Procreation of the Unaltered Evil (demo) (1989) |
1. Necranastasis | 2:06 |
2. Dawn of Sordid Decay | 3:07 |
total time | 5:13 |
6.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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6.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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#4 in the EP top 10 from 1991!
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#4 in the EP top 10 from 1991!
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Genesis Of Apocryphal Desire (demo) (1991) |
1. Necranastasis | 6:27 | | bonus |
2. Dawn of Sordid Decay | 3:07 | | bonus |
3. The Great Seal of Graal | 4:05 | | bonus |
4. La reine noir | 6:17 |
5. Genesis of apocryphal desires | 3:08 |
6. The tressrising of nyarlathotep | 7:10 |
7. Seven endless horizones | 3:27 |
8. Journey beyond (outro) | 0:30 |
9. The Mystic Papyrus | 3:30 | | bonus |
10. Deep Beneath an Ancient Dominion | 4:49 | | bonus |
total time | 20:32 | | Rerelease 43:03 |
7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Black Arts Lead to Everlasting Sins (1993) |
1. Lord of the abyss | 7:50 | | Necromantia |
2. The fear of ghouls | 5:34 |
3. Evil prayers | 5:44 |
4. Lycanthropia | 1:43 |
5. Aemagia Veterum (bonus) | 10:04 |
6. The cult of the dragon | 2:26 | | Varathron |
7. The tressrising of nyarlathotep | 7:14 |
8. La reine noir | 6:09 |
9. Outro | 0:49 |
10. Aescent of a prophetic vision (bonus) | 3:29 |
11. Genesis of apocryphal desires (bonus) | 3:09 |
total time | 54:11 |

9.5 / 10 (6 votes)
#3 in User vote top 10 from Greece!
1 review
9.5 / 10 (6 votes)
#3 in User vote top 10 from Greece!
1 review
His Majesty at the Swamp (1993) |
1. His majesty at the swamp | 2:02 |
2. Son of the moon (act II) | 7:35 |
3. Unholy funeral | 3:58 |
4. Lustful father | 4:47 |
5. Nightly kingdoms | 4:30 |
6. Flowers of my youth | 3:20 |
7. The rivers of my souls | 5:57 |
total time | 32:09 |
8.8 / 10 (16 votes)
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8.8 / 10 (16 votes)
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Walpurgisnacht (1995) |
1. Tleilaxu | 5:59 |
2. Cassiopeia's Ode | 8:00 |
3. The Dark Hills | 3:57 |
4. Mestigoth | 4:48 |
5. Birthplace Of The Graven Image | 5:18 |
6. Redeunt Saturnia Regna | 1:36 |
7. Under The Sight Of Horus | 6:38 |
8. Somewhere Beyond Seas | 4:55 |
9. Sic Transit Gloria Mundi | 1:13 |
total time | 42:24 |

7.2 / 10 (13 votes)
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7.2 / 10 (13 votes)
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Sarmutius Pegorus Promo (demo) (1997) |
1. The Grim Palace | 7:06 |
2. Spirit of the Tomb | 3:22 |
3. The Vision of the Nameless Soul | 6:26 |
total time | 17:04 |
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The Lament of Gods (ep) (1999) |
1. Fire Spell / Forbidden Lust | 7:08 |
2. Warrior's Nightmare | 4:44 |
3. The World Through Ancient Eyes | 4:37 |
4. Beyond the Grave | 4:57 |
5. Nuns Have No Fun (Mercyful Fate cover) | 4:37 |
total time | 26:03 |

6.0 / 10 (5 votes)
#4 in the EP top 10 from all time!
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6.0 / 10 (5 votes)
#4 in the EP top 10 from all time!
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Varathron 1989/1991 (2004) |
1. Necranastasis | 2:06 | | Procreation of the Unaltered Evil demo |
2. Dawn of Sordid Decay | 3:07 |
3. La Reine Noir | 6:17 | | Genesis Of Apocryphal Desire demo |
4. Genesis of Apokryphal Desire | 3:14 |
5. The Tressing of Nyarlathotep | 7:23 |
6. Seven Endless Horizons | 3:33 |
7. Journey Beyond | 0:34 |
8. Descent of a Prophetic Vision | 3:23 | | One Step Beyond Dreams ep |
9. Genesis of Apokryphal Desire | 3:09 |
10. Descent of a Prophetic Vision | | | Live Concert 1991 |
11. Genesis of Apokryphal Desire |
12. The Tressing of Nyarlathotep |
6.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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6.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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Walpurtgisnacht - His Majesty At The Swamp - The Lament Of Gods (2004) |
1. Walpurgisnacht cd | 42:24 |
2. His Majesty at the Swamp + The Lament of Gods cd | 58:11 |
total time | 1:40:35 |
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Live at the Swamp (2004) |
1. Descent of a Prophetic Vision | 3:51 | | Live 1990 |
2. Genesis of Apocryphal Desires | 3:26 |
3. The Tressrising of Nyarlathotep | 7:26 |
4. Seven Endless Horizones | 4:15 |
5. Pull the Plug (Death cover) | 5:20 |
6. Resurrection (Terrorizer cover) | 3:35 |
7. Copkiller (Death Courier cover) | 1:53 |
8. Descent of a Prophetic Vision | 3:38 | | Rehearsal 1990 |
9. Seven Endless Horizones | 3:43 |
10. The Tressrising of Nyarlathotep | 3:30 |
total time | 40:37 |
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#5 in the Live top 10 from 2004!
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#5 in the Live top 10 from 2004!
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Crowsreign (2005) |
1. Evil Gets An Upgrade | 2:13 |
2. There Is No God | 7:34 |
3. The Grim Palace | 7:16 |
4. Darkness Falling | 3:21 |
5. Creation Of Satan | 6:27 |
6. The Sign Of Eternal Curse | 5:49 |
7. A Vision Of A Nameless Soul | 7:10 |
8. Emersing From The Immortals | 3:47 |
9. The King Of Asine | 12:32 |
10. Spirit Of The Tomb | 3:29 |
11. Angel Of Revenge | 5:05 |
total time | 64:43 |

5.6 / 10 (8 votes)
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5.6 / 10 (8 votes)
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The Grim Palace (demo) (2008) |
1. The Grim Palace | 7:06 |
2. Spirit Of The Tomb | 3:22 |
3. The Vision Of The Nameless Soul | 6:26 |
total time | 16:54 |

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Stygian Forces of Scorn (2009) |
1. Behind the Mask | 5:20 |
2. Legend of Demusar | 7:21 |
3. Legions of Profane Wrath | 6:23 |
4. Where the Walls Weep | 6:07 |
5. Dismal King | 3:28 |
6. Beyond the Darkness | 1:58 |
7. Demoniac Abysmal Realms | 5:48 |
8. Lord of Illusions | 4:50 |
9. Sacred Ahlat | 6:43 |
10. The Depths of Gnar | 4:55 |
11. Aclo Savaoth Soth (The Final Chapter of Acts) | 8:07 |
total time | 61:00 |

7.0 / 10 (6 votes)
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7.0 / 10 (6 votes)
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Darkness Has Landed (2009) |
1. To Thou Who Contemn The Light | 4:53 | | Varathron |
2. Eternity Of Hell | 5:11 | | Desolation |
total time | 10:04 |
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Genesis of the Unaltered Evil (2012) |
1. Necranastatis | 6:29 | | Procreation of the Unaltered Evil demo |
2. Dawn of Sordid Delay | 3:09 |
3. La Reine Noir | 6:19 | | Genesis Of Apocryphal Desire demo |
4. Genesis of Apocryphal Desire | 3:16 |
5. The Tressrising of Nyarlathotep | 7:25 |
6. Seven Endless Horizones | 3:35 |
7. Journey Beyond | 0:36 |
8. Descent of a Prophetic Vision | 3:29 | | One Step Beyond Dreams ep |
9. Genesis of Apocryphal Desire | 3:14 |
10. The Cult of the Dragon | 2:25 | | Split with Necromantia |
11. The Tressrising of Nyarlathotep | 7:13 |
12. La Reine Noir | 6:10 |
13. Outro | 0:47 |
14. The Great Seal of Graal | 4:05 | | Studio bonus track 1989 |
15. The Mystic Papyrus | 3:30 | | Studio bonus track 1993 |
16. Deep Beneath an Ancient Dominion | 4:48 | | Studio bonus track 1995 |
--- Bonus LP --- |
1. Live at the swamp LP |
total time | 66:30 |
8.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Old Demons Rise (ep) (2014) |
1. Astrophobos | 5:08 | | Varathron |
2. Den farlose | 5:20 | | Den Saakaldte |
total time | 10:28 |

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#4 in the EP top 10 from 2014!
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#4 in the EP top 10 from 2014!
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Untrodden Corridors of Hades (2014) |
1. Kabalistic Invocation of Solomon | 8:43 |
2. Realm of Obscure | 7:42 |
3. Arcane Conjuring | 6:27 |
4. Leprocious Lord | 5:10 |
5. The Bright Trapezium | 6:45 |
6. Death Chant | 5:51 |
7. Delve Into the Past | 8:35 |
total time | 49:13 |

7.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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7.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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The Confessional of the Black Penitents (2015) |
1. The Confessional of the Black Penitents | 3:34 | | New songs |
2. Sinister Recollections | 7:16 |
3. Utter Blackness | 7:50 |
4. Unholy Funeral | 3:33 | | Live in Larisa, Greece, May 2015 |
5. Cassiopeia's Ode | 6:25 |
6. Descent of a Prophetic Vision | 3:18 |
7. Kabalistic Invocation of Solomon | 8:12 |
total time | 40:08 |

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Luciferian Mystical Awakening (demo) (2017) |
1. Saturnian Sect |
2. Luciferian Mystical Awakening |
3. Remnants of the Dark Testament |
4. Orgasmic Nightmares of the Arch Desecrator |
5. Witch Gathering |
6. Beginning of the End (Tyrant cover) |

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Patriarchs of Evil (2018) |
1. Tenebrous | 5:10 |
2. Into the Absurd | 3:56 |
3. Luciferian Mystical Awakening | 6:24 |
4. Saturnian Sect | 4:47 |
5. Remnants of the Dark Testament | 5:42 |
6. Hellwitch (Witches Gathering) | 5:17 |
7. Orgasmic Nightmares of the Arch Desecrator | 5:56 |
8. Ouroboros Dweller (The Dweller of Barathrum) | 8:26 |
total time | 45:38 |

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Archegonic Abysmal Dominion (2018) |
1. Procreation of the Unaltered Evil / Live at the Swamp tape |
2. Genesis of Apocryphal Desire / Rehearsal 91 tape |
3. His Majesty at the Swamp + bonus tape |
4. Walpurgisnacht + bonus tape |
5. The Lament of Gods / Sarmutius Pegorus tape |
6. Crowsreign + bonus tape |
7. Stygian Forces of Scorn + bonus tape |

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Duality of the Unholy Existence (ep) (2019) |
1. Spiritus Sancti | 4:50 | | Rotting Christ |
2. Shaytan | 4:36 | | Varathron |
total time | 9:26 |

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#5 in the EP top 10 from 2019!
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#5 in the EP top 10 from 2019!
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Glorification Under the Latin Moon (2020) |
1. Cultum Deus Aeternum (Intro) | 1:59 | | Live in São Paulo, Brazil, 2019 |
2. Ouroboros Dweller | 7:04 |
3. Cassiopeia's Ode | 6:39 |
4. Tenebrous | 5:56 |
5. Saturnian Sect | 5:33 |
6. His Majesty at the Swamp | 2:01 |
7. Son of the Moon | 6:53 |
8. Unholy Funeral | 3:27 |
9. Nightly Kingdoms | 4:06 |
10. Lustful Father | 4:27 |
11. Flowers of My Youth | 3:43 |
12. The River of My Souls | 7:49 |
13. The Tressrising of Nyarlathotep | 8:51 |
14. Genesis of Apocryphal Desire | 3:57 |
15. Sic Transit Gloria Mundi (Outro) | 2:33 |
total time | 74:58 |

8.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#6 in the Live top 10 from 2020!
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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#6 in the Live top 10 from 2020!
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Emissaries of the Darkened Call (digital) (2021) |
1. Arawn's Reich | 5:59 | | from Emissaries Of The Darkened Call split |
2. Black Swamp | 6:12 |
3. Ancient Warrior (Black Sabbath cover) | 5:53 |
4. Astrophobos | 5:08 | | from Old Demons Rise split |
total time | 23:12 |
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The Demo Collection (2022) |
1. Necranastasis | 6:27 | | Procreation of the Unaltered Evil demo1 1989 |
2. Dawn of Sordid Decay | 3:07 |
3. The Great Seal of Graal | 4:05 | | Studio bonus track 1989 |
4. La Reine Noir | 6:07 | | Genesis of Apocryphal Desire demo 1991 |
5. Genesis of Apocryphal Desire | 3:10 |
6. The Tressrising of Nyarlathotep | 7:10 |
7. Seven Endless Horizones - Journey Beyond | 4:00 |
8. Descent of a Prophetic Vision | 3:26 | | from One Step Beyond Dreams ep 1991 |
9. The Mystic Papyrus | 3:18 | | studio bonus track 1993 |
10. Outro | 0:49 | | from Black Arts Lead to Everlasting Sins 1993 |
total time | 41:39 |
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#10 in the Compilation top 10 from 2022!
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#10 in the Compilation top 10 from 2022!
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Apocalyptic Mysticism (ep) (2022) |
1. The Mystic Papyrous | 4:15 | | Varathron |
2. Sinister Forms of Fallen Stars | 5:23 | | Ungod |
total time | 9:38 |

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#6 in the EP top 10 from 2022!
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#6 in the EP top 10 from 2022!
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30 Years of Darkness: Live in Mexico City (26/07/2019) (video) (2022) |
1. Intro / Ouroboros Dweller |
2. Cassiopia´s Ode |
3. Tenebrous |
4. Saturnian Sect |
5. Intro / Son of the Moon |
6. Unholy Funeral |
7. Nightly Kingdoms |
8. Lustful Father |
9. Flowers of My Souls |
10. The Tressrising of Nyarlathotep |
11. Genesis of Apocryphaldestre / Outro |
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Hegemony of Chaos (digital) (2023) |
1. Hegemony of Chaos | 6:12 |

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Crypts in the Mist (digital) (2023) |
1. Crypts in the Mist | 3:49 |

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Cimmerian Priesthood (digital) (2023) |
1. Cimmerian Priesthood | 5:19 |

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The Crimson Temple (2023) |
1. Ascension | 1:51 |
2. Hegemony of Chaos | 6:13 |
3. Crypts in the Mist | 3:50 |
4. Cimmerian Priesthood | 5:20 |
5. Sinners of the Crimson Temple | 4:29 |
6. Immortalis Regnum Diaboli | 3:52 |
7. To the Gods of Yore | 5:05 |
8. Shrouds of the Miasmic Winds | 4:48 |
9. Swamp King | 3:53 |
10. Constellation of the Archons | 7:34 |
total time | 46:55 |

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