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Vanity (demo) (1991)
Vanity (demo) 1. Amaor es Trine - For My Soul, When the Darkness Falls Into (Intro) 6:35
2. Vanity 2:37
3. The Passage 4:47
4. Trying Out the Fear Within 4:42
5. Domestication of Wildness (Outro) 0:52
total time19:33

9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Parade into Centuries (1993)
Parade into Centuries 1. Thoughts 6:35
2. Domestication of wilderness 6:47
3. Vanity 3:01
4. The passage 4:43
5. In god they trust (intro) 0:48
6. For my soul, when the dark falls into 5:05
7. Immaculate enslaved by need 4:46
8. Birth (intro) 0:37
9. Crying out the fear within 4:34
10. Domestication of wilderness (longest and deadliest version) 6:35CD bonus
total time43:31

Lyrics **********
7.8 / 10 (12 votes)

1 review

7.8 / 10 (12 votes)

1 review

Oh Black Queen, Oh You're Mine (ep) (1993)
Oh Black Queen, Oh You're Mine (ep) 1. As Your God Is Failing Once Again 4:49
2. Enormous/The Anthem of the Death (edit) 6:50
total time11:39

9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#4 in the EP top 10 from 1993!

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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#4 in the EP top 10 from 1993!

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Macabre Sunsets (1994)
Macabre Sunsets 1. H Polic Ealw (Odious) 2:49
2. Precious / All My Love Is Lost 4:08
3. As Your God Is Failing Once Again 5:08
4. Macabre Sunsets / Love Song For A Black Soul 2:18
5. Bitterness Leads Me to My Savior Death 5:38
6. Mother of All Gods, Mother of Mine 5:31
7. Poetry of Death 6:03
8. Enormous / The Anthem Of Death 8:55
9. As Your God is Failing Once Again (Previous Version) 5:07CD bonus
total time45:37

HD cover
8.4 / 10 (12 votes)

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8.4 / 10 (12 votes)

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Macabre Dance Tour 1994 (Live Tape) (demo) (1994)
Macabre Dance Tour 1994 (Live Tape) (demo) 1. Precious/ All My Love Is Lost Live tape
2. For My Soul, When The Dark Fall Into...
3. The Passage
4. Mother Of All Gods, Mother Of Mine
5. Crying Out Of The Fear Within
6. As Your God Is Falling Once Again
7. H Polic Ealo (odious)
8. Poetry Of Death
9. Thor

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Eons Aura (1995)
Eons Aura 1. Eroding 5:10
2. Ardour Was I 5:30
3. Until The Day Gods Help Us All 4:34
4. Thor 4:33
total time19:47

HD cover
2 Versions
9.1 / 10 (8 votes)

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9.1 / 10 (8 votes)

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Athenian Echoes (1995)
Athenian Echoes 1. Aye Azure 4:51
2. Armada 4:46
3. Ishtar (Celebrate Your Beauty) 7:56
4. The Vineyard 5:50
5. I'm A Daemond 7:40
6. Iris (And The Burning Aureole) 4:58
7. My Red, Red Moon (Emma O) 5:05
8. Monuments Of Its Own Magnificence 7:10
total time48:16

HD cover
9.0 / 10 (19 votes)

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9.0 / 10 (19 votes)

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Lesbian Show (1997)
Lesbian Show 1. Lesbian Show 3:04
2. Aenaon 4:31
3. Dead Woman, Adieu 3:47
4. The Secred Admirer 5:12
5. My Own Troy 4:06
6. The Fleshmaker 5:34
7. Death Star 3:27
8. Cold Bloody Killer 5:47
9. Lashed August Reign 6:10
total time41:38

Lyrics **********
8.4 / 10 (12 votes)

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8.4 / 10 (12 votes)

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Electronegative (1999)
Electronegative 1. Diva 4:18
2. The Sunless Smile 3:24
3. Dead Don't Need Revenge 5:02
4. Everything 3:46
total time16:30

Lyrics **********
7.4 / 10 (5 votes)

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7.4 / 10 (5 votes)

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Anthems of the Night (1999)
Anthems of the Night 1. Diva 4:19
2. My Own Troy 4:06
3. Armada 4:46
4. As Your God Is Failing Once Again 5:08
5. Picture Me 4:06
total time22:25

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Diva Futura (1999)
Diva Futura 1. Master, Faster, Sweet Disaster 3:27
2. Sin 4:23
3. The Sheer Misfit 4:21
4. Diva 4:17
5. Licked One's Iced Lips 5:58
6. Picture Me 4:09
7. Some Deaths Take For Ever 3:55
8. Lowve 4:34
9. Ceaseless 4:40
10. My Traitor's Kiss 4:12
11. Pleasure 5:16
total time49:12

HD cover
7.4 / 10 (10 votes)

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7.4 / 10 (10 votes)

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I Am Jesus (2003)
I Am Jesus 1. Death of Neira 4:32
2. The Senior Lover of Diamanda 4:28
3. I Am Jesus 3:34
4. A Pale Crescendo of Diamond Suns 3:38
5. Luciferin (What if Men Could Bear Masters?) 6:02
6. Muscat (Darkdark Road) 3:30
7. The Poor Us 3:06
8. I've Never Dreamt the Life We Share 5:14
9. Treasures in Aramaic Tears (Echelon) 5:48
10. Semana Tragica 6:35
11. Nightfall 5:39
total time51:48

Lyrics **********
9.3 / 10 (16 votes)

#9 in User vote top 10 from Greece!

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9.3 / 10 (16 votes)

#9 in User vote top 10 from Greece!

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Lyssa: Rural Gods and Astonishing Punishments (2004)
Lyssa: Rural Gods and Astonishing Punishments 1. Dark red sky 3:27
2. Swollen 3:11
3. Christless 3:45
4. Master of my dreams 3:39
5. The perfect li(f)e 3:49
6. The end times 4:04
7. Synastry 3:45
8. One of these days 5:00
9. Victimized 3:15
10. So(u)l invictus 3:10
11. Essence 3:06
total time40:11

HD cover
9.3 / 10 (3 votes)

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9.3 / 10 (3 votes)

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Nightfall (2009)
Nightfall 1. Mean Machine 4:24The Cramps cover
2. Lost Paradise 3:42Paradise Lost cover
3. Black Leather Cult 4:09
4. Sin 4:34live
5. Iris 5:51live
6. Lesbian show 3:37live
total time26:17

HD cover
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Astron Black and the Thirty Tyrants (2010)
Astron Black and the Thirty Tyrants 1. Intro 0:37
2. Astron Black 4:20
3. Astronomica/Saturnian Moon 4:09
4. Astra Planeta/We Chose the Sun 4:43
5. Ambassador of Mass 4:34
6. The Criterion 3:13
7. Asebeia 4:16
8. I-I 1:14
9. Archon Basileus 3:28
10. Proxima Centauri/Dead Bodies 4:44
11. The Thirty Tyrants 4:11
12. Epsilon Lyrae 3:33
total time43:02

HD cover
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Cassiopeia (2013)
Cassiopeia 1. Phaeton 4:35
2. Oberon & Titania 4:33
3. Colonize Cultures 3:21
4. The Nightwatch 4:48
5. Stellar Parallax 4:05
6. Hubris 5:18
7. THe Reptile Gods 4:40
8. Hyperion 4:26
9. Akhenaton, the 9th Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty 4:10
10. The Sand Reckoner 4:20
11. Astropolis 6:13
total time50:29

HD cover
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Holy Nightfall - The Black Leather Cult Years (2020)
Holy Nightfall - The Black Leather Cult Years 1. Vanity demo 19:33bonus
2. Parade into Centuries cd 36:56
3. Macabre Sunsets cd 40:30
4. Athenian Echoes / Eons Aura cd 68:03
5. Lesbian Show cd 41:38
6. Diva Futura / Electronegative cd 65:42
total time4:12:49

HD cover
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At Night We Prey (2021)
At Night We Prey 1. She Loved the Twilight 0:53
2. Killing Moon 5:03
3. Darkness Forever 4:15
4. Witches 5:31
5. Giants of Anger 4:44
6. Temenos 5:04
7. Meteor Gods 6:08
8. Martyrs of the Cult of the Dead (Agita) 4:20
9. At Night We Prey 6:09
10. Wolves in Thy Head 4:02
total time46:09

HD cover
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In the Temple of Ishtar (digital) (2022)
In the Temple of Ishtar (digital) 1. As Your God is Failing Once Again 4:38Live at Gagarin club, Athens, November 13, 2021
2. Ishtar (Celebrate Your Beauty) 7:36
total time12:14

HD cover
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Mean Machine (digital) (2023)
Mean Machine (digital) 1. Mean Machine 4:30The Cramps cover

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Hammer Holocaust III
Hammer Holocaust III

The Holy Bible Vol. IV
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Sound Riot Sampler #2
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Deaf Metal Sampler
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No Sleep Till Deafness VI
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Falling Moons 1st Cycle
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The Holy Bible
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Noize Pollution 3
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Dark Mourning Vol. 1 (demo)
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Hammer Holocaust II
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Nuclear Blast Soundcheck-Series - Volume 6
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As We Die For - Tribute to Paradise Lost
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Season of Mist / Holy Records
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Warzone 2
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Darkness is Thy Kingdom volume 2
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Demons Of The Night - From Gothic to Dark Metal
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The Holy Bible Vol. II-III
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Radio Force 14
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Hard N' Heavy Volume 14
Hard N' Heavy Volume 14

Hard Rock #28
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Hell Awaits CD Sampler Nº 23
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Rock Tribune - September 2003
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The Lotus Eaters - Tribute to Dead Can Dance
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Hard N' Heavy Blaster #74
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Hellas - The Black Death Anthology 1989-2006
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Hard Rock Mag 24
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Season Of Mist Compilations - SoM Mailorder Comp Spring 2021 (digital)
Metal Hammer CD 1/2021
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Zero Tolerance Audio 100
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Official homepage

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> From Greece
> Members are:
Efthimis Karadimas - vocals, bass (since 1991) - was in Epidemic
Michalis Galiatsos - guitars (since 1991) - also in Blind Justice, Mike G., and Snowblind, was in Zion, Mike G - Tribal Souls, and Vanity
Kostas Kyriakopoulos - bass, guitars (since 2004) - also in The Slayerking, was in Nocta
Fotis Benardo - drums (since 2020) - also in Metal Against Coronavirus and SixforNine, was in Septic flesh, Necromantia, Blood Covered, Bob Katsionis, Chaostar, Double Square, InnerWish, Nightrage, Dream Devoid, and The Devilworx
Vasiliki Biza - bass (since 2021) - also in The Beggar Belief and Archí tou télous
> Previous members:
Stathis Cassios - keyboards (2005-2020) - now in Karmic Link, was in System Shock
Stathis Ridis - bass (2011-2020) - was in Lucifer's Child and Valet Parn
Jörg Uken - drums (2010-2020) - now in Mandrake, Nocta, and Stormwarrior, was in Rumble Militia
Evan Hensley - guitars (2009-2017) - now in Dark Hound and Karmic Link, was in System Shock
Constantine - guitars (2010-2013) - now in Constantine, Descending, and Mystic Prophecy, was in Nightrage
Nikos Papadopoulos - bass (2010-2011)
Bob Katsionis - guitars (1999-2006) - now in Bob Katsionis, Constantine, Firewind, Ioannis Anastassakis, Outloud, and Teo Ross, was in Encomium, Imaginery, Retrospect, Revolution Renaissance, Zion, Mirage, Skyward, Acid Death, Casus Belli, Fatal Morgana, Karmic Link, Perpetual, Star Queen, Jade Lizard, and Lighthunters
George Bokos - guitars (2002-2006) - was in Rotting Christ, Exhibition, Obsecration, and Sickening Horror
George Kollias - drums (1999-2005) - now in Nile, was in Extremity Obsession, Sickening Horror, and System Shock
Phil Anton - guitars (1999-2002) - was in Abiogenesis
Marc McKnight - bass (1999-2002)
Costas Savidis - drums (1991-1999) - now in Mahakala, was in Kawir, Anaemia, Septicemia, and The Circle of Zaphyan
Christian Adamou - guitars (1991-1999)
Mark Cross - drums (1999) - now in Outloud, was in The Supremacy, Tainted Nation, At Vance, Firewind, Helloween, Spitfire, Tank, Winters Bane, Metalium, God's Army, and Magna Carta
Fotis Anagnostou - bass (1999) - now in Casus Belli, was in Spitfire
George Aspiotis - keyboards, piano (1993-1997) - now in Kingdragon and Spitfire
Jim Agelopoulos - guitars (1997) - now in Snowblind
Sotiris - drums (1991)
> Fotis Anagnostou died of cancer in 2021
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Last update: 06/11/24