | 4:45 |
5. Fields of Tears | 3:59 |
6. Spirits of the Dead | 5:19 |
7. The Rise of the Moon | 4:37 |
8. Demonolatria | 4:29 |
9. Doomsday | 3:52 |
10. Queen of Sorrow | 4:40 |
11. Prologue: Forgotten Damned Souls | 1:27 | | Night of... demo 1994 |
12. Babylon (The Ancient Whore) | 3:55 |
13. Night of the Infernal Lords | 5:19 |
14. Epilogue: The Opera of the Black Ceremony | 0:58 |
total time | 76:10 |
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#4 in the Compilation top 10 from 2010!
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#4 in the Compilation top 10 from 2010!
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Medieval Necromancy (2018) |
1. Chthonic Curses | 8:01 |
2. Spells of the Akkadian Priests | 7:12 |
3. Invisible Black Magic Ritual | 5:22 |
4. Les Litanies de Satan | 3:00 |
5. Moldy Wings of Death | 5:45 |
6. Ancient Evil in the Woods | 3:51 |
7. Blackmoon Sacrifice | 7:59 |
8. Into the Caves of Blood | 4:30 |
9. Medieval Necromancy | 7:27 |
10. The Great He Goat | 2:23 |
total time | 55:30 |

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Demo Compilation (2019) |
1. Night of the Infernal Lords + Promo Tape 95 demo lp |
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Arcadian Witchcraft (2020) |
1. Meet Her Majesty, the Black Queen | 5:04 |
2. Mystics of Ritual Madness | 5:20 |
3. Mundus Est Diaboli | 6:12 |
4. The Grand Archon | 5:16 |
5. Nocturnal Gates Through the Night Mist | 5:49 |
6. Seeking Blood in the Blackness | 5:06 |
7. Arcadian Witchcraft | 5:01 |
total time | 37:48 |

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Black Coven (2022) |
1. Where Witches Dwell and Labyrinths Confuse | 5:47 |
2. Black Coven | 8:20 |
3. Nocturnal Sacrilege | 5:49 |
4. Sylvestris Deus (Protector of the Forests) | 4:00 |
5. Baptismal Blood | 5:26 |
6. Katavythisis | 4:59 |
7. The Grave Dwellers | 6:37 |
total time | 40:58 |

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