
[ Zenial's album list ] [ User vote album list ] [ Most user votes ] [ Lowest user votes ] [ Most viewed covers ] [ Most viewed lyrics ] [ Best compilation albums ]
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Zenial's album list
1)The Elysian Fields - We... the Enlightened (1998)
2)Rotting Christ - Khronos (2000)
3)Septic Flesh - Sumerian Daemons (2003)
4)Septic Flesh - Titan (2014)
5)Septic Flesh - Ophidian Wheel (1997)
6)On Thorns I Lay - Orama (1997)
7)Rotting Christ - Rituals (2016)
8)The Elysian Fields - 12 Ablaze (2001)
9)Rotting Christ - The Heretics (2019)
10)Septic Flesh - Infernus Sinfonica MMXIX (2020)
11)Kawir - Páter 'Ilie Míter Selána (2016)
12)Macabre Omen - The Ancient Returns (2005)
13)Nocternity - Harps of the Ancient Temples (2015)
14)Rotting Christ - Lucifer Over Athens (2015)
15)Rotting Christ - Non Serviam (1994)
16)Kawir - To Uranus (2010)
17)Kawir - Isotheos (2012)
18)Acherontas - Psychic Death - The Shattering of Perceptions (2020)
19)Acherontas / Necromantia - ...For the Temple of the Serpent Skull... (2008)
20)Rotting Christ - Non Serviam - A 20 Year Apocryphal Story (video) (2009)
User vote album list
1)Septic Flesh - Ophidian Wheel (1997) 9.14 (43 votes)
2)Septic Flesh - Esoptron (1995) 9.12 (36 votes)
3)Necromantia - Black Arts Lead to Everlasting Sins (1992) 9.12 (23 votes)
4)Septic Flesh - Sumerian Daemons (2003) 9.10 (64 votes)
5)The Elysian Fields - We... the Enlightened (1998) 9.04 (21 votes)
6)Rotting Christ - Non Serviam (1994) 9.03 (81 votes)
7)Kawir - To Cavirs / Pros Kaveirous (1996) 9.02 (11 votes)
8)Necromantia - Scarlet Evil Witching Black (1995) 8.99 (48 votes)
9)Nightfall - I Am Jesus (2003) 8.93 (16 votes)
10)Rotting Christ - The Mystical Meeting (1997) 8.91 (6 votes)
11)Necromantia - Crossing the Fiery Path (1993) 8.89 (39 votes)
12)Septic Flesh - Mystic Places of Dawn (1994) 8.88 (35 votes)
13)Rotting Christ - Thy Mighty Contract (1993) 8.86 (95 votes)
14)On Thorns I Lay - Crystal Tears (1999) 8.84 (58 votes)
15)On Thorns I Lay - Orama (1997) 8.83 (53 votes)
16)Nightfall - Athenian Echoes (1995) 8.82 (19 votes)
17)The Elysian Fields - Adelain (1995) 8.82 (19 votes)
18)Deviser - Unspeakable Cults (1996) 8.80 (15 votes)
19)Septic Flesh - The Great Mass (2011) 8.79 (5 votes)
20)Rotting Christ - In Domine Sathana (2002) 8.79 (5 votes)
21)Nightfall - Eons Aura (1995) 8.76 (8 votes)
22)Rotting Christ - Non Serviam - A 20 Year Apocryphal Story (video) (2009) 8.75 (2 votes)
23)Nocternity - A Fallen Unicorn (2004) 8.75 (2 votes)
24)Septic Flesh - Revolution DNA (1999) 8.70 (23 votes)
25)Nightfall - Lyssa: Rural Gods and Astonishing Punishments (2004) 8.68 (3 votes)
(scores calculated using a true Bayesian estimate)

Most user votes
1)Rotting Christ - Thy Mighty Contract (1993) 8.9 (95 votes)
2)Rotting Christ - A Dead Poem (1997) 8.1 (90 votes)
3)Rotting Christ - Non Serviam (1994) 9.1 (81 votes)
4)Rotting Christ - Triarchy of the Lost Lovers (1996) 8.7 (77 votes)
5)Rotting Christ - Sleep of the Angels (1999) 7.7 (74 votes)
6)Rotting Christ - Khronos (2000) 8.0 (72 votes)
7)Septic Flesh - Sumerian Daemons (2003) 9.2 (64 votes)
8)On Thorns I Lay - Crystal Tears (1999) 8.9 (58 votes)
9)Rotting Christ - Genesis (2002) 8.0 (58 votes)
10)Rotting Christ - Sanctus Diavolos (2004) 8.3 (56 votes)

Lowest user votes
1)Rotting Christ - Aealo (2010) 6.35 (10 votes)
2)Varathron - Crowsreign (2005) 7.21 (8 votes)
3)Necromantia - From the Past We Summon Thee (1995) 7.47 (7 votes)
4)Necromantia - IV: Malice (2000) 7.55 (17 votes)
5)Varathron - The Lament of Gods (ep) (1999) 7.66 (5 votes)
6)Rotting Christ - Dawn Of the Iconoclast (ep) (1992) 7.66 (5 votes)
7)Varathron - Walpurgisnacht (1995) 7.70 (13 votes)
8)Rotting Christ - Der Perfekte Traum (1998) 7.76 (13 votes)
9)Rotting Christ - Sleep of the Angels (1999) 7.79 (74 votes)
10)Necromantia - The Sound of Lucifer Storming Heaven (2007) 7.83 (8 votes)

Most viewed covers
1)Acherontas - Tat Tvam Asi (Universal Omniscience)(1893 views)
2)Acherontas / Drowning The Light - Split(1600 views)
3)Acherontas / Horna - Atavistic Resurgence(1310 views)
4)Kawir / Nocternity - Split(1290 views)
5)Akrotheism / Order Of The Ebon Hand - Split(1263 views)
6)Acherontas / Necromantia - ...For the Temple of the Serpent Skull...(1261 views)
7)Kawir / Sigh - Split(1250 views)
8)Acherontas / Leviathan - Sic Luceat Lux(1241 views)
9)Kawir / Yoth Iria - Split(1213 views)
10)Necromantia / Varathron - Black Arts Lead to Everlasting Sins(1204 views)

Most viewed lyrics
1)Acherontas - Faustian Ethos(1329 views)
2)Acherontas / Nightbringer - The Ruins of Edom(854 views)
3)Acherontas / Necromantia - ...For the Temple of the Serpent Skull...(831 views)
4)Necromantia / Varathron - Black Arts Lead to Everlasting Sins(796 views)
5)Acherontas / Horna - Atavistic Resurgence(754 views)
6)Macabre Omen / Order Of The Ebon Hand - Two Years Standing Proud in Valhalla (ep)(677 views)
7)Yoth Iria - As the Flame Withers(474 views)
8)Kawir - Daimon (ep)(455 views)
9)Acherontas / Slidhr - Split(448 views)
10)Kawir - Eumenides (ep)(432 views)

Best compilation albums
1)Kawir - Nyxtos Teletisin: 20 Years of Recordings (2014)
2)Rotting Christ - Their Greatest Spells: 30 Years of Rotting Christ (2018)
3)Rotting Christ - The Apocryphal Spells (2023)
4)Necromantia - Covering Evil (12 Years of Doing the Devils Work) (2001)
5)Nocternity - EPs 1998 - 2010 (2021)
6)Rotting Christ - Semigods of the Serpent Cult (2009)
7)Septic Flesh - Entering Astral Realms (2017)
8)Macabre Omen - Anamneses (2020)
9)Medieval Demon - Necrotic Rituals from the Unholy Past (2010)
10)Rotting Christ - Thanatiphoro Anthologio (2007)
Best live albums
1)Septic Flesh - Infernus Sinfonica MMXIX (2020)
2)Rotting Christ - Lucifer Over Athens (2015)
3)Varathron - Glorification Under the Latin Moon (2020)
4)Yoth Iria - Embracing the Mexican Shadows - Live Rites of Yoth Iria (2023)
5)Rotting Christ - The Early Days - Live in Studio (digital) (2022)
6)Varathron - Live at the Swamp (2004)
Best non-metal
1)Acherontas / Nåstrond - Chthonic Libations (with Nåstrond) (2016)
Best demos
1)Septic Flesh - Morpheus Awakes (demo) (1993)
2)The Elysian Fields - Promo Tape '95 (demo) (1995)
3)Exhumation - Deepest Side of Fear (demo) (1994)
4)On Thorns I Lay - Promo Tape (as Phlebotomy) (demo) (1993)
5)Deviser - Thy Blackest Love (demo) (1996)
6)The Elysian Fields - Nihilistic Era (as Desulphurize) (demo) (1993)
7)Varathron - Genesis Of Apocryphal Desire (demo) (1991)
8)Exhumation - The Rebirth (demo) (1990)
9)On Thorns I Lay - Voluptuous (as Phlebotomy) (demo) (1994)
10)Nightfall - Vanity (demo) (1991)
Best EPs
1)Macabre Omen / Order Of The Ebon Hand - Two Years Standing Proud in Valhalla (ep) (2006)
2)Varathron - The Lament of Gods (ep) (1999)
3)Nocternity - Nocternity (ep) (2012)
4)Macabre Omen / Thesyre - Three Years Standing Proud In Valhalla (ep) (2008)
5)Kawir / Scythian - Split (2011)
6)Ad Inferos / Macabre Omen - Split (2001)
7)Morrigan / Nocternity - A Celtic / Hellenic Alliance (2005)
8)Kawir / Yoth Iria - Split (2020)
9)Kawir / Nocternity - Split (2003)
10)Nocternity - Harps of the Ancient Temples (ep) (2007)
Zenial's band list
1)The Elysian Fields
4)Septic Flesh
5)Yoth Iria
6)Ocean Of Grief
8)Order Of The Ebon Hand
9)Lucifer's Child
10)Odes Of Ecstasy
User vote band list
1)Septic Flesh8.95 (259 votes)
2)The Elysian Fields8.72 (76 votes)
3)Kawir8.71 (30 votes)
4)Deviser8.66 (29 votes)
5)Nocternity8.62 (11 votes)
6)Odes Of Ecstasy8.62 (3 votes)
7)Macabre Omen8.53 (2 votes)
8)On Thorns I Lay8.50 (215 votes)
9)Necromantia8.50 (195 votes)
10)Nightfall8.50 (99 votes)
Most viewed band pages
1)Acherontas(1394 views)
2)Rotting Christ(1129 views)
3)On Thorns I Lay(755 views)
4)Necromantia(746 views)
5)Kawir(734 views)
6)Varathron(689 views)
7)Deviser(596 views)
8)Lucifer's Child(545 views)
9)Akrotheism(545 views)
10)Agatus(529 views)
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Stats generated at: 07/01/24

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