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Visions of Lunacy (as Necromancy) (demo) (1989)
Visions of Lunacy (as Necromancy) (demo) 1. Thrashifixion 2:13
2. Shattered Bodies 4:22
3. Outbreak of Evil 3:56(Sodom cover)
4. Forbidden Rites 6:15
5. Nocturnal Cry 2:33
total time19:19

9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Promo Tape (demo) (1990)
Promo Tape (demo) 1. Family Of Dog (The Feast Of Ghouls) 4:55
2. De Magia Veterum 9:54
3. Faceless Gods 3:48
4. Evil Prayers 4:57
5. Lycanthropia 1:52
6. La Mort 4:09
total time29:35

8.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Vampiric Rituals (demo) (1992)
Vampiric Rituals (demo) 1. Intro 0:24The Black Arts
2. Lord of the abyss 7:11
3. The feast of ghouls 5:24
4. Evil prayers 5:33
5. Lycanthropia 1:38
6. Intro 3:37Promo tape 90
7. De Magia Veterum 4:49
8. Faceless Gods 1:32
9. La Mort 4:13
total time34:21

8.3 / 10 (3 votes)

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8.3 / 10 (3 votes)

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Black Arts Lead to Everlasting Sins (1992)
Black Arts Lead to Everlasting Sins 1. Lord of the abyss 7:50Necromantia
2. The fear of ghouls 5:34
3. Evil prayers 5:44
4. Lycanthropia 1:43
5. Aemagia Veterum (bonus) 10:04
6. The cult of the dragon 2:26Varathron
7. The tressrising of nyarlathotep 7:14
8. La reine noir 6:09
9. Outro 0:49
10. Aescent of a prophetic vision (bonus) 3:29
11. Genesis of apocryphal desires (bonus) 3:09
total time54:11

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9.5 / 10 (23 votes)

#1 in User vote top 10 from 1992!

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9.5 / 10 (23 votes)

#1 in User vote top 10 from 1992!

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Demo (1993)
Demo 1. The Warlock 13:48
2. Les litanies de Satan 9:33
total time23:21

8.8 / 10 (4 votes)

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8.8 / 10 (4 votes)

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Crossing the Fiery Path (1993)
Crossing the Fiery Path 1. The vampire lord speaks... 1:45
2. The warlock 13:35
3. Last song for valderie 5:12
4. Unchaining the wolf (at war...) 5:01
5. Les litanies de satan 10:02
6. Lord of the abyss 7:28
7. Tribes of the moon 4:14
total time47:17

HD cover
2 Versions

9.1 / 10 (39 votes)

1 review

9.1 / 10 (39 votes)

1 review

From the Past We Summon Thee (1995)
From the Past We Summon Thee 1. Faceless gods 3:46
2. Lukanthropia (lycaon's metamorphosis) 1:40
3. La mort 4:12
total time9:38

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6.0 / 10 (7 votes)

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6.0 / 10 (7 votes)

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Scarlet Evil Witching Black (1995)
Scarlet Evil Witching Black 1. Devilskin 5:49
2. Black mirror 6:31
3. Pretender to the throne (opus I: the userper's spawn) 5:27
4. The arcane light of hecate 4:21
5. Scarlet witching screams 5:27
6. The serpent and the pentagram 5:21
7. Pretender to the throne (opus II: battle at the netherworld) 7:51
8. Spiritdance 6:26
total time47:15

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9.2 / 10 (48 votes)

#8 in User vote top 10 from Greece!

1 review

9.2 / 10 (48 votes)

#8 in User vote top 10 from Greece!

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Ancient Pride (1997)
Ancient Pride 1. Shaman 5:34
2. Ancient Pride 5:28
3. For the Light of My Darkness 6:07
4. Each Dawn I Die 4:21
5. Spiritforms of the Psychomancer 5:51vinyl bonus
total time21:30Vinyl 27:21

HD cover

8.5 / 10 (25 votes)

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8.5 / 10 (25 votes)

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IV: Malice (2000)
IV: Malice 1. The Blair Witch Cult 4:11
2. Those Who Never Sleep 6:26
3. Disciplines Of Sophia (The Templars) 5:56
4. Murder, Magic And Tears 5:03
5. Invictus 7:38
6. Malice 8:08
7. Circle Of Burned Doves 5:48
total time43:10

HD cover
3 Versions

7.0 / 10 (17 votes)

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7.0 / 10 (17 votes)

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Covering Evil (12 Years of Doing the Devils Work) (2001)
Covering Evil (12 Years of Doing the Devils Work) 1. My world, your hell 4:07
2. Death rider 3:30Omen cover
3. The number of the beast 4:56Iron Maiden cover
4. Demon's whip 6:31Manowar cover
5. Mordor 5:10Running Wild cover
--- Disk Two ---
1. Those who never sleep 6:25
2. Murder, magic and tears 5:04
3. Ancient pride 5:28
4. For the light of my darkness 6:07
5. The black mirror 6:29
6. Pretender to the throne (opus I: the userper's spawn) 5:26
7. Scarlet witching dreams 5:26
8. Les litanies de satan 10:01
9. Lord of the abyss 7:48
total time1:22:28

HD cover

7.3 / 10 (3 votes)

#8 in the Compilation top 10 from 2001!

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7.3 / 10 (3 votes)

#8 in the Compilation top 10 from 2001!

1 review

Cults of the Shadow (2001)
Cults of the Shadow 1. Crossing the Fiery Path cd 47:17
2. Scarlet Evil Witching Black cd 47:15
total time1:34:32

HD cover

8.6 / 10 (5 votes)

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8.6 / 10 (5 votes)

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Necromantia 4CD Box (2005)
Necromantia 4CD Box 1. Crossing The Fiery Path cd 47:17
2. Scarlet Evil, Witching Black cd 47:15
3. IV: Malice cd 43:10
4. Ancient Pride cd 27:21
total time2:45:03

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The Sound of Lucifer Storming Heaven (2007)
The Sound of Lucifer Storming Heaven 1. The Sound of Lucifer Storming Heaven 2:35
2. Order of the Black Sphinx 5:54
3. For the Elder Magi: I-Eibon the Necromancer 7:06
4. Architecture of Exquisite Madness 4:53
5. Knights of the Black and White Eagle 5:24
6. The Invisible Empire 5:15
7. Hellseher 5:45
8. Les Litanies De Satan - Act II: from Hell 4:51
total time41:43

HD cover

7.0 / 10 (8 votes)

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7.0 / 10 (8 votes)

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People Of The Sea (EP) (2008)
People Of The Sea (EP) 1. People Of The Sea 5:40
2. My World, Your Hell 4:10
total time9:50

7.0 / 10 (3 votes)

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7.0 / 10 (3 votes)

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...For the Temple of the Serpent Skull... (2008)
...For the Temple of the Serpent Skull... 1. Magnum arcanum 12:35Necromantia
2. People Of The Sea 5:33
3. Order Of The Silver Serpent 17:57Acherontas
total time36:05

7.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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7.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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De Magia Veterum (2009)
De Magia Veterum 1. Family Of Dog (The Feast Of Ghouls) 4:52Promo Tape 1990
2. De Magia Veterum (The Dawn Of Utter Darkness) 10:03
3. Faceless Gods 3:46
4. Evil Prayers 5:00
5. Lycanthropia 1:54
6. La Mort 4:12
7. Lord Of The Abyss 7:50The Black Arts
8. The Feast Of Ghouls 5:33
9. Evil Prayers 5:45
10. Lycanthropia 1:44
total time50:39

HD cover

7.5 / 10 (4 votes)

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7.5 / 10 (4 votes)

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Nekromanteion - A Collection of Arcane Hexes (2014)
Nekromanteion - A Collection of Arcane Hexes 1. De Magia Veterum cd 50:39
--- Disk Two ---
1. Thrashifixion 2:16Necromancy - Visions of Lunacy demo 1989
2. Shattered Bodies 4:28
3. Outbreak of Evil (Sodom cover) 4:00
4. Forbidden Rites 6:19
5. Nocturnal Cry 2:36
6. Spiritforms of the Psychomancer 5:51Scarlet Evil Witching Black session 1995
7. My World, Your Hell 4:09Covering Evil 2001
8. Death Rider (Omen cover) 3:29
9. The Number of the Beast (Iron Maiden cover) 4:57
10. The Demon's Whip (Manowar cover) 6:32
11. Mordor (Running Wild cover) 5:10
total time1:40:35

HD cover

5.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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5.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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The First Decade (1990-2000) (2015)
The First Decade (1990-2000) 1. Promo Tape 1990 tape 29:57
2. Vampiric Rituals tape 38:51
3. Demo '93 tape 22:54
4. Crossing the Fiery Path tape 47:13
5. Scarlet Evil Witching Black tape 47:01
6. Ancient Pride tape 21:29
7. IV: Malice tape 43:08
total time4:10:33

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Primordial Evil (ep) (2017)
Primordial Evil (ep) 1. Death Rider (Omen cover) 3:31Necromantia
2. Black Sabbath (Black Sabbath cover) 6:00Rotting Christ
total time9:31

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#1 in the EP top 10 from 2017!

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#1 in the EP top 10 from 2017!

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Chthonic Years (2018)
Chthonic Years 1. Promo Tape 1990 + Demo ‘93 cd 52:51
2. Vampiric Rituals Demo cd 38:51
total time1:31:42

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To the Depths We Descend... (2021)
To the Depths We Descend... 1. Daemonocentric 5:46
2. As the Shadows Wept 8:00
3. Give the Devil his Due 2:37
4. Inferno 4:22
5. Eldritch 5:01
6. To the Depths We Descend... 4:03
7. Lord of the Abyss MMXXI 8:33
8. The Warlock MMXXI 13:38
9. Faceless Gods MMXXI 3:48bonus
total time52:00

HD cover

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Blood Rituals (2022)
Blood Rituals 1. The Warlock 13:33Demo '93
2. Les Litanies de Satan 9:21
3. Lord of the Abyss 7:48The Black Arts
4. The Feast of Ghouls 5:31
--- Disk Two ---
1. Evil Prayers 5:49
2. Lycanthropia 1:41
3. De Magia Veterum 10:01Promo Tape '90
4. Faceless Gods 3:50
5. La Mort 4:11
total time1:01:45

HD cover

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Epitaph: The Complete Worx (2022)
Epitaph: The Complete Worx 1. The Utter Darkness lp 29:47
2. The Black Arts lp 20:49
3. Crossing the Fiery Path lp 47:13
4. Scarlet Evil, Witching Black lp 47:01
5. Ancient Pride lp 27:20
6. IV: Malice lp 43:08
7. The Sound of Lucifer Storming Heaven lp 41:48
8. The Serpent Skull lp 42:20
9. To the Depths We Descend... lp 52:00
total time5:51:26

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The Feast Of Ghouls (ep) (2023)
The Feast Of Ghouls (ep) 1. Family Of Dog - 1992
2. Faceless Gods - 2021

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Unholy Relics of the Ancients (2024)
Unholy Relics of the Ancients 1. Magnum Arcanum from ...For the Temple of the Serpent Skull... split 2008
2. People of the Sea
3. Family of Dog (1992) The Feast Of Ghouls ep 2023
4. Faceless Gods (2021)

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> Formed in november 1989 in Greece
> Members are:
Magus Wampyr Daoloth - vocals, bass (since 1989) - also in Thou Art Lord and Yoth Iria, was in Diabolos Rising, Rotting Christ, N.A.O.S., Necromancy, Principality of Hell, Mortify, Danse Macabre, and Wampyre ShadowWolf
Yiannis Votsis - drums (since 2021) - also in Thou Art Lord, Dephosphorus, Embrace of Thorns, End, Mentally Defiled, Nigredo, Profane Prayer, Shadowmass, Vacantfield, and Violent Definition, was in Heavensore, Hordes of Decay, Principality of Hell, Fadom, Plaguendgraves, Saboter, Triumpher, Abyssgale, Disharmony, Dødsferd, Ectoplasma, Mortal Torment, Necrochakal, Ravencult, Stillborn Virtue, Thy Darkened Shade, and Nadiwrath
George Emmanuel - guitars, keyboards (2021) - also in Lucifer's Child, was in Valet Parn and Chaostar
> Previous members:
Makis / Baron Blood - bass, keyboard (since 1989-2019) - was in Terra Tenebrae and Soulskinner
Fotis Benardo - drums (2007-2008) - now in Nightfall, Metal Against Coronavirus, and SixforNine, was in Septic flesh, Blood Covered, Bob Katsionis, Chaostar, Double Square, InnerWish, Nightrage, Dream Devoid, and The Devilworx
Divad - guitar (1990-1997) - was in Blood Covered
Inferno - synth, piano (1993-1997)
Slow Death - backing vocals (1990-1994) - was in Vomit and Homicidal Lust
Yiannis Papagiannis / "The Worshipper of Pan" - sax, percussions, tables (1990-1997)
> Session musicians:
George Panou - drums
Iraklis Yalantzides - synth, piano
John Fiorentis - guitar
> "Necromantia" comes from the greek words necros=dead and mantia=witchcraft
> Makis died of a heart attack in 2019
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Last update: 07/01/24