Thou Art Lord

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The Cult of the Horned One (demo) (1993)
The Cult of the Horned One (demo) 1. The era of satan rising 4:47
2. Praising the impure 4:17
3. In blood we trust 3:58
total time10:02

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Split with Ancient Rites (ep) (1993)
Split with Ancient Rites (ep) 1. From Beyond the Grave II 4:11Ancient Rites
2. In Blood We Trust 3:50Thou Art Lord
total time8:01

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#6 in the EP top 10 from 1993!

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#6 in the EP top 10 from 1993!

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Diabolou Archaes Legeones (ep) (1993)
Diabolou Archaes Legeones (ep) 1. The Era of Satan Rising 4:55
2. Praising the Impure 4:18
total time9:13

3.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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3.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Eosforos (1994)
Eosforos 1. For the lust of lillith 4:20
2. Diseipies of black sorcery 4:01
3. Eosforos rex infernus 4:31
4. Towers of the autumn moon 5:19
5. A call to chaos 3:56
6. Through the eye of the hierophant 5:22
7. Warhammer 3:57
8. The era of satan rising 5:44
total time37:10

Lyrics **********
6.5 / 10 (4 votes)

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6.5 / 10 (4 votes)

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Apollyon (1996)
Apollyon 1. Hate Is Thicker than Love 6:03
2. Prelude to Apocalypse 4:06
3. Wardance of the Empress 5:04
4. He, Whom the Gods Hath Feared 4:45
5. Societas Satanas 4:14
6. Excremental Magic 5:36
7. Moonscar 4:29
8. In Blood We Trust 4:00
total time38:17

Lyrics **********
6.7 / 10 (3 votes)

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6.7 / 10 (3 votes)

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Diabolou Archaes Legeones (2002)
Diabolou Archaes Legeones 1. Eosforos + Apollyon cd 75:21

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DV8 (2003)
DV8 1. A Chaldean Hex 4:09
2. Baphomet's Meteor 3:51
3. Crowning the Winged Skull (Enthroning the Dragon) 4:14
4. Society of the Dilettanti 4:08
5. Desire, Lust and Incubus 4:51
6. Eyes Wide Shut and Lips Wide Open (The Dionysian Connection) 4:13
7. The Shadow Doctrine 4:19
8. Behind the Druid Walls 6:44
9. Those We Guide 4:28
total time40:57

Lyrics **********
6.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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6.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Orgia Daemonicum (2005)
Orgia Daemonicum 1. Possesed / The Legion 3:14
2. Hecate Unveiled 3:08
3. An Apparition of Vengeance 3:48
4. He, the Great Worm 3:38
5. The Gnostic Code 3:56
6. The Royal Invocation of Apophis 3:51
7. Orgia Deamonicum 3:11
8. Necromantic 4:05
9. Satanic Aphorisms 3:04
10. Power from Hell 4:26Onslaught cover
total time36:21

HD cover
8.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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The Regal Pulse Of Lucifer (2013)
The Regal Pulse Of Lucifer 1. Nine Steps to Hell 3:52
2. Politeia Thaimonon 3:56
3. Das Messer 4:17
4. The Regal Pulse of Lucifer 5:30
5. Artificial Malevolence 4:02
6. Justicia Profana 5:52
7. L'Evangelium de Diable 5:05
8. Infernarium 4:05
9. Fire and Blood 4:46
total time41:25

Lyrics **********
7.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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7.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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Eosforos / Apollyon (2013)
Eosforos / Apollyon 1. Eosforos lp 37:10
2. Apollyon lp 38:17
total time76:49

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Split with Ravencult (ep) (2015)
Split with Ravencult (ep) 1. Three Headed Hydra 4:05Thou Art Lord
2. Into Depths 4:51Ravencult
total time8:56

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Nunc Protestas Satanae Vivet (2017)
Nunc Protestas Satanae Vivet 1. The Cult Of The Horned One tape 10:02
2. Eosforos tape 37:10
3. Apollyon tape 38:17
4. DV8 tape 40:57
5. Orgia Daemonicum tape 36:21
6. The Regal Pulse Of Lucifer tape 41:25
total time3:24:12

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The Tunes of Hell (Best Of) (2022)
The Tunes of Hell (Best Of) 1. Chaldean Hex 4:11
2. He, the Great Worm 3:38
3. Hecate Unveiled 3:08
4. Societas Satanas 4:10
5. Hate Is Thicker than Love 6:01
6. Crowning the Winged Skull (Enthroning the Dragon) 4:13
7. Desire, Lust and Incubus 4:55
8. Possesed - The Legion 3:14
9. The Era of Satan Rising 5:45
total time39:15

HD cover
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#9 in the Compilation top 10 from 2022!

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#9 in the Compilation top 10 from 2022!

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Daemoniorum (ep) (2022)
Daemoniorum (ep) 1. Hades 3:27
2. The Black Halo 3:02
3. Fire, Chaos and Doom 2:32bonus
total time6:29digital 9:01

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#3 in the EP top 10 from 2022!

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#3 in the EP top 10 from 2022!

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A Sangre Y Fuego #1
A Sangre Y Fuego #1

Grave Desecration 666 (demo)
Grave Desecration 666 (demo)


Diabolical Netherworld II
Diabolical Netherworld II


Morbid Tunes Of The Black Angels
Morbid Tunes Of The Black Angels

The Way Of Mystery Vol. II
The Way Of Mystery Vol. II


Domines Satanas
Domines Satanas

Into The Catachthonium Vol. 2
Into The Catachthonium Vol. 2


Into The Catahthonium Vol III
Into The Catahthonium Vol III


Hellas - The Black Death Anthology 1989-2006
Hellas - The Black Death Anthology 1989-2006

Hell Awaits CD Sampler Nº 43
Hell Awaits CD Sampler Nº 43


Dark Side Of The Sacred Star
Dark Side Of The Sacred Star

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> From Greece
> Members are:
The Magus - bass, vocals, keyboards (since 1993) - also in Yoth Iria, was in Necromantia, Diabolos Rising / Raism, Rotting Christ, N.A.O.S., Principality of Hell, The Magus, Necromancy, Zemial, Mortify, Danse Macabre, Demented, and Wampyre ShadowWolf
Necromayhem - guitars, vocals (since 1993) - also in Rotting Christ, Sakis Tolis, and Nekron Iahes, was in Desolation, Black Church, and Catacreourgisis
J. Maelstrom - drums (since 2012) - also in Caedes Cruenta, Dephosphorus, Embrace of Thorns, End, Mentally Defiled, Nigredo, Profane Prayer, Shadowmass, Vacantfield, and Violent Definition, was in Necromantia, Heavensore, Hordes of Decay, Principality of Hell, Fadom, Plaguendgraves, Saboter, Triumpher, Abyssgale, Disharmony, Dødsferd, Ectoplasma, Mortal Torment, Necrochakal, Ravencult, Stillborn Virtue, Thy Darkened Shade, and Nadiwrath
> Previous members:
Gothmog - vocals (1993-2015) - was in Mortify, Terra Tenebrae, and Soulskinner
Lethe - drums (2002) - was in Order Of The Ebon Hand, Septic flesh, Mournblade, Chaostar, Depression, and Horrified
Spiros Antoniou - vocals (2002) - now in Septic flesh, was in Chaostar and The Devilworx
El - guitars, keyboards (2012-2015) - now in Diavolos, Soulskinner, and Zaratus, was in Principality of Hell, Vanity, Terra Tenebrae, Nergal, Altar (GRE), and Wampyre ShadowWolf
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Thou Art Lord

Last update: 07/01/24