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Promo (demo) (2003)
1. The Void 8:34
2. Mors Philosophorum 4:57
total time13:31

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Demo (2004)
1. The Void 8:34
2. Mors Philosophorum 4:59
3. The Dark and the Silence 8:22
4. Vir Sapiens Dominabitur Astris 8:54
5. Scorn of the Enlightened 7:56
6. Oblivion's Descent 3:52
7. Womb of Nyx (Rough Mix Sample) 5:54
8. The Womb of Nyx 8:54
9. The Nascent Gates of Twilight and Dawn 7:12
10. The Fest of the Manes 7:42
total time72:19

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Rex Ex Ordine Throni (2005)
Rex Ex Ordine Throni 1. The Void 8:34Nightbringer
2. Mors Philosophorum 4:59
3. The Dark and the Silence 8:22
4. Vir Sapiens Dominabitur Astris 8:53
5. Temple of Not 13:08Temple of Not
6. The Sunken Houses of Sleep 14:28
total time58:24

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Split with Serpentinam (2006)
Split with Serpentinam 1. Womb of Nyx 7:09Nightbringer
2. Feast of the Manes 6:55
3. Mercury in Eclipse 5:43Serpentinam
4. Heralds of Burial 5:02
total time24:49

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Death And The Black Work (2008)
Death And The Black Work 1. Caput Draconis - Black Saturn 7:59
2. Womb of Nyx 7:27
3. Feast of the Manes 7:00
4. Of Silence and Exsanguination 10:01
5. The River Lethe 7:12
6. Beneath the Sands of Dudael 14:05
7. Caudua Draconis - Azra Lumial 10:45
8. The Somnambulist 7:19bonus
9. The Nascent Gates Of Twilight And Dawn 7:09bonus
total time64:292CD 1:18:56

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Apocalypse Sun (2010)
Apocalypse Sun 1. I Am I 6:17
2. Supplication Before the Throne of Tehom 7:04
3. Serpent of the Midnight Sun 8:56
4. Upturning the Seventh Chalice 7:01
5. Excitium - Litany of the Devouring Earth 5:09
6. Goblet of Sulfur and Poison 5:51
7. The Coils of Sevekh 4:15
8. Nephal - the Seat of Pan-Daimonium 6:26
9. The Utterance of Kasab'el 4:39
10. Fount of the Nighted God-head 10:26
total time66:06

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Emanation (2010)
Emanation 1. Oblivion's Descent 3:52from Demo 2004
2. Scorn of the Enlightened 8:00
3. Womb of Nyx 7:09from Split with Serpentinam
4. Feast of Manes 6:55
5. Throat of Ouroboros 10:20unreleased, from Death And The Black Work session
6. The Nascent Gates of Twilight and Dawn 7:12
total time43:28

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Hierophany of the Open Grave (2011)
Hierophany of the Open Grave 1. Rite of the Slaying Tongue 7:06
2. Eater of the Black Lead 7:55
3. Psychagogoi 7:10
4. Lucifer Trismegistus 5:08
5. The Gnosis of Inhumation 6:09
6. The Angel of Smokeless Fire 7:10
7. Dreaming Above the Sepulcher 5:08
8. Via Tortuosa 6:26
9. Old Night 7:55
total time60:07

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The Ruins of Edom (2012)
The Ruins of Edom 1. Ingress (The Gates Of Edom) 2:15Nightbringer
2. Mare 4:43
3. The Grave-Earth's Son 5:05
4. Egress (Rebirth From The Ruins) 4:16
5. Layil 8:49Acherontas
6. Reverence For The Scarlet Goddess 5:32
total time30:40

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Circumambulations of the Solar Inferno (2013)
Circumambulations of the Solar Inferno 1. Watchtower Of The West: Gate Of The Mighty Dead 7:53Nightbringer
2. Watchtower Of The North: Ascension Of The Midnight Sun 5:46
3. Watchtower Of The East: Horus Sunflesh 5:29Dødsengel
4. Watchtower Of The South: Drunk Upon Inmost Fire 12:37
total time31:45

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Ego Dominus Tuus (2014)
Ego Dominus Tuus 1. Prayer of Nephal 2:00
2. Et Nox Illumination mea in Deliciis Meis 9:00
3. Lantern of Eden's Night 9:29
4. Things Which Are Naught 5:36
5. I Am the Gateway 7:32
6. Call of the Exile 4:25
7. Where Fire Never Dreamt of Man 6:40
8. The Witchfires of Tubal Qayin 7:43
9. Salvation Is the Son of Leviathan 6:07
10. The Otherness of Being 12:43
total time71:15

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Terra Damnata (2017)
Terra Damnata 1. As Wolves Amongst Ruins 5:36
2. Misrule 6:18
3. Midnight's Crown 6:10
4. Of the Key and Crossed Bones 6:46
5. Let Silence Be His Sacred Name 8:22
6. Inheritor of a Dying World 6:38
7. The Lamp of Inverse Light 6:10
8. Serpent Sun 6:15
total time52:15

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Death and the Black Work + Rex Ex Ordine Throni (2023)
Death and the Black Work + Rex Ex Ordine Throni 1. Death and the Black Work 2lp 1:18:56
2. Rex Ex Ordine Throni lp 58:24
total time2:18:39

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Horde of Darkenwood
Horde of Darkenwood
On The Powers Of The Sphinx
On The Powers Of The Sphinx
Split CD
Split CD
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> From the USA
> Members are:
Naas Alcameth - vocals, guitars, bass (since 1999) - also in Akhlys, Bestia Arcana, and Excommunion, was in Rhune, Serpentinam, and Temple of Not
Ophis - guitars, vocals (since 2000) - also in Temple of Not
VJS - guitars, drums (since 2009) - also in Crimson Moon, Adaestuo and Sargeist, was in Goreaphobia, Incursus, Tenebrous, Demoncy, Kult ov Azazel, and Hexenwald
ar-Ra'd al-Iblis - vocals (since 2010) - was in Acrimonious, Matricide, Morbid Insulter, CON, and Descending
Menthor - drums (since 2012) - also in Enthroned, Bestia Arcana, Epping Forest, Lvcifyre, and Necrosadist, was in Corpus Christii, Velório, and Morbius
Norgaath - bass, vocals (since 2015) - also in Enthroned, Coldborn, Grimfaug, and Striid, was in Ayperos, Gotmoor, Hellewacht, Paragon Impure, and Wapenspraak & Drinkgelag
> Previous members:
Nox Corvus - guitars, drums (1999-2012) - now in Serpent of the Black Forest, was in Bestia Arcana, Excommunion, and Serpentinam
K. - bass (2011-2012) - now in Bestia Arcana
Marutgana - bass (?-2011)
Alabas - guitars (?-2011) - was in Serpentinam
> Session musicians:
ZarZax - guitars (since 2015) - plays in Enthroned, was in The Reckoning, Infernal Legion, and Natrach
Shatraug - guitars (since 2016) - plays in Horna, Black Stench, Doedsvangr, Finnentum, Gandr, Hoath, Mortualia, My Torments, Necroslut, Sargeist, Sinisterite, Striges, Uhraus, Vordr, and Vritra, was in Behexen, Foudre Noire, Mirkhall, Skullcrusher, Tyrannium, Morbid Savouring, Battle, Blutschrei, Eternum, Ravening, Luotteet, Occult Suffering, Reprobatus, Rutger-H, Seer of Curses, and Vearmraev
Kevin Elrod - drums (2007-2014) - plays in Birth A.D. and Teratism, was in Dismemberment, Execration, Serpentian, Villisca, Habitual Defilement, Hod, and Expurgate
Christbutcher - guitars, bass (2004-2012) - plays in Excommunion, was in Dethroned, Maveth, and Cryptborn
Akhkhar - bass (2012) - was in Acherontas and Cross Denied
C. Docre - drums (2012) - was in Acherontas and Acrimonious
Cain Letifer - guitars (2012) - plays in Acrimonious and Serpent Noir, was in Acherontas
Acherontas - guitars (2012) - plays in Acherontas, was in Nocternity, Acrimonious, Nihasa, Seventh Xul, Stutthof, Worship, Shibalba, and Virus of Koch
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Last update: 04/03/24