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Helheim (demo) (1993)
Helheim (demo) 1. Inn i døden vandrer 1:03
2. My deathlike cries from the grave 5:10
3. My wrath is unleashed... 0:34
4. ...and the pandemonium has inflamed 6:20
5. Through forests deep and cold 1:07
6. A forgotten oath in the arms of satanas 6:13
7. Countess Bathory (Venom cover) 3:34
total time24:01

2 Versions **********
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Niðr ok Norðr liggr Helvegr (demo) (1994)
Niðr ok Norðr liggr Helvegr (demo) 1. Muspilli strid 2:59
2. Blandt ulvenes frender og kråkenes trær 4:05
3. Jotnevandring 2:27
4. Under the norse sky 6:37
5. De kalde marker av slag fortapt 9:40
6. Drømmedans 1:10
7. Gravlagt i eljudne 9:55
8. Gjennom mørke og tåke 12:11
total time49:04

HD cover
3 Versions
7.5 / 10 (4 votes)

#2 in the Demo top 10 from 1994!

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7.5 / 10 (4 votes)

#2 in the Demo top 10 from 1994!

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Jormundgand (1995)
Jormundgand 1. Jormundgand 7:48
2. Vigrids Vård 8:16
3. Nidr ok Nordr liggr Helvegr 4:28
4. Gravlagt I Eljudne 8:47
5. Svart Visdom 9:08
6. Jotnevandring 2:27
7. Nattravnens tokt 5:10
8. Galder 3:16
total time49:20

HD cover
3 Versions
8.5 / 10 (25 votes)

4 reviews

8.5 / 10 (25 votes)

4 reviews

Av Norrøn Ætt (1997)
Av Norrøn Ætt 1. En forgangen tid 2:54
2. Vinterdøden 10:21
3. Fra Ginnunga-gap til evig tid 6:49
4. Mørk, evig vinter 9:24
5. Åpenbaringens natt 7:26
6. De eteriske åndevesenes skumringsdans 8:46
7. Av norrøn ætt 9:36
total time55:16

HD cover
3 Versions
9.1 / 10 (19 votes)

1 review

9.1 / 10 (19 votes)

1 review

Terrorveldet (1999)
Terrorveldet 1. Helheim part I 4:31
2. Jernskogen 4:37
3. Cosmic winter 5:45
total time14:53

Lyrics **********
8.8 / 10 (6 votes)

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8.8 / 10 (6 votes)

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Blod & Ild (2000)
Blod & Ild 1. Blod & ild 4:55
2. Evig 4:06
3. Helheim (part II) 2:13
4. Jernskogen 3:44
5. Åsgårdsreien 4:18
6. Kjenn din fiende 6:14
7. Odins møy 4:29
8. Terrorveldet 6:58
9. Yme 2:44
total time39:41

HD cover
3 Versions
8.3 / 10 (23 votes)

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8.3 / 10 (23 votes)

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Yersinia Pestis (2003)
Yersinia Pestis 1. Helheim 4 1:32
2. Yersinia Pestis 5:37
3. Stones to the burden 4:16
4. Sinners wake 3:43
5. Elde 5:35
6. Warlot 5:34
7. Den glemte lov 4:15
8. God of slander 3:24
9. Iron Icon 9 3:50
10. Hjelmstorm 4:30
total time42:16

HD cover
3 Versions
8.7 / 10 (16 votes)

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8.7 / 10 (16 votes)

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The Journeys and the Experiences of Death (2006)
The Journeys and the Experiences of Death 1. Veneration for the dead 4:47
--- Two Conceptions ---
1. Dead man's eyes 3:41
2. The bewitchment 5:55
3. The 2nd death 5:56
4. Entering the beast 3:01
--- The Journeys ---
1. Helheim 5 3:23
2. Oaken dragons 9:10
--- The Symbols and Sacrifice ---
1. 13 to the perished 5:03
2. The thrall and the master 6:36
total time47:32

HD cover
2 Versions
9.0 / 10 (2 votes)

1 review

9.0 / 10 (2 votes)

1 review

Kaoskult (2008)
Kaoskult 1. Det Norrøne Alter 5:18
2. Northern Forces 4:16
3. Om Smerte Og Liv 7:31
4. Om Tilblivelsen Fra Gapende Tomhet 3:30
5. Helheim 6 2:49
6. Åndevind 6:07
7. Symboler Bakover Og Fremover 3:06
8. Altered Through Ages, Constant In Time 3:24
9. Svart Seid 4:45
10. Krefter Av Orden, Destruksjon Og Kaos 4:21bonus
total time40:46

HD cover
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Åsgards Fall (2010)
Åsgards Fall 1. Åsgards Fall I 9:28
2. Åsgards Fall (mellomspill) 2:09
3. Åsgards Fall II 12:02
4. Helheim VII 1:04
5. Dualitet Og Ulver (musikkvideo-versjon) 4:35
6. Jernskogen (nyinnspilt) 4:13
total time33:31

3 Versions **********
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Heiðindómr Ok Mótgangr (2011)
Heiðindómr Ok Mótgangr 1. Viten og mot (sindighet) 7:37
2. Dualitet og ulver 5:57
3. Viten og mot (stolthet) 6:16
4. Maðr 5:51
5. Viten og mot (årvåkenhet) 6:55
6. Element 6:40
7. Nauðr 4:01
8. Viten og mot (bevissthet) 5:09
9. Helheim 8 4:37
total time53:03

HD cover
2 Versions
10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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raunijaR (2015)
raunijaR 1. Helheim 9 4:30
2. Raunijar 5:28
3. Åsgards fall 3 12:25
4. Åsgards fall 4 8:40
5. Oðr 10:27
total time41:30

HD cover
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landawarijaR (2017)
landawarijaR 1. Ymr 5:59
2. Baklengs mot intet 7:19
3. Rista blóðørn 8:23
4. landawarijaR 9:45
5. Ouroboros 7:20
6. Synir af heiðindómr 7:53
7. Enda-dagr 8:34
total time55:13

HD cover
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Rignir (2019)
Rignir 1. Rignir 7:57(rain)
2. Kaldr 7:54(cold)
3. Hagl 7:09(hail)
4. Snjóva 6:22(snow)
5. Ísuð 7:14(iced)
6. Vindarblástr 4:42(wind blast)
7. Stormviðri 6:43(storm)
8. Vetrarmegin 6:25(winter strength)
total time54:26

HD cover
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Fem Spyd (2020)
Fem Spyd 1. Raunijar tape 41:30
2. Landawarijar tape 55:13
3. Rignir tape 54:26
4. The Journeys And Experiences Of Death tape 47:32
5. Heiðindómr Ok Mótgangr tape 53:03
total time4:11:44

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Henholdsvis (2021)
Henholdsvis 1. Brotne Bein Og Mannefall 4:16Taake
2. Ein Baat I Foss 6:45
3. Orkan (Taake cover) 4:14Helheim
4. Heksesabbat (Emperor cover) 6:50
total time22:05

HD cover
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Woduridar (2021)
Woduridar 1. Vilje av stål 5:21
2. Forrang for fiende 3:38
3. Woduridar 6:26
4. Åndsfilosofen 6:07
5. Ni s solu sot 6:57
6. Litil vis maðr 5:18
7. Tankesmed 5:36
8. Det kommer i bølger 12:09
9. Hazard 5:42bonus Richard Marx cover
total time57:14

HD cover
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Dark Essence Sampler 2007 V.2
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Official homepage

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> From Norway
> Members are:
H'grimnir - guitar, vocals (since 1992)
V'gandr - bass, vocals (since 1992) - was in Aeternus, Cult of Catharsis, Deathcon, Ravengod, and Chaos Predicted
Hrymr - drums and programming (since 1992) - was in Syrach
Reichborn - guitars (since 2008) - was in Syrach
> Previous members:
Nidhogg - guitars (1993-1994)
Thorbjørn - guitars (1999-2008)
Lindheim - Keyboards (1999-2005) - now in Dominanz
> Session musicians:
Mord - drums - plays in The Batallion, was in Cult of Catharsis, Amok, Claymords, Dead to This World, and Deathcon
Morten Egeland - vocals (live)
Hoest - vocals (live) - plays in Taake and Deathcult, was in Ofryskje, Ravengod, Thule, Ragnarok, Slavia, Frost, Mastema, and Vendigeit
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Last update: 08/07/24