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Demo (1991)
Demo 1. Lost wisdom 4:59
2. Spell of destruction 5:08
3. Channeling the power of souls into a new god 4:01
total time14:08

7.5 / 10 (55 votes)

9 reviews

7.5 / 10 (55 votes)

9 reviews

Demo (1992)
Demo 1. Lost Wisdom 4:16
2. Depressive Visions of the Cursed Warrior 3:16
3. Lord of the Depths 4:39
4. Spell of Destruction 4:29
5. A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit 7:27
6. Lost Wisdom 4:39
7. Spell of Destruction 4:45
8. Channelling the Power of Souls into a New God 3:46
9. Feeble Screams from Forests Unknown 6:32
10. My Key to the Purgatory 5:16
11. Rite of Cleansure 6:17
12. A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit 9:27
total time64:49

7.3 / 10 (41 votes)

2 reviews

7.3 / 10 (41 votes)

2 reviews

Burzum (1992)
Burzum 1. Feeble screams from forests unknown 7:28
2. Ea, lord of the deeps 4:52
3. Black spell of destruction 5:39
4. Channeling the power of souls into a new god 3:27
5. War 2:30
6. The crying orc 0:58
7. A lost forgotten sad spirit 9:11Only on original
8. My journey to the stars 8:10
9. Dungeons of darkness 4:50
10. Stemmen fra taarnet 6:09bonus
11. Dominus sathanas 3:05bonus
12. A lost forgotten sad spirit 10:52bonus
total time47:07(digipack 58:02)

8.9 / 10 (334 votes)

#8 in User vote top 10 from 1992!

33 reviews

8.9 / 10 (334 votes)

#8 in User vote top 10 from 1992!

33 reviews

Aske (1992)
Aske 1. Stemmen fra taarnet 5:45The Voice From the Tower
2. Dominus sathanas 2:52Master Satan
3. A lost forgotten sad spirit 10:22
total time20:05

8.6 / 10 (151 votes)

6 reviews

8.6 / 10 (151 votes)

6 reviews

Det Som Engang Var (1992)
Det Som Engang Var 1. Den onde kysten 2:20The Evil Coast
2. Key to the gate 5:15
3. En ring til aa herske 7:10One Ring to Rule
4. Lost wisdom 4:39
5. Han som reiste 4:51He Who Wandered
6. Naar himmelen klarner 3:50When the Sky Clears
7. Snu mikrokosmos tegn 9:37Turn the Sign of the Microcosmos
8. Svarte troner 2:17Black thrones
total time40:01

HD cover

8.9 / 10 (260 votes)

25 reviews

8.9 / 10 (260 votes)

25 reviews

Hvis Lyset Tar Oss (1993)
Hvis Lyset Tar Oss 1. Det som en gang var 14:21Was einst war
2. Hvis lyset tar oss 8:05Wenn das licht uns nimmt
3. Inn i slottet fra droemmen 7:52In das schloss der traeume
4. Tomhet 14:12Leere
total time44:30

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9.2 / 10 (420 votes)

#6 in User vote top 10 from 1993!

37 reviews

9.2 / 10 (420 votes)

#6 in User vote top 10 from 1993!

37 reviews

Split with Uruk-Hai (demo) (1994)
Split with Uruk-Hai (demo) 1. Prologue 2:25Uruk-Hai - The Fighting Uruk-Hai
2. Total Destruction 3:35
3. Blood-Red Scimitars 0:48
4. Mace Attack 0:45
5. Gjallarhornit 1:14Burzum - Wotans Verhängnis
6. Odinns Daudr 2:59
7. Hoddmimisholt 5:26
8. Epilogue 4:28
total time21:40

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Filosofem (1996)
Filosofem 1. Dunkelheit 7:05Burzum (Darkness)
2. Jesus' Tod 8:39Jesu dod (The Death of Jesus)
3. Erblicket die Töchter des Firmaments 7:53Beholding the daughters of the firmament
4. Gebrechlichkeit .I. 7:53Decrepitude .I.
5. Rundgang um die transzendentale Säule der Singularität 25:11Rundtgåing av den transcendentale egenhetens støtte (Tour around the transcendential columns of singularity)
6. Gebrechlichkeit .II. 7:53Decrepitude .II.
total time64:34

HD cover

9.2 / 10 (347 votes)

44 reviews

9.2 / 10 (347 votes)

44 reviews

Dunkelheit (video) (1996)
Dunkelheit (video) 1. Dunkelheit 7:16

10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Dauði Baldrs (1997)
Dauði Baldrs 1. Daudi Baldrs 8:45The Death of Baldr
2. Hermodr a Helferd 2:37Hermodr on a Journey to Hel
3. Balferd Baldrs 6:01Baldr's Burning
4. I Heimr Heljar 1:59In Hel's House
5. Illa Tidandi 10:25Ill Tidings
6. Moti Ragnarokum 8:58Towards Ragnarök
total time38:45

7.7 / 10 (170 votes)

19 reviews

7.7 / 10 (170 votes)

19 reviews

1992-1997 (1998)
1992-1997 1. Burzum picture lp 47:07
2. Aske picture lp 20:05
3. Det Som Engang Var picture lp 40:01
4. Hvis Lyset Tar Oss picture lp 44:30
5. Filosofem picture lp 64:34
6. Daudi Baldrs picture lp 38:45
total time4:15:02

8.9 / 10 (12 votes)

1 review

8.9 / 10 (12 votes)

1 review

Hliðskjálf (1999)
Hliðskjálf 1. Tuistos herz 6:11Tuisto's Heart
2. Der tod wuotans 6:42The Death of Wuotan
3. Ansuzgardaraiwo 4:27
4. Die liebe Nerpus' 2:14Nerpus' Love
5. Das einsame trauern von Frijo 6:14The Lonesome Mourning of Frijo
6. Die kraft des mitgefuhls 3:55The Power of Empathy
7. Frijos goldene trane 2:38Frijo's Golden Tears
8. Der weinende hadnur 1:14The Crying Hadnur
total time33:35

HD cover

8.1 / 10 (152 votes)

8 reviews

8.1 / 10 (152 votes)

8 reviews

Anthology (2002)
Anthology 1. Ea, lord of the depths 4:54
2. War 2:32
3. Stemmen fra taarnet 6:10
4. Hvys lyset tar oss 8:06
5. Lost wisdom 4:39
6. Jesus' tod 8:40
7. J heimr heliar 2:03
8. Ansuzgardaraiwo 4:30
9. Et hvitt lys over skogen 9:13
10. Havamal 12:16
total time63:03

HD cover

8.3 / 10 (21 votes)

1 review

8.3 / 10 (21 votes)

1 review

1992-1999 (2010)
1992-1999 1. Burzum / Aske cd 58:02
2. Det Som Engang Var cd 40:01
3. Hvis Lyset Tar Oss cd 44:30
4. Filosofem cd 64:34
5. Dauði Baldrs cd 38:45
6. Hliðskjálf cd 33:35
total time4:39:27

9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Belus (2010)
Belus 1. Leukes Renkespill (Introduksjon) 0:32The Intrigues of Leuke (Introduction)
2. Belus' Død 6:12The Death of Belus
3. Glemselens Elv 11:35The River of Forgetfulness
4. Kaimadalthas' Nedstigning 6:31The Descent of Kaimadalthas
5. Sverddans 2:23Sword dance
6. Keliohesten 5:34The Horse of Kelio
7. Morgenrøde 8:38Dawn
8. Belus' Tilbakekomst (Konklusjon) 9:09The Return of Belus (Conclusion)
total time50:34

7.2 / 10 (13 votes)

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7.2 / 10 (13 votes)

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Fallen (2011)
Fallen 1. Fra Verdenstreet 1:02From The World Tree
2. Jeg Faller 7:49I'm Falling
3. Valen 9:21Fallen
4. Vanvidd 7:06Insanity
5. Enhver til Sitt 6:16To Each Man His Own
6. Budstikken 10:10The Message
7. Til Hel og Tilbake Igjen 5:57To Hell and Back Again
total time47:41

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7.5 / 10 (15 votes)

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7.5 / 10 (15 votes)

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From the Depths of Darkness (2011)
From the Depths of Darkness 1. The Coming (introduction) 0:25
2. Feeble Screams from Forests Unknown 7:48
3. Sassu Wunnu (introduction) 0:45
4. Ea. Lord of the Depths 5:23
5. Spell of Destruction 6:47
6. A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit 11:30
7. My Journey to the Stars 7:51
8. Call of the Siren (introduction) 2:00
9. Key to the Gate 5:14
10. Turn the Sign of the Microcosm (Snu Mikrokosmos' Tegn) 9:50
11. Channeling the Power of Minds Into a New God 4:56
total time62:29

HD cover

5.5 / 10 (6 votes)

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5.5 / 10 (6 votes)

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Umskiptar (2012)
Umskiptar 1. Blóðstokkinn 1:16Soaked in Blood
2. Jóln 5:51Deities
3. Alfadanz 9:22Elven Dance
4. Hit helga Tré 6:51The Sacred Tree
5. Æra 3:58Honour
6. Heiðr 3:02Esteem
7. Valgaldr 8:03Song of the Fallen
8. Galgviðr 7:16Gallow Forest
9. Surtr Sunnan 4:14Black from the South
10. Gullaldr 10:20Golden Age
11. Níðhöggr 5:00Attack from Below
total time65:13

6.7 / 10 (6 votes)

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6.7 / 10 (6 votes)

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Sôl Austan, Mâni Vestan (2013)
Sôl Austan, Mâni Vestan 1. Sôl austan 4:22East of the Sun
2. Rûnar munt þû finna 3:27You shall find Secrets
3. Sôlarrâs 4:03Sun-journey
4. Haugaeldr 7:26Burial Mound Fire
5. Feðrahellir 5:20Forebear-Cave
6. Sôlarguði 7:11Sun-god
7. Ganga at sôlu 5:57Deasil
8. Hîð 6:23Bear's Lair
9. Heljarmyrkr 4:01Death's Darkness
10. Mâni vestan 5:54West of the Moon
11. Sôlbjörg 3:59Sunset
total time58:03

8.7 / 10 (3 votes)

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8.7 / 10 (3 votes)

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Back to the Shadows (digital) (2013)
Back to the Shadows (digital) 1. Back to the Shadows 2:27

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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#10 in User vote top 10 from 2013!

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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#10 in User vote top 10 from 2013!

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The Ways of Yore (2014)
The Ways of Yore 1. God from the Machine 1:40
2. The Portal 2:19
3. Heill Odinn 3:11
4. Lady in the Lake 4:39
5. The Coming of Ettins 4:36
6. The Reckoning of Man 7:16
7. Heil Freyja 1:56
8. The Ways of Yore 6:11
9. Ek Fellr (I Am Falling) 2:54
10. Hall of the Fallen 5:06
11. Autumn Leaves 4:50
12. Emptiness 13:13
13. To Hel and Back Again 10:44
total time68:35

HD cover

8.5 / 10 (2 votes)

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8.5 / 10 (2 votes)

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Thulean Mysteries (digital) (2015)
Thulean Mysteries (digital) 1. Thulean Mysteries 4:15

4.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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4.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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Mythic Dawn (digital) (2015)
Mythic Dawn (digital) 1. Mythic Dawn 5:12

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5.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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5.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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Forgotten Realms (digital) (2015)
Forgotten Realms (digital) 1. Forgotten Realms 7:22

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4.5 / 10 (2 votes)

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4.5 / 10 (2 votes)

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In the Arms of Darkness (2019)
In the Arms of Darkness 1. Demo I tape 13:44
2. Demo II tape 64:49
3. Burzum tape 47:05
4. Aske tape 20:05
5. Det som engang var tape 39:49
6. Hvis lyset tar oss tape 44:28
7. Filosofem tape 64:33
8. Dauði Baldrs tape 39:10
9. Hliðskjálf tape 33:42
10. Belus tape 52:16
11. Fallen tape 47:41
12. From the Depths of Darkness tape 62:29
13. Umskiptar tape 64:26
14. Sôl austan, Mâni vestan tape 58:05
15. The Ways of Yore tape 68:35
total time6:41:27

9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Thulêan Mysteries (2020)
Thulêan Mysteries 1. The Sacred Well 2:56
2. The Loss Of A Hero 0:53
3. ForeBears 4:03
4. A Thulêan Perspective 4:01
5. Gathering Of Herbs 1:13
6. Heill Auk Saell 3:37
7. Jötunnheimr 1:38
8. Spell-Lake Forest 1:06
9. The Ettin Stone Heart 1:15
10. The Great Sleep 1:28
11. The Land Of Thulê 2:13
12. The Lord Of The Dwarves 5:14
13. A Forgotten Realm 7:24
14. Heill Odinn, Sire 1:17
15. The Ruins Of Dwarfmount 1:30
16. The Road To Hel 7:43
17. Thulêan Sorcery 2:10
--- Disk Two ---
1. Descent Into Niflheimr 1:43
2. Skin Traveller 4:35
3. The Dream Land 8:43
4. Thulêan Mysteries 4:22
5. The Password 15:14
6. The Loss Of Thulê 5:02
total time1:29:20

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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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The Reincarnation of Ódinn (digital) (2023)
The Reincarnation of Ódinn (digital) 1. The Reincarnation of Ódinn 2:32

No votes yet...

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The Land of Thulê (2024)
The Land of Thulê 1. The Magic Of The Grave
2. The Hidden Name
3. The Nature Of The Gods
4. The Call Of The Kraken
5. Beyond The Gate

No votes yet...

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Draugen - Rarities (2005)
Draugen - Rarities 1. A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit 9:10
2. Stemmen fra tårnet 6:10
3. Dominus Sathanas 3:05
4. Lost Wisdom 4:53
5. Spell of Destruction 4:59
6. Channeling the Power of Souls Into a New God 4:00
7. Outro 1:57
8. Et hvitt lys over skogen 9:08
9. Once Emperor 6:14
10. Seven Harmonies of the Unknown Truth 3:10
11. My Journey to the Stars 8:11
12. Lost Wisdom 4:38
13. Dunkelheit 7:05
--- DVD disk ---
1. Dunkelheit/Burzum (DVD music video) 7:41
total time1:20:21

8.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Once Emperor (2002)
Once Emperor 1. Once Emperor
2. Black spell of destruction

8.4 / 10 (11 votes)

1 review

8.4 / 10 (11 votes)

1 review

Et Hvitt Lys Over Skogen (1992)
Et Hvitt Lys Over Skogen 1. Et Hvitt Lys Over Skogen (Recorded at Grieghallen in autumn 1992)
2. Lost Wisdom (Recorded at the rehearsal roam 1991)

8.2 / 10 (12 votes)

1 review

8.2 / 10 (12 votes)

1 review

Ragnarok (A New Beginning) (2001)
Ragnarok (A New Beginning) 1. Et Hvitt Lys Over Skogen (previously unreleased) 9:12
2. Lost Wisdom (demo '91/rehearsal) 4:52
3. Spell Of Destruction (demo 91/rehearsal) 4:57
4. Channeling The Power Of Souls Into A New God (demo '91/rehearsal) 3:59
5. Outro (demo 91/rehearsal) 1:58
6. A Lost And Forgotten Sad Spirit (from original Aske recording) 9:21
7. Duet With Mayhem (previously only on original Deathcrush) 1:05
8. Havamal (Sveinbjorn Beinteinsson sings Words of Odin) 12:18
total time47:42

8.4 / 10 (46 votes)

8 reviews

8.4 / 10 (46 votes)

8 reviews

A Blaze In The Northern Sky... No Less!
A Blaze In The Northern Sky... No Less! 1. Track 1
2. Track 2
3. Track 3
4. Track 4
5. Track 5
6. Track 6
7. Seven Harmonies Of Unknown Truth
8. Et Hvitt Lys Over Skogen
9. Lost Wisdom
10. Spell Of Destruction
11. Channeling The Powers Of Souls Into A New God
12. A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit
13. Once Emperor
14. Birdies

9.3 / 10 (7 votes)

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9.3 / 10 (7 votes)

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Burzum 1. Lost Wisdom
2. Spell Of Destruction
3. Channelling The Power Of Souls Into A New God
4. Outro
5. Et Hvitt Lys Over Skogen
6. A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit

9.3 / 10 (7 votes)

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9.3 / 10 (7 votes)

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...Was Einst War
...Was Einst War 1. Lost Wisdom
2. Spell Of Destruction
3. Channelling The Power Of Souls Into A New God
4. Outro
5. Depressive Visions Of The Cursed Warrior
6. Rite Of Cleansure
7. Ea, Lord Of The Depths
8. Once Emperor
9. Seven Harmonies Of The Unknown Truth
10. Et Hvitt Lys Over Skogen
11. A Lost And Forgotten Sad Spirit
12. Duet With Mayhem
13. Håvamål

9.0 / 10 (6 votes)

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9.0 / 10 (6 votes)

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Split with Gorgoroth (1993)
Split with Gorgoroth 1. Lost Wisdom (1991 Demo) Burzum
2. Spell Of Destruction (1991 Demo)
3. Channeling The Power Of Souls Into A New God (1991 Demo)
4. A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit (Unreleased Version)
5. A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit (Regular Aske Version)
6. My Key To Purgatatory (Rough Mix Of 'Key To The Gate')
7. Lost Wisdom (Rough Mix)
8. Gathered At Blakulla & Sexual Bloodgargling (demo) Gorgoroth
9. (Under) The Pagan Megalith (demo)
10. Katharinas Bortgang (Live In Germany)
11. Crushing The Scepter (Regaining A Lost Dominion) (Live In Germany)
12. Ritual & Maaneskyggens Slave (Live In Germany)

8.0 / 10 (18 votes)

2 reviews

8.0 / 10 (18 votes)

2 reviews

Anthology - Lord Of Darkness (2005)
Anthology - Lord Of Darkness 1. Channeling the power of souls into a new god
2. Once emperor
3. Ea. lord of the depths
4. War stemmem fra taarnet
5. Hvis lysset tar oss
6. Lost wisdom, jesus A tod
7. I heimr heliar
8. Anzaggardaraiwo
9. Et evitt lys over skogen
10. Havamal

9.7 / 10 (7 votes)

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9.7 / 10 (7 votes)

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Beneath the ruins of christianity (2004)
Beneath the ruins of christianity 1. Snu Mikrokosmos Tegn Live at Black Metal Marathon, Oslo 1992
2. Svarte Troner
3. A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit
4. Black Metal (Venom cover)
5. Tomhet (Alternative Essay) 23:05
total time44:02

9.5 / 10 (2 votes)

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9.5 / 10 (2 votes)

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Erste Waffen (2004)
Erste Waffen 1. Rehearsal & Live with Old Funeral 17:09
2. Varg & Mayhem Sing-a-Long 1:12
3. Freezing Moon 6:32
4. Pagan Fears 6:34
5. Buried By Time And Dust 3:52
6. Life Eternal 7:19
7. Funeral Fog 6:11
8. Cursed In Eternity 5:34
9. De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas 7:26

7.3 / 10 (4 votes)

1 review

7.3 / 10 (4 votes)

1 review


A Dark Time
A Dark Time
Gummo OST
Gummo OST
Presumed Guilty
Presumed Guilty
Sound Riot Sampler #2
Sound Riot Sampler #2
TV Mix Collection 10 (video)
TV Mix Collection 10 (video)

Fear Candy 101
Fear Candy 101

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> Formed in 1987 in Norway
> One-man band by Varg Vikernes / Count Grishnackh - was in Mayhem, Old Funeral and Satanel
> Session musicians:
Samoth - bass on "Aske" - now in Zyklon, was in Emperor, Arcturus, Thou Shalt Suffer and Zyklon-B
AiwarikiaR - drums (1987-1990) - was in Ulver and Valhall
> "Burzum" means "Darkness" in the Orc-language J.R.R.Tolkien invented
> Bandname was originally "Uruk-Hai", changed to "Burzum" in 1991
> Currently in prison for the murder of Euronymous (Mayhem) and burning serveral churches, he is to be released in 2005
> Vikernes tried to escape from prison after a short release to visit his homeplace. He stole a car from a family who later testified that Varg had threatened them with a weapon. Vikernes was caught in Oslo at about 1 a.m. Monday (27.10.2003), but the police found no sign of weapon in the car.
> Real name is Kristian Vikernes (11.01.73), has one daughter, who lives with her mother
> Has written the books Vargsmål I & II and Ìrminsul
> The Original Aske version was limited to 1000 copies, but 600 of them were burned, so only 400 are around today.
> Aske front picture is one of Vikernes' burned churches
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Last update: 06/11/24