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En Oria (2000)
En Oria 1. Night Omen 1:40
2. To The Shrine 4:56
3. The Drowning 7:30
4. Queen Of The Deep 5:22
5. En Oria 6:22
6. Enter The Rift Of Chaos 6:33
7. Final Redemption 6:59
8. Aura 2:28
total time41:51

HD cover
3 Versions
9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Crucify Him (2002)
Crucify Him 1. Stella tenebrarum 2:28
2. Crucify him 6:36
3. Lunar innuendo 5:54
4. Perdo corporem 7:38
total time22:36

5 Versions
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Split with Kawir (ep) (2003)
Split with Kawir (ep) 1. A Fallen Unicorn 6:53Nocternity
2. Keres 5:01Kawir
total time11:54

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#1 in the EP top 10 from 2003!

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#1 in the EP top 10 from 2003!

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Onyx (2003)
Onyx 1. The song of hammers 5:47
2. Onyx 6:04
3. Secreta ayra (the key) 9:27
4. Valyrian steel (blood of the dragon) 7:26
5. The red dawn 7:05
6. Schwarze nacht 1:52
total time37:41

HD cover
9 Versions
9.0 / 10 (5 votes)

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9.0 / 10 (5 votes)

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En Oria / Crucify Him (2004)
En Oria / Crucify Him 1. En Oria + Crucify Him cd 70:29

HD cover
3 Versions
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Split with Akitsa (ep) (2004)
Split with Akitsa (ep) 1. Worship The End 4:01Nocternity - Cold Wings Of Noctisis
2. Cold Wings Of Noctisis 1:49
3. Sous Le Signe Du Destin 1:05Akitsa
4. L'Homme De Fer 5:37
total time12:32

10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#5 in the EP top 10 from 2004!

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10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#5 in the EP top 10 from 2004!

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A Fallen Unicorn (2004)
A Fallen Unicorn 1. Klagelied des Windes 1:49
2. A Fallen Unicorn 6:31
3. The Emerald Serpent Prince 6:34
4. To Grey Olden Shores 5:07
5. Pagan Poetry (Björk cover) 6:06
6. A Fallen Unicorn 7:08cd bonus
7. Worship The End 4:07cd bonus
8. Cold Wings Of Noctisis 1:58cd bonus
9. Rehearsal MMIV 6:20lp bonus
total time39:21

Lyrics **********
10.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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10.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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A Celtic / Hellenic Alliance (ep) (2005)
A Celtic / Hellenic Alliance (ep) 1. Dead Forever 6:26Morrigan
2. The Iron Age 5:30Nocternity
total time11:56

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#3 in the EP top 10 from 2005!

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#3 in the EP top 10 from 2005!

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Split with Nåstrond (ep) (2005)
Split with Nåstrond (ep) 1. Vargtid 5:06Nåstrond
2. Times Of Mist 5:29Nocternity
3. The Call of Sephyra 2:34
total time13:16

HD cover
7.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#6 in the EP top 10 from 2005!

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7.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#6 in the EP top 10 from 2005!

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Harps of the Ancient Temples (ep) (2007)
Harps of the Ancient Temples (ep) 1. Harps of the ancient temples 7:34
2. Crystal Tears - End Titles 3:50Vangelis cover
total time11:24

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#2 in the EP top 10 from 2007!

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#2 in the EP top 10 from 2007!

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Nocternity (ep) (2012)
Nocternity (ep) 1. Titans 6:52
2. River of Woe 7:10
total time14:05

HD cover
7.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#5 in the EP top 10 from the twentytens!

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7.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#5 in the EP top 10 from the twentytens!

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Harps of the Ancient Temples (2015)
Harps of the Ancient Temples 1. The Black Gates 4:23
2. Harps of the Ancient Temples 7:56
3. Titans 6:41
4. River of Woe 5:56
5. B.O.D.D. 4:24
6. Blood Rite Tree 7:11
7. Opaline Eye of Death 5:01
8. Andromeda 5:58
9. Untitled 2:31not on rerelease
10. Fullmoon 6:13bonus
total time49:48

HD cover
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EPs 1998 - 2010 (2021)
EPs 1998 - 2010 1. Harps of the Ancient Temples 7:37from Harps of the Ancient Temples ep
2. Titans 6:54Nocternity ep
3. River of Woe 7:10
4. A Fallen Unicorn 7:09from Split with Kawir ep
5. The Iron Age 5:34from A Celtic / Hellenic Alliance ep
6. Times of Mist 5:31from Split with Nåstrond ep
7. Call of Sephyra 2:33
8. Worship the End 4:02from Split with Akitsa ep
9. Cold Wings of Noctisis 1:59
10. Crystal Tears (Vangelis cover) 3:50from Harps of the Ancient Temples ep
11. Hidden track bonus
total time52:19

HD cover
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#4 in the Compilation top 10 from 2021!

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#4 in the Compilation top 10 from 2021!

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Harps MMX (demo) (2024)
Harps MMX (demo) 1. Chapter I - Prologue 1:23Instrumental demo for Harps of the Ancient Temples 2010
2. Chapter II 4:13
3. Chapter III (H.O.T.A.T) 7:55
4. Chapter IV 6:15
5. Chapter V 7:23
6. Chapter VI 6:25
7. Chapter VII 4:19
8. Chapter VIII 4:28
9. Chapter IX 5:51
10. Chapter X - End Titles 3:48Vangelis cover
total time52:00

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Hellas - The Black Death Anthology 1989-2006
Hellas - The Black Death Anthology 1989-2006
ISO666 Releases - 33 Months Label Sampler
ISO666 Releases - 33 Months Label Sampler
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> From Greece
> Members are:
Daemon - vocals - also in Limbonic Art and Sarcoma Inc., was in Zyklon and Infinite Decay
Khal Drogo - guitars (since 1997) - was in Vorphalack
Whyrhd - vocals, bass (since 2006) - also in White Abbey, was in Lunar Aurora
N. S. - drums (since 2015) - was in Deviser, Kawir, Naissant, Sickness, Sadistic Noise, and Throes of Agony
> Previous members:
Archon Vorskaath - drums - now in Agatus and Zemial, was in Crimson Moon, Varathron, Nocturnal Death, Alpha Centauri, The Watcher, and Equimanthorn
Ravn Harjar Raumr - guitars - now in Strid, was in Raumr
Acherontass - vocals - now in Acherontas and Wampyrinacht, was in Acrimonious, Nihasa, Seventh Xul, Stutthof, Worship, Shibalba, and Virus of Koch
Merkaal - bass, vocals - now in Order Of The Ebon Hand and Mournblade, was in Primeval Mass
Queen of Hades - keyboards - now in Folkearth, Hildr Valkyrie, Beyond the Forests, Ego Drama, and Morgan the Bard, was in Folkodia, Voluspaa, Lloth, and Worship
Corax S. - drums (2000-2001) - now in Thyrathen, was in Astar, Jackal's Truth, and Mind Slavery
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Last update: 09/03/24